
trait SslRequirement extends Handler with ServletApiImplicits

Redirects unsecured requests to the corresponding secure URL.

trait Handler
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def handle(req: HttpServletRequest, res: HttpServletResponse): Unit

Handles a request and writes to the response.

Handles a request and writes to the response.

protected def securePortMap: PartialFunction[Int, Int]

Maps unsecured ports to secure ports. By default, 80 redirects to 443, and 8080 to 8443.

Maps unsecured ports to secure ports. By default, 80 redirects to 443, and 8080 to 8443.


Inherited implicits

implicit def enrichRequest(request: HttpServletRequest): RichRequest
Inherited from:
implicit def enrichResponse(response: HttpServletResponse): RichResponse
Inherited from:
implicit def enrichServletContext(servletContext: ServletContext): RichServletContext
Inherited from:
implicit def enrichSession(session: HttpSession): RichSession
Inherited from: