


abstract class TypeDescs extends Base

  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. TypeDescs
  2. Base
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
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  1. Public
  2. All

Instance Constructors

  1. new TypeDescs()

Type Members

  1. abstract class BaseDef[+T] extends Scalan.Node with Scalan.Def[T]

    Base class for most predefined operations.

    Base class for most predefined operations.

    Definition Classes
  2. abstract class CompanionDef[T] extends Scalan.Node with Scalan.Def[T]

    Base class for virtualized instances of type companions.

    Base class for virtualized instances of type companions. Each virtualized entity type (trait or class) may have virtualized companion class.

    Definition Classes
  3. case class Const[T](x: T)(implicit eT: Scalan.Elem[T]) extends Scalan.BaseDef[T] with Product with Serializable

    Default node type for embedding of literal values to graph IR.

    Default node type for embedding of literal values to graph IR. This can be used or those types T when Elem[T] is defined, but Liftable[_,T] is not, i.e. for non-liftable types.


    literal value


    type descriptor of IR type T

    Definition Classes
  4. trait Def[+T] extends Scalan.Node

    Base type for all graph nodes (aka computable value definitions).

    Base type for all graph nodes (aka computable value definitions). Each graph node or definition represent one operation node of the data flow graph.

    Definition Classes
  5. class EntityObject extends AnyRef

    Base class for all objects generated for virtualized types to support staged evaluation machinery.

    Base class for all objects generated for virtualized types to support staged evaluation machinery. Each object contains definitions which can be imported when necessary. All that objects are registered in entityObjects hash map, which is done while IR cake is constructed.

    Definition Classes
  6. case class EntityObjectOwner(obj: Scalan.EntityObject) extends Scalan.OwnerKind with Product with Serializable
    Definition Classes
  7. abstract class Node extends Product

    Base class for all IR nodes/operations/definitions.

    Base class for all IR nodes/operations/definitions.

    Definition Classes
  8. class NotImplementedStagingException extends Scalan.StagingException
    Definition Classes
  9. sealed abstract class OwnerKind extends AnyRef

    Variants of owner parameter of constructors of nested classes: 1) predefined node classes are owned by IR cake (ScalanOwner) 2) entity classes are owned by enclosing EntityObject

    Variants of owner parameter of constructors of nested classes: 1) predefined node classes are owned by IR cake (ScalanOwner) 2) entity classes are owned by enclosing EntityObject

    Definition Classes
  10. case class Placeholder[T](eT: Scalan.LElem[T]) extends Scalan.Node with Scalan.Def[T] with Product with Serializable

    Symbols may temporary refer to this node until their target node is updated.

    Symbols may temporary refer to this node until their target node is updated.

    Definition Classes
  11. abstract class Ref[+T] extends AnyRef

    Abstract representation of a computable value.

    Abstract representation of a computable value. Default implementation is a simple lightweight reference to the corresponding definition. Every Ref have direct access to its Def via node property. Every Ref is typed, and the type is avaliable via elem property.

    Definition Classes
    See also


  12. final class SingleRef[+T] extends Scalan.Ref[T]

    A Ref is a symbolic reference used internally to refer to graph nodes.

    A Ref is a symbolic reference used internally to refer to graph nodes. Light weight stateless immutable reference to a graph node (Def[T]). Two symbols are equal if they refer to the nodes with the same id, which is due to Def unification means equal symbols refer to the same instance of Def.

    Definition Classes
  13. class StagingException extends RuntimeException
    Definition Classes
  14. abstract class Transformer extends AnyRef

    Base class for Ref to Ref transformations.

    Base class for Ref to Ref transformations. Each transformer keeps a mapping data between references to original nodes and references to the corresponding transformed nodes.

    Definition Classes
  15. case class Variable[T](varId: Int)(implicit eT: Scalan.LElem[T]) extends Scalan.Node with Scalan.Def[T] with Product with Serializable

    Node class for typed variables.

    Node class for typed variables. In particular for lambda-bound variables.


    is independent from nodeId, shouldn't be used as node id.


    type descriptor of the variable type

    Definition Classes
  16. abstract class BaseElem[A] extends Scalan.Elem[A] with Serializable with Equals
  17. class BaseElemLiftable[A] extends Scalan.BaseElem[A]

    Type descriptor for primitive types.

    Type descriptor for primitive types. There is implicit val declaration for each primitive type.

  18. abstract class Cont[F[_]] extends Scalan.TypeDesc

    Descriptor of type constructor of * -> * kind.

    Descriptor of type constructor of * -> * kind. Type constructor is not a type, but rather a function from type to type. It contains methods which abstract relationship between types T, F[T] etc.

    @implicitNotFound( "No Cont available for ${F}." )
  19. type DataEnv = Map[Scalan.Sym, AnyRef]

    Immutable data environment used to assign data values to graph nodes.

  20. abstract class Elem[A] extends Scalan.TypeDesc

    Type descriptor of staged types, which correspond to source (unstaged) RTypes defined outside of IR cake.

