
sealed abstract class DynamoObject extends Product with Serializable

A DynamoObject is a map of strings to values that can be embedded into an AttributeValue.

trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

final def +(x: (String, DynamoValue)): DynamoObject

Operator alias for add

Operator alias for add

final def -(key: String): DynamoObject

Operator alias for remove

Operator alias for remove

final def <>(that: DynamoObject): DynamoObject

Operator alias for concat

Operator alias for concat

final def add(key: String, value: DynamoValue): DynamoObject

Add an entry to the map or overwrites the existing value if there

Add an entry to the map or overwrites the existing value if there

final def apply(key: String): Option[DynamoValue]

Gets the value mapped to key if it exists

Gets the value mapped to key if it exists

final def concat(that: DynamoObject): DynamoObject

Concatenates two maps

Concatenates two maps

final def contains(key: String): Boolean

Checks if the map contains a certain key

Checks if the map contains a certain key

final override def equals(that: Any): Boolean

Compares the receiver object (this) with the argument object (that) for equivalence.

Compares the receiver object (this) with the argument object (that) for equivalence.

Any implementation of this method should be an equivalence relation:

  • It is reflexive: for any instance x of type Any, x.equals(x) should return true.
  • It is symmetric: for any instances x and y of type Any, x.equals(y) should return true if and only if y.equals(x) returns true.
  • It is transitive: for any instances x, y, and z of type Any if x.equals(y) returns true and y.equals(z) returns true, then x.equals(z) should return true.

If you override this method, you should verify that your implementation remains an equivalence relation. Additionally, when overriding this method it is usually necessary to override hashCode to ensure that objects which are "equal" (o1.equals(o2) returns true) hash to the same scala.Int. (o1.hashCode.equals(o2.hashCode)).

Value parameters:

the object to compare against this object for equality.


true if the receiver object is equivalent to the argument; false otherwise.

Definition Classes
Equals -> Any
final def get[A : DynamoFormat](key: String): Either[DynamoReadError, A]
final override def hashCode(): Int

Calculate a hash code value for the object.

Calculate a hash code value for the object.

The default hashing algorithm is platform dependent.

Note that it is allowed for two objects to have identical hash codes (o1.hashCode.equals(o2.hashCode)) yet not be equal (o1.equals(o2) returns false). A degenerate implementation could always return 0. However, it is required that if two objects are equal (o1.equals(o2) returns true) that they have identical hash codes (o1.hashCode.equals(o2.hashCode)). Therefore, when overriding this method, be sure to verify that the behavior is consistent with the equals method.


the hash code value for this object.

Definition Classes
final def isEmpty: Boolean

Checks if the map is empty

Checks if the map is empty

final def keys: Iterable[String]

Gets the list of keys in the map

Gets the list of keys in the map

final def mapKeys(f: String => String): DynamoObject

Transforms the map by assigning values to new keys

Transforms the map by assigning values to new keys

final def nonEmpty: Boolean

Chekcs if the map is not empty

Chekcs if the map is not empty

final def parTraverse[F[_] : Parallel, M : Monoid](f: DynamoValue => F[M]): F[M]

Traverse the object in parallel fashion and build up monoidal structure

Traverse the object in parallel fashion and build up monoidal structure

final def parTraverseWith[F[_] : Parallel, M](f: DynamoValue => F[M])(z: M)(c: (M, M) => M): F[M]

Traverse the object in parallel foshiono and build up a result out of each value

Traverse the object in parallel foshiono and build up a result out of each value

final def parTraverseWithKey[F[_], M](f: (String, DynamoValue) => F[M])(z: M)(c: (M, M) => M)(implicit F: Parallel[F]): F[M]

Traverse the object in parallel fashion and build up a result out of each value and its label

Traverse the object in parallel fashion and build up a result out of each value and its label

final def remove(key: String): DynamoObject

Remove an entry from the map if there

Remove an entry from the map if there

final def size: Int

Gets the size of the map

Gets the size of the map

final def toAttributeValue: AttributeValue

Make an AWS SDK value out of this map

Make an AWS SDK value out of this map

Make a value out of this map

Make a value out of this map

final def toExpressionAttributeValues: Option[Map[String, AttributeValue]]

Builds a map where the keys are transformed to match the convention for expression attribute values in DynamoDB operations See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/developerguide/Expressions.ExpressionAttributeValues.html

Builds a map where the keys are transformed to match the convention for expression attribute values in DynamoDB operations See https://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/developerguide/Expressions.ExpressionAttributeValues.html

final def toJavaMap: Map[String, AttributeValue]
final def toMap[V](implicit D: DynamoFormat[V]): Either[DynamoReadError, Map[String, V]]

Builds a scala.collection.Map if this map is made entirely of values of type V

Builds a scala.collection.Map if this map is made entirely of values of type V

final def traverse[M : Monoid](f: DynamoValue => M): M

Traverse the object into a monoidal structure

Traverse the object into a monoidal structure

final def traverseWith[M](f: DynamoValue => M)(z: M)(c: (M, M) => M): M

Traverse the object and build up a result out of each value

Traverse the object and build up a result out of each value

final def traverseWithKey[M](f: (String, DynamoValue) => M)(z: M)(c: (M, M) => M): M

Traverse the object and build up a result out of each value and its label

Traverse the object and build up a result out of each value and its label

final def values: Iterable[DynamoValue]

Gets the list of values in the map

Gets the list of values in the map

Inherited methods

def canEqual(that: Any): Boolean
Inherited from:
def productArity: Int
Inherited from:
def productElement(n: Int): Any
Inherited from:
def productElementName(n: Int): String
Inherited from:
def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
Inherited from:
def productIterator: Iterator[Any]
Inherited from:
def productPrefix: String
Inherited from: