
  • package root
    Definition Classes
  • package scodec

    Combinator library for working with binary data.

    Combinator library for working with binary data.

    The primary abstraction of this library is Codec, which provides the ability to encode/decode values to/from binary.

    There are more general abstractions though, such as Encoder and Decoder. There's also GenCodec which extends both Encoder and Decoder but allows the types to vary. Given these more general abstractions, a Codec[A] can be represented as a GenCodec[A, A].

    The more general abstractions are important because they allow operations on codecs that would not otherwise be possible. For example, given a Codec[A], mapping a function A => B over the codec yields a GenCodec[A, B]. Without the more general abstractions, map is impossible to define (e.g., how would be implemented?). Given a GenCodec[A, B], the encoding functionality can be ignored by treating it as a Decoder[B], or the encoding type can be changed via contramap. If after further transformations, the two types to GenCodec are equal, we can reconstitute a Codec from the GenCodec by calling fuse.

    See the codecs package object for pre-defined codecs for many common data types and combinators for building larger codecs out of smaller ones.

    For the categorically minded, note the following:

    • Decoder is a monad
    • Encoder is a contravariant functor
    • GenCodec is a profunctor
    • Codec is an invariant functor
    Definition Classes
  • package codecs

    Provides codecs for common types and combinators for building larger codecs.

    Provides codecs for common types and combinators for building larger codecs.

    Bits and Bytes Codecs

    The simplest of the provided codecs are those that encode/decode BitVectors and ByteVectors directly. These are provided by bits and bytes methods. These codecs encode all of the bits/bytes directly in to the result and decode *all* of the remaining bits/bytes in to the result value. That is, the result of decode always returns a empty bit vector for the remaining bits.

    Similarly, fixed size alternatives are provided by the bits(size) and bytes(size) methods, which encode a fixed number of bits/bytes (or error if not provided the correct size) and decoded a fixed number of bits/bytes (or error if that many bits/bytes are not available).

    There are more specialized codecs for working with bits, including ignore and constant.

    Numeric Codecs

    There are built-in codecs for Int, Long, Float, and Double.

    There are a number of predefined integral codecs named using the form:


    where u stands for unsigned, size is replaced by one of 8, 16, 24, 32, 64, and L stands for little-endian. For each codec of that form, the type is Codec[Int] or Codec[Long] depending on the specified size. For example, int32 supports 32-bit big-endian 2s complement signed integers, and uint16L supports 16-bit little-endian unsigned integers. Note: uint64[L] are not provided because a 64-bit unsigned integer does not fit in to a Long.

    Additionally, methods of the form [u]int[L](size: Int) and [u]long[L](size: Int) exist to build arbitrarily sized codecs, within the limitations of Int and Long.

    IEEE 754 floating point values are supported by the float, floatL, double, and doubleL codecs.

    Miscellaneous Value Codecs

    In addition to the numeric codecs, there are built-in codecs for Boolean, String, and UUID.

    Boolean values are supported by the bool codecs.


    There are a number of methods provided that create codecs out of other codecs. These include simple combinators such as fixedSizeBits and variableSizeBits and advanced combinators such as discriminated, which provides its own DSL for building a large codec out of many small codecs. For a list of all combinators, see the Combinators section below.

    Cryptography Codecs

    There are codecs that support working with encrypted data (encrypted), digital signatures and checksums (fixedSizeSignature and variableSizeSignature). Additionally, support for is provided by certificate and x509Certificate.

    Definition Classes
  • Attempt
  • BuildInfo
  • Codec
  • CodecTransformation
  • DecodeResult
  • Decoder
  • DecoderFunctions
  • DecodingContext
  • Encoder
  • EncoderFunctions
  • EnrichedCoproductDecoder
  • EnrichedCoproductEncoder
  • EnrichedHList
  • Err
  • GenCodec
  • HListCodecEnrichedWithHListSupport
  • SizeBound
  • Transform
  • TransformSyntax
  • Transformer
  • Tuple2CodecSupport
  • ValueCodecEnrichedWithGenericSupport
  • ValueCodecEnrichedWithHListSupport
  • compat

trait Codec[A] extends GenCodec[A, A]

Supports encoding a value of type A to a BitVector and decoding a BitVector to a value of A.