    Type descriptor of staged types, which correspond to source (unstaged) RTypes defined outside of IR cake.


    the type represented by this descriptor

    @implicitNotFound( "No Elem available for ${A}." )
  21. class ElemCacheEntry extends AnyRef

    Elements cache information for each Elem class.

  22. case class EnvRep[A](run: (Scalan.DataEnv) ⇒ (Scalan.DataEnv, Scalan.Ref[A])) extends Product with Serializable

    State monad for symbols computed in a data environment.

    State monad for symbols computed in a data environment. DataEnv is used as the state of the state monad.

  23. case class FuncElem[A, B](eDom: Scalan.Elem[A], eRange: Scalan.Elem[B]) extends Scalan.Elem[(A) ⇒ B] with Product with Serializable

    Type descriptor for A => B type where descriptors for A and B are given as arguments.

  24. trait Functor[F[_]] extends Scalan.Cont[F]
  25. type LElem[A] = Lazy[Scalan.Elem[A]]

    Type descriptor which is computed lazily on demand.

  26. sealed abstract class MethodDesc extends AnyRef
  27. case class PairElem[A, B](eFst: Scalan.Elem[A], eSnd: Scalan.Elem[B]) extends Scalan.Elem[(A, B)] with Product with Serializable

    Type descriptor for (A, B) type where descriptors for A and B are given as arguments.

  28. type RFunc[-A, +B] = Scalan.Ref[(A) ⇒ B]
    Definition Classes
  29. case class RMethodDesc(method: Method) extends Scalan.MethodDesc with Product with Serializable
  30. type RPair[+A, +B] = Scalan.Ref[(A, B)]
    Definition Classes
  31. case class SumElem[A, B](eLeft: Scalan.Elem[A], eRight: Scalan.Elem[B]) extends Scalan.Elem[Scalan.|[A, B]] with Product with Serializable

    Type descriptor for A | B type where descriptors for A and B are given as arguments.

  32. type Sym = Scalan.Ref[_]

    Untyped shortcut sinonim of Ref, which is used as untyped reference to graph nodes (definitions).

    Untyped shortcut sinonim of Ref, which is used as untyped reference to graph nodes (definitions). Following a tradition in compiler engineering we call references to definitions as symbols.

    Definition Classes
  33. abstract class TypeDesc extends Serializable
  34. case class WMethodDesc(wrapSpec: WrapSpec, method: Method) extends Scalan.MethodDesc with Product with Serializable
  35. type |[+A, +B] = Either[A, B]
    Definition Classes

Value Members

  1. object &&

    Logical AND between two pattern matches of the save value x.

    Logical AND between two pattern matches of the save value x. Can be used to construct patterns like case P1 && P2 => ...

    Definition Classes
  2. object Def
    Definition Classes
  3. object ExpWithElem
    Definition Classes
  4. object Liftables

    Data type ST is liftable is there is Liftable[ST, T] instance for some type T.

    Data type ST is liftable is there is Liftable[ST, T] instance for some type T. Liftable typeclass allows to define which types can have values embedded as literals into graph IR.

    Definition Classes
  5. object NoOwner extends Scalan.OwnerKind with Product with Serializable
    Definition Classes
  6. object ScalanOwner extends Scalan.OwnerKind with Product with Serializable
    Definition Classes
  7. def !!!(msg: String, e: Throwable, syms: Scalan.Ref[_]*): Nothing
    Definition Classes
  8. def !!!(msg: String, syms: Scalan.Ref[_]*): Nothing
    Definition Classes
  9. def !!!: Nothing

    Helper methods to throw errors

    Helper methods to throw errors

    Definition Classes
  10. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  11. final def ##(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  12. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  13. def ???(value: Any, syms: Scalan.Ref[_]*): Nothing
    Definition Classes
  14. def ???: Nothing
    Definition Classes
  15. val AnyElement: Scalan.Elem[Any]

    Type descriptor for Any, cannot be used implicitly.

  16. val AnyRefElement: Scalan.Elem[AnyRef]

    Type descriptor for AnyRef, cannot be used implicitly.

  17. implicit val BooleanElement: Scalan.Elem[Boolean]
  18. implicit val ByteElement: Scalan.Elem[Byte]
  19. implicit val CharElement: Scalan.Elem[Char]
  20. implicit val DoubleElement: Scalan.Elem[Double]
  21. val EmptyTypeArgs: ListMap[String, (Scalan.TypeDesc, Variance)]

    Since ListMap is immutable this empty map can be shared by all other maps created from it.

  22. implicit val FloatElement: Scalan.Elem[Float]
  23. implicit final def FuncElemExtensions[A, B](eAB: Scalan.Elem[(A) ⇒ B]): Scalan.FuncElem[A, B]
  24. implicit val IntElement: Scalan.Elem[Int]
  25. final def IntZero: Scalan.Ref[Int]

    Zero literal node, which is lazily created and can be efficiently reused.

    Zero literal node, which