
trait IsomorphismBitraverse[F[_, _], G[_, _]] extends Bitraverse[F] with IsomorphismBifunctor[F, G] with IsomorphismBifoldable[F, G]
trait Bitraverse[F]
trait Bifoldable[F]
trait Bifunctor[F]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members

Inherited classlikes

Inherited from
class Bitraversal[G[_]](implicit G: Applicative[G])
Inherited from

Value members

Concrete methods

def bitraverseImpl[H[_] : Applicative, A, B, C, D](fab: F[A, B])(f: A => H[C], g: B => H[D]): H[F[C, D]]

Inherited methods

def bifoldL[A, B, C](fa: F[A, B], z: C)(f: C => A => C)(g: C => B => C): C

Curried version of bifoldLeft

Curried version of bifoldLeft

Inherited from
def bifoldLShape[A, B, C](fa: F[A, B], z: C)(f: (C, A) => C)(g: (C, B) => C): (C, F[Unit, Unit])
Inherited from
final override
def bifoldLeft[A, B, C](fa: F[A, B], z: C)(f: (C, A) => C)(g: (C, B) => C): C
Definition Classes
Inherited from
final override
def bifoldMap[A, B, M : Monoid](fab: F[A, B])(f: A => M)(g: B => M): M
Definition Classes
Inherited from
def bifoldMap1[A, B, M](fa: F[A, B])(f: A => M)(g: B => M)(implicit F: Semigroup[M]): Option[M]
Inherited from
def bifoldR[A, B, C](fa: F[A, B], z: => C)(f: A => (=> C) => C)(g: B => (=> C) => C): C

Curried version of bifoldRight

Curried version of bifoldRight

Inherited from
final override
def bifoldRight[A, B, C](fab: F[A, B], z: => C)(f: (A, => C) => C)(g: (B, => C) => C): C
Definition Classes
Inherited from
def bimap[A, B, C, D](fab: F[A, B])(f: A => C, g: B => D): F[C, D]
Definition Classes
Inherited from
def bisequence[G[_] : Applicative, A, B](x: F[G[A], G[B]]): G[F[A, B]]
Inherited from
Inherited from
def bitraversalS[S]: Bitraversal[[_] =>> State[S, _$14]]
Inherited from
def bitraverse[G[_] : Applicative, A, B, C, D](fa: F[A, B])(f: A => G[C])(g: B => G[D]): G[F[C, D]]
Inherited from
def bitraverseF[G[_] : Applicative, A, B, C, D](f: A => G[C], g: B => G[D]): F[A, B] => G[F[C, D]]

Flipped bitraverse.

Flipped bitraverse.

Inherited from
def bitraverseKTrampoline[S, G[_] : Applicative, A, B, C, D](fa: F[A, B])(f: A => Kleisli[G, S, C])(g: B => Kleisli[G, S, D]): Kleisli[G, S, F[C, D]]

Bitraverse fa with a Kleisli[G, S, C] and Kleisli[G, S, D], internally using a Trampoline to avoid stack overflow.

Bitraverse fa with a Kleisli[G, S, C] and Kleisli[G, S, D], internally using a Trampoline to avoid stack overflow.

Inherited from
def bitraverseS[S, A, B, C, D](fa: F[A, B])(f: A => State[S, C])(g: B => State[S, D]): State[S, F[C, D]]
Inherited from
def compose[G[_, _]](implicit G0: Bifoldable[G]): Bifoldable[[α, β] =>> F[G[α, β], G[α, β]]]

The composition of Bifoldables F and G, [x,y]F[G[x,y],G[x,y]], is a Bifoldable

The composition of Bifoldables F and G, [x,y]F[G[x,y],G[x,y]], is a Bifoldable

Inherited from
def compose[G[_, _]](implicit G0: Bifunctor[G]): Bifunctor[[α, β] =>> F[G[α, β], G[α, β]]]

The composition of Bifunctors F and G, [x,y]F[G[x,y],G[x,y]], is a Bifunctor

The composition of Bifunctors F and G, [x,y]F[G[x,y],G[x,y]], is a Bifunctor

Inherited from
def compose[G[_, _]](implicit G0: Bitraverse[G]): Bitraverse[[α, β] =>> F[G[α, β], G[α, β]]]

The composition of Bitraverses F and G, [x,y]F[G[x,y],G[x,y]], is a Bitraverse

The composition of Bitraverses F and G, [x,y]F[G[x,y],G[x,y]], is a Bitraverse

Inherited from
def embed[G[_], H[_]](implicit G0: Foldable[G], H0: Foldable[H]): Bifoldable[[α, β] =>> F[G[α], H[β]]]

Embed one Foldable at each side of this Bifoldable

Embed one Foldable at each side of this Bifoldable

Inherited from
def embed[G[_], H[_]](implicit G0: Functor[G], H0: Functor[H]): Bifunctor[[α, β] =>> F[G[α], H[β]]]

Embed two Functors , one on each side

Embed two Functors , one on each side

Inherited from
def embed[G[_], H[_]](implicit G0: Traverse[G], H0: Traverse[H]): Bitraverse[[α, β] =>> F[G[α], H[β]]]

Embed a Traverse on each side of this Bitraverse .

