
sealed class StreamT[M[_], A] extends AnyRef

StreamT monad transformer.

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. StreamT
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Instance Constructors

  1. new StreamT(step: M[Step[A, StreamT[M, A]]])

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##: Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. def ++(bs: => StreamT[M, A])(implicit m: Functor[M]): StreamT[M, A]
  4. def ::(a: A)(implicit M: Applicative[M]): StreamT[M, A]
  5. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  6. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  7. def asLazyList(implicit ev: ===[M[Step[A, StreamT[M, A]]], Id.Id[Step[A, StreamT[Id.Id, A]]]]): LazyList[A]

    Converts this StreamT to a lazy LazyList, i.e.

    Converts this StreamT to a lazy LazyList, i.e. without forcing evaluation of all elements. Note, however, that at least one element of this stream will be evaluated, and depending on the structure of this stream, up to two elements might be evaluated.

  8. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException]) @native()
  9. def collect[B](pf: PartialFunction[A, B])(implicit M: Functor[M]): StreamT[M, B]
  10. def distinctUntilChanged(implicit M: Functor[M], A: Equal[A]): StreamT[M, A]

    Returns a new StreamT only containing items that are different from their previous items.

    Returns a new StreamT only containing items that are different from their previous items.

  11. def distinctUntilChanged(latest: A)(implicit M: Functor[M], A: Equal[A]): StreamT[M, A]

    Returns a new StreamT only containing items that are different from their previous items.

  12. def drop(n: Int)(implicit M: Functor[M]): StreamT[M, A]
  13. def dropWhile(p: (A) => Boolean)(implicit m: Functor[M]): StreamT[M, A]
  14. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  15. def equals(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  16. def filter(p: (A) => Boolean)(implicit m: Functor[M]): StreamT[M, A]
  17. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  18. def flatMap[B](f: (A) => StreamT[M, B])(implicit m: Functor[M]): StreamT[M, B]
  19. def flatMapLatest[B](f: (A) => StreamT[M, B])(implicit M: Nondeterminism[M]): StreamT[M, B]

    The flatMapLatest operator behaves much like the mergeMap except that whenever a new item is emitted by the source StreamT, it will not subscribe to and stop mirroring the StreamT that was generated from the previously-emitted item, and begin only mirroring the current one.

    The flatMapLatest operator behaves much like the mergeMap except that whenever a new item is emitted by the source StreamT, it will not subscribe to and stop mirroring the StreamT that was generated from the previously-emitted item, and begin only mirroring the current one.

  20. def foldLeft[B](z: B)(f: (B, A) => B)(implicit M: Monad[M]): M[B]
  21. def foldLeftRec[B](z: B)(f: (B, A) => B)(implicit M: BindRec[M]): M[B]
  22. def foldMap[B](f: (A) => B)(implicit M: Foldable[M], B: Monoid[B]): B
  23. def foldRight[B](z: => B)(f: (=> A, => B) => B)(implicit M: Monad[M]): M[B]
  24. def foldRightM[B](z: => M[B])(f: (=> A, => M[B]) => M[B])(implicit M: Monad[M]): M[B]

    foldRight with potential to terminate early, e.g.

    foldRight with potential to terminate early, e.g. on an infinite stream.

  25. def foldRightRec[B](z: => B)(f: (=> A, => B) => B)(implicit M: BindRec[M]): M[B]
  26. def foreach(f: (A) => M[Unit])(implicit M: Monad[M]): M[Unit]
  27. def foreachRec(f: (A) => M[Unit])(implicit M: Monad[M], B: BindRec[M]): M[Unit]
  28. final def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyRef]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  29. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  30. def head(implicit M: Monad[M]): M[A]
  31. def headOption(implicit M: Monad[M]): M[Option[A]]
  32. def headOptionRec(implicit M: BindRec[M]): M[Option[A]]
  33. def headRec(implicit M: BindRec[M]): M[A]
  34. def isEmpty(implicit M: Monad[M]): M[Boolean]
  35. def isEmptyRec(implicit M: BindRec[M]): M[Boolean]
  36. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  37. def length(implicit m: Monad[M]): M[Int]
  38. def lengthRec(implicit M: BindRec[M]): M[Int]
  39. def map[B](f: (A) => B)(implicit m: Functor[M]): StreamT[M, B]
  40. def mapM[B](f: (A) => M[B])(implicit M: Monad[M]): StreamT[M, B]



  41. def mergeMap[B](f: (A) => StreamT[M, B])(implicit M: Nondeterminism[M]): StreamT[M, B]
  42. def mergeWith(f2: => StreamT[M, A])(implicit M: Nondeterminism[M]): StreamT[M, A]
  43. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  44. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  45. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  46. def scan[B >: A](op: (B, B) => B)(implicit M: Functor[M]): StreamT[M, B]

    Computes a prefix scan of the elements of the collection.

    Computes a prefix scan of the elements of the collection.

    Note: The neutral element B may be applied more than once.


    element type of the resulting collection


    the associative operator for the scan


    a new StreamT containing the prefix scan of the elements in this $coll

  47. def scanLeft[B](head: B)(op: (B, A) => B)(implicit M: Applicative[M]): StreamT[M, B]

    Produces a StreamT containing cumulative results of applying the operator going left to right, including the initial value.

    Produces a StreamT containing cumulative results of applying the operator going left to right, including the initial value.


    the type of the elements in the resulting collection


    the initial value


    the binary operator applied to the intermediate result and the element


    collection with intermediate results

  48. val step: M[Step[A, StreamT[M, A]]]
  49. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: => T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  50. def tailM(implicit M: Monad[M]): M[StreamT[M, A]]
  51. def tailMRec(implicit M: BindRec[M]): M[StreamT[M, A]]
  52. def tailOption(implicit M: Monad[M]): M[Option[StreamT[M, A]]]
  53. def tailOptionRec(implicit M: BindRec[M]): M[Option[StreamT[M, A]]]
  54. def take(n: Int)(implicit M: Functor[M]): StreamT[M, A]
  55. def takeWhile(p: (A) => Boolean)(implicit m: Functor[M]): StreamT[M, A]
  56. def toLazyList(implicit M: Monad[M]): M[LazyList[A]]

    **Warning:** Requires evaluation of the whole stream.

    **Warning:** Requires evaluation of the whole stream. Depending on the monad M, the evaluation will happen either immediately, or will be deferred until the resulting LazyList is extracted from the returned M.

  57. def toLazyListRec(implicit M: BindRec[M]): M[LazyList[A]]

    **Warning:** Requires evaluation of the whole stream.

    **Warning:** Requires evaluation of the whole stream. Depending on the monad M, the evaluation will happen either immediately, or will be deferred until the resulting LazyList is extracted from the returned M.

  58. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  59. def trans[N[_]](t: ~>[M, N])(implicit M: Functor[M]): StreamT[N, A]
  60. def uncons(implicit M: Monad[M]): M[Option[(A, StreamT[M, A])]]
  61. def unconsRec(implicit M: BindRec[M]): M[Option[(A, StreamT[M, A])]]
  62. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  63. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
  64. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException]) @native()

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