Not every value of A can be encoded to a bit vector and similarly, not every bit vector can be decoded to a value of type A. Hence, both encode and decode return either an error or the result. Furthermore, decode returns the remaining bits in the bit vector that it did not use in decoding.

There are various ways to create instances of Codec. The trait can be implemented directly or one of the constructor methods in the companion can be used (e.g., apply). Most of the methods on Codec create return a new codec that has been transformed in some way. For example, the xmap method converts a Codec[A] to a Codec[B] given two functions, A => B and B => A.

One of the simplest transformation methods is def withContext(context: String): Codec[A], which pushes the specified context string in to any errors (i.e., Errs) returned from encode or decode.

See the methods on this trait for additional transformation types.

See the codecs package object for pre-defined codecs for many common data types and combinators for building larger codecs out of smaller ones.

Tuple Codecs

The ~ operator supports combining a Codec[A] and a Codec[B] in to a Codec[(A, B)].

For example:

val codec: Codec[Int ~ Int ~ Int] = uint8 ~ uint8 ~ uint8

Codecs generated with ~ result in left nested tuples. These left nested tuples can be pulled back apart by pattern matching with ~. For example:

Codec.decode(uint8 ~ uint8 ~ uint8, bytes) map { case a ~ b ~ c => a + b + c }

Alternatively, a function of N arguments can be lifted to a function of left-nested tuples. For example:

val add3 = (_: Int) + (_: Int) + (_: Int)
Codec.decode(uint8 ~ uint8 ~ uint8, bytes) map add3

Similarly, a left nested tuple can be created with the ~ operator. This is useful when creating the tuple structure to pass to encode. For example:

(uint8 ~ uint8 ~ uint8).encode(1 ~ 2 ~ 3)

Tuple based codecs are of limited use compared to HList based codecs, which is discussed later.

Note: this design is heavily based on Scala's parser combinator library and the syntax it provides.


Sometimes when combining codecs, a latter codec depends on a formerly decoded value. The flatZip method is important in these types of situations -- it represents a dependency between the left hand side and right hand side. Its signature is def flatZip[B](f: A => Codec[B]): Codec[(A, B)]. This is similar to flatMap except the return type is Codec[(A, B)] instead of Decoder[B].

Consider a binary format of an 8-bit unsigned integer indicating the number of bytes following it. To implement this with flatZip, we could write:

val x: Codec[(Int, ByteVector)] = uint8 flatZip { numBytes => bytes(numBytes) }
val y: Codec[ByteVector] = x.xmap[ByteVector]({ case (_, bv) => bv }, bv => (bv.size, bv))

In this example, x is a Codec[(Int, ByteVector)] but we do not need the size directly in the model because it is redundant with the size stored in the ByteVector. Hence, we remove the Int by xmap-ping over x. The notion of removing redundant data from models comes up frequently. Note: there is a combinator that expresses this pattern more succinctly -- variableSizeBytes(uint8, bytes).

HList Codecs

HLists are similar to tuples in that they represent the product of an arbitrary number of types. That is, the size of an HList is known at compile time and the type of each element is also known at compile time. For more information on HLists in general, see Shapeless.

Codec makes heavy use of HLists. The primary operation is extending a Codec[L] for some L <: HList to a Codec[A :: L]. For example:

val uint8: Codec[Int] = ...
val string: Codec[String] = ...
val codec: Codec[Int :: Int :: String] = uint8 :: uint8 :: string

The :: method is sort of like cons-ing on to the HList but it is doing so *inside* the Codec type. The resulting codec encodes values by passing each component of the HList to the corresponding codec and concatenating all of the results.

There are various methods on this trait that only work on Codec[L] for some L <: HList. Besides the aforementioned :: method, there are others like :::, flatPrepend, flatConcat, etc. One particularly useful method is dropUnits, which removes any Unit values from the HList.

Given a Codec[X0 :: X1 :: ... Xn :: HNil] and a case class with types X0 to Xn in the same order, the HList codec can be turned in to a case class codec via the as method. For example:

case class Point(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int)
val threeInts: Codec[Int :: Int :: Int :: HNil] = uint8 :: uint8 :: uint8
val point: Codec[Point] =[Point]

The HList analog to flatZip is flatPrepend. It has the signature:

def flatPrepend[L <: HList](f: A => Codec[L]): Codec[A :: L]

It forms a codec of A consed on to L when called on a Codec[A] and passed a function A => Codec[L]. Note that the specified function must return an HList based codec. Implementing our example from earlier using flatPrepend:

val x: Codec[Int :: ByteVector :: HNil] = uint8 flatPrepend { numBytes => bytes(numBytes).hlist }

In this example, bytes(numBytes) returns a Codec[ByteVector] so we called .hlist on it to lift it in to a Codec[ByteVector :: HNil].

There are similar methods for flat appending and flat concating.

Coproduct Codecs

Given some ordered list of types, potentially with duplicates, a value of the HList of those types has a value for *every* type in the list. In other words, an HList represents having an X0 AND X1 AND ... AND XN. A Coproduct for the same list of types represents having a value for *one* of those types. In other words, a Coproduct represents having an X0 OR X1 OR ... OR XN. This is somewhat imprecise because a coproduct can tell us exactly which Xi we have, even in the presence of duplicate types.

A coproduct can also be thought of as an Either that has an unlimited number of choices instead of just 2 choices.

Shapeless represents coproducts in a similar way as HLists. A coproduct type is built using the :+: operator with a sentinal value of CNil. For example, an Int or Long or String is represented as the coproduct type:

Int :+: Long :+: String :+: CNil

For more information on coproducts in general, see Shapeless.

Like HList based codecs, scodec supports Coproduct based codecs by coopting syntax from Shapeless. Specifically, the :+: operator is used:

val builder = uint8 :+: int64 :+: utf8

Unlike HList based codecs, the result of :+: is not a codec but rather a codecs.CoproductCodecBuilder. Having a list of types and a codec for each is not sufficient to build a coproduct codec. We also need to describe how each entry in the coproduct is differentiated from the other entries. There are a number of ways to do this and each way changes the binary format significantly. See the docs on CoproductCodecBuilder for details.

Derived Codecs

Codecs for case classes and sealed class hierarchies can often be automatically derived.

Consider this example:

import scodec.codecs.implicits._
case class Point(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int)
Codec[Point].encode(Point(1, 2, 3))

In this example, no explicit codec was defined for Point yet Codec[Point] successfully created one. It did this by "reflecting" over the structure of Point and looking up a codec for each component type (note: no runtime reflection is performed - rather, this is implemented using macro-based compile time reflection). In this case, there are three components, each of type Int, so the compiler first looked for an implicit Codec[Int]. It then combined each Codec[Int] using an HList based codec and finally converted the HList codec to a Codec[Point]. It found the implicit Codec[Int] instances due to the import of scodec.codecs.implicits._. Furthermore, if there was an error encoding or decoding a field, the field name (i.e., x, y, or z) is included as context on the Err returned.

This works similarly for sealed class hierarchies -- each subtype is internally represented as a member of a coproduct. There must be the following implicits in scope however:

  • Discriminated[A, D] for some discriminator type D, which provides the Codec[D] to use for encoding/decoding the discriminator
  • Discriminator[A, X, D] for each subtype X of A, which provides the discriminator value for type X
  • Codec[X] for each subtype X of A

Full examples are available in the test directory of this project.

Implicit Codecs

If authoring combinators that require implicit codec arguments, use shapeless.Lazy[Codec[A]] instead of Codec[A]. This prevents the occurrence of diverging implicit expansion errors.

Self Type
Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. Codec
  2. GenCodec
  3. Decoder
  4. Encoder
  5. AnyRef
  6. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Abstract Value Members

  1. abstract def decode(bits: BitVector): Attempt[DecodeResult[A]]

    Attempts to decode a value of type A from the specified bit vector.

    Attempts to decode a value of type A from the specified bit vector.


    bits to decode


    error if value could not be decoded or the remaining bits and the decoded value

    Definition Classes
  2. abstract def encode(value: A): Attempt[BitVector]

    Attempts to encode the specified value in to a bit vector.

    Attempts to encode the specified value in to a bit vector.


    value to encode


    error or binary encoding of the value

    Definition Classes
  3. abstract def sizeBound: SizeBound

    Provides a bound on the size of successfully encoded values.

    Provides a bound on the size of successfully encoded values.

    Definition Classes

Concrete Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##: Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. def :+:[B](left: Codec[B]): CoproductCodecBuilder[:+:[B, :+:[A, CNil]], ::[Codec[B], ::[Codec[A], HNil]], :+:[B, :+:[A, CNil]]]

    Supports creation of a coproduct codec.

    Supports creation of a coproduct codec. See scodec.codecs.CoproductCodecBuilder for details.

  4. final def <~[B](codecB: Codec[B])(implicit ev: =:=[Unit, B]): Codec[A]

    Assuming B is Unit, creates a Codec[A] that: encodes the A followed by a unit; decodes an A followed by a unit and discards the decoded unit.

    Assuming B is Unit, creates a Codec[A] that: encodes the A followed by a unit; decodes an A followed by a unit and discards the decoded unit.

    Operator alias of dropRight.

  5. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  6. final def >>~[B](f: (A) => Codec[B]): Codec[(A, B)]

    Returns a new codec that encodes/decodes a value of type (A, B) where the codec of B is dependent on A.

    Returns a new codec that encodes/decodes a value of type (A, B) where the codec of B is dependent on A. Operator alias for flatZip.

  7. def asDecoder: Decoder[A]

    Gets this as a Decoder.

    Gets this as a Decoder.

    Definition Classes
  8. def asEncoder: Encoder[A]

    Gets this as an Encoder.

    Gets this as an Encoder.

    Definition Classes
  9. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  10. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.CloneNotSupportedException]) @native()
  11. final def compact: Codec[A]

    Converts this codec to a new codec that compacts the encoded bit vector before returning it.

    Converts this codec to a new codec that compacts the encoded bit vector before returning it.

    Definition Classes
  12. final def complete: Codec[A]

    Converts this codec to a new codec that fails decoding if there are remaining bits.

    Converts this codec to a new codec that fails decoding if there are remaining bits.

    Definition Classes
  13. final def consume[B](f: (A) => Codec[B])(g: (B) => A): Codec[B]

    Similar to flatZip except the A type is not visible in the resulting type -- the binary effects of the Codec[A] still occur though.

    Similar to flatZip except the A type is not visible in the resulting type -- the binary effects of the Codec[A] still occur though.

    Example usage:

    case class Flags(x: Boolean, y: Boolean, z: Boolean)
    (bool :: bool :: bool :: ignore(5)).consume { flgs =>
      conditional(flgs.x, uint8) :: conditional(flgs.y, uint8) :: conditional(flgs.z, uint8)
    } {
      case x :: y :: z :: HNil => Flags(x.isDefined, y.isDefined, z.isDefined) }

    Note that when B is an HList, this method is equivalent to using flatPrepend and derive. That is, a.consume(f)(g) === a.flatPrepend(f).derive[A].from(g).

  14. def contramap[C](f: (C) => A): GenCodec[C, A]

    Converts this GenCodec to a GenCodec[C, B] using the supplied C => A.