Embed a Traverse on each side of this Bitraverse .

Inherited from
def embedLeft[G[_]](implicit G0: Foldable[G]): Bifoldable[[α, β] =>> F[G[α], β]]

Embed one Foldable to the left of this Bifoldable .

Embed one Foldable to the left of this Bifoldable .

Inherited from
def embedLeft[G[_]](implicit G0: Functor[G]): Bifunctor[[α, β] =>> F[G[α], β]]

Embed one Functor to the left

Embed one Functor to the left

Inherited from
def embedLeft[G[_]](implicit G0: Traverse[G]): Bitraverse[[α, β] =>> F[G[α], β]]

Embed a Traverse on the left side of this Bitraverse .

Embed a Traverse on the left side of this Bitraverse .

Inherited from
def embedRight[H[_]](implicit H0: Foldable[H]): Bifoldable[[α, β] =>> F[α, H[β]]]

Embed one Foldable to the right of this Bifoldable .

Embed one Foldable to the right of this Bifoldable .

Inherited from
def embedRight[H[_]](implicit H0: Functor[H]): Bifunctor[[α, β] =>> F[α, H[β]]]

Embed one Functor to the right

Embed one Functor to the right

Inherited from
def embedRight[H[_]](implicit H0: Traverse[H]): Bitraverse[[α, β] =>> F[α, H[β]]]

Embed a Traverse on the right side of this Bitraverse .

Embed a Traverse on the right side of this Bitraverse .

Inherited from
def iso: IsoBifunctor[F, G]
Inherited from

Extract the Foldable on the first parameter.

Extract the Foldable on the first parameter.

Inherited from
def leftFunctor[X]: Functor[F]

Extract the Functor on the first param.

Extract the Functor on the first param.

Inherited from
def leftMap[A, B, C](fab: F[A, B])(f: A => C): F[C, B]
Inherited from

Extract the Traverse on the first param.

Extract the Traverse on the first param.

Inherited from
def product[G[_, _]](implicit G0: Bifoldable[G]): Bifoldable[[α, β] =>> (F[α, β], G[α, β])]

The product of Bifoldables F and G, [x,y](F[x,y], G[x,y]), is a Bifoldable

The product of Bifoldables F and G, [x,y](F[x,y], G[x,y]), is a Bifoldable

Inherited from
def product[G[_, _]](implicit G0: Bifunctor[G]): Bifunctor[[α, β] =>> (F[α, β], G[α, β])]

The product of Bifunctors F and G, [x,y](F[x,y], G[x,y]), is a Bifunctor

The product of Bifunctors F and G, [x,y](F[x,y], G[x,y]), is a Bifunctor

Inherited from
def product[G[_, _]](implicit G0: Bitraverse[G]): Bitraverse[[α, β] =>> (F[α, β], G[α, β])]

The product of Bitraverses F and G, [x,y](F[x,y], G[x,y]), is a Bitraverse

The product of Bitraverses F and G, [x,y](F[x,y], G[x,y]), is a Bitraverse

Inherited from
def rightFoldable[X]: Foldable[[_] =>> F[X, _$8]]

Extract the Foldable on the second parameter.

Extract the Foldable on the second parameter.

Inherited from
def rightFunctor[X]: Functor[[_] =>> F[X, _$8]]

Extract the Functor on the second param.

Extract the Functor on the second param.

Inherited from
def rightMap[A, B, D](fab: F[A, B])(g: B => D): F[A, D]
Inherited from
def rightTraverse[X]: Traverse[[_] =>> F[X, _$11]]

Extract the Traverse on the second param.

Extract the Traverse on the second param.

Inherited from
def runBitraverseS[S, A, B, C, D](fa: F[A, B], s: S)(f: A => State[S, C])(g: B => State[S, D]): (S, F[C, D])
Inherited from
def traverseSTrampoline[S, G[_] : Applicative, A, B, C, D](fa: F[A, B])(f: A => State[S, G[C]])(g: B => State[S, G[D]]): State[S, G[F[C, D]]]

Bitraverse fa with a State[S, G[C]] and State[S, G[D]], internally using a Trampoline to avoid stack overflow.

Bitraverse fa with a State[S, G[C]] and State[S, G[D]], internally using a Trampoline to avoid stack overflow.

Inherited from

Unify the foldable over both params.

Unify the foldable over both params.

Inherited from

Unify the functor over both params.

Unify the functor over both params.

Inherited from

Unify the traverse over both params.

Unify the traverse over both params.

Inherited from
def umap[A, B](faa: F[A, A])(f: A => B): F[B, B]
Inherited from
def widen[A, B, C >: A, D >: B](fab: F[A, B]): F[C, D]

Bifunctors are covariant by nature

Bifunctors are covariant by nature

Inherited from

Inherited fields



def G: Bitraverse[G]