    Converts this GenCodec to a GenCodec[C, B] using the supplied C => A.

    Definition Classes
  15. def decodeOnly[AA >: A]: Codec[AA]

    Converts this to a codec that fails encoding with an error.

    Converts this to a codec that fails encoding with an error.

    Definition Classes
  16. final def decodeValue(bits: BitVector): Attempt[A]

    Attempts to decode a value of type A from the specified bit vector and discards the remaining bits.

    Attempts to decode a value of type A from the specified bit vector and discards the remaining bits.


    bits to decode


    error if value could not be decoded or the decoded value

    Definition Classes
  17. final def downcast[B <: A](implicit tb: Typeable[B]): Codec[B]

    Safely lifts this codec to a codec of a subtype.

    Safely lifts this codec to a codec of a subtype.

    When a supertype of B that is not a supertype of A is decoded, an decoding error is returned.

  18. final def dropLeft[B](codecB: Codec[B])(implicit ev: =:=[Unit, A]): Codec[B]

    Assuming A is Unit, creates a Codec[B] that: encodes the unit followed by a B; decodes a unit followed by a B and discards the decoded unit.

  19. final def dropRight[B](codecB: Codec[B])(implicit ev: =:=[Unit, B]): Codec[A]

    Assuming B is Unit, creates a Codec[A] that: encodes the A followed by a unit; decodes an A followed by a unit and discards the decoded unit.

  20. def econtramap[C](f: (C) => Attempt[A]): GenCodec[C, A]

    Converts this GenCodec to a GenCodec[C, B] using the supplied C => Attempt[A].

    Converts this GenCodec to a GenCodec[C, B] using the supplied C => Attempt[A].

    Definition Classes
  21. def emap[C](f: (A) => Attempt[C]): GenCodec[A, C]

    Converts this GenCodec to a GenCodec[A, C] using the supplied B => Attempt[C].

    Converts this GenCodec to a GenCodec[A, C] using the supplied B => Attempt[C].

    Definition Classes
  22. def encodeOnly: Codec[A]

    Converts this to a codec that fails decoding with an error.

    Converts this to a codec that fails decoding with an error.

    Definition Classes
  23. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  24. def equals(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  25. final def exmap[B](f: (A) => Attempt[B], g: (B) => Attempt[A]): Codec[B]

    Transforms using two functions, A => Attempt[B] and B => Attempt[A].

  26. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  27. def flatMap[B](f: (A) => Decoder[B]): Decoder[B]

    Converts this decoder to a Decoder[B] using the supplied A => Decoder[B].

    Converts this decoder to a Decoder[B] using the supplied A => Decoder[B].

    Definition Classes
  28. final def flatZip[B](f: (A) => Codec[B]): Codec[(A, B)]

    Returns a new codec that encodes/decodes a value of type (A, B) where the codec of B is dependent on A.

  29. final def flattenLeftPairs(implicit f: FlattenLeftPairs[A]): Codec[Out]

    Converts this codec to an HList based codec by flattening all left nested pairs.

    Converts this codec to an HList based codec by flattening all left nested pairs. For example, flattenLeftPairs on a Codec[(((A, B), C), D)] results in a Codec[A :: B :: C :: D :: HNil]. This is particularly useful when combined with ~, ~>, and <~.

  30. final def fuse[AA <: A, BB >: A](implicit ev: =:=[BB, AA]): Codec[BB]

    Converts this generalized codec in to a non-generalized codec assuming A and B are the same type.

    Converts this generalized codec in to a non-generalized codec assuming A and B are the same type.

    Definition Classes
  31. final def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyRef]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  32. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  33. final def hlist: Codec[::[A, HNil]]

    Lifts this codec in to a codec of a singleton hlist.

  34. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  35. def map[C](f: (A) => C): GenCodec[A, C]

    Converts this GenCodec to a GenCodec[A, C] using the supplied B => C.

    Converts this GenCodec to a GenCodec[A, C] using the supplied B => C.

    Definition Classes
  36. final def narrow[B](f: (A) => Attempt[B], g: (B) => A): Codec[B]

    Transforms using two functions, A => Attempt[B] and B => A.

    Transforms using two functions, A => Attempt[B] and B => A.

    The supplied functions form an injection from B to A. Hence, this method converts from a larger to a smaller type. Hence, the name narrow.

  37. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  38. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  39. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  40. final def pairedWith[B](codecB: Codec[B]): Codec[(A, B)]

    Creates a Codec[(A, B)] that first encodes/decodes an A followed by a B.

  41. def pcontramap[C](f: (C) => Option[A]): GenCodec[C, A]

    Converts this GenCodec to a GenCodec[C, B] using the supplied partial function from C to A.

    Converts this GenCodec to a GenCodec[C, B] using the supplied partial function from C to A. The encoding will fail for any C that f maps to None.

    Definition Classes
  42. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: => T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  43. def toField[K]: Codec[FieldType[K, A]]

    Lifts this codec to a codec of a shapeless field -- allowing it to be used in records and unions.

  44. def toFieldWithContext[K <: Symbol](k: K): Codec[FieldType[K, A]]

    Lifts this codec to a codec of a shapeless field -- allowing it to be used in records and unions.

    Lifts this codec to a codec of a shapeless field -- allowing it to be used in records and unions. The specified key is pushed in to the context of any errors that are returned from the resulting codec.

  45. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  46. final def tuple: Codec[::[A, HNil]]

    Alias for .hlist - allows cross compilation with Scodec 2 / Scala 3.

  47. final def unit(zero: A): Codec[Unit]

    Converts this to a Codec[Unit] that encodes using the specified zero value and decodes a unit value when this codec decodes an A successfully.

  48. final def upcast[B >: A](implicit ta: Typeable[A]): Codec[B]

    Safely lifts this codec to a codec of a supertype.

    Safely lifts this codec to a codec of a supertype.

    When a subtype of B that is not a subtype of A is passed to encode, an encoding error is returned.

  49. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  50. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
  51. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws(classOf[java.lang.InterruptedException]) @native()
  52. final def widen[B](f: (A) => B, g: (B) => Attempt[A]): Codec[B]

    Transforms using two functions, A => B and B => Attempt[A].

    Transforms using two functions, A => B and B => Attempt[A].

    The supplied functions form an injection from A to B. Hence, this method converts from a smaller to a larger type. Hence, the name widen.

  53. final def withContext(context: String): Codec[A]

    Creates a new codec that is functionally equivalent to this codec but pushes the specified context string in to any errors returned from encode or decode.

  54. final def withToString(str: => String): Codec[A]

    Creates a new codec that is functionally equivalent to this codec but returns the specified string from toString.

  55. final def xmap[B](f: (A) => B, g: (B) => A): Codec[B]

    Transforms using the isomorphism described by two functions, A => B and B => A.

  56. final def ~[B](codecB: Codec[B]): Codec[(A, B)]

    Creates a Codec[(A, B)] that first encodes/decodes an A followed by a B.

    Creates a Codec[(A, B)] that first encodes/decodes an A followed by a B.

    Operator alias for pairedWith.

  57. final def ~>[B](codecB: Codec[B])(implicit ev: =:=[Unit, A]): Codec[B]

    Assuming A is Unit, creates a Codec[B] that: encodes the unit followed by a B; decodes a unit followed by a B and discards the decoded unit.

    Assuming A is Unit, creates a Codec[B] that: encodes the unit followed by a B; decodes a unit followed by a B and discards the decoded unit.

    Operator alias of dropLeft.

Inherited from GenCodec[A, A]

Inherited from Decoder[A]

Inherited from Encoder[A]

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any

Primary Members

Basic Combinators

Tuple Support

HList Support

Coproduct Support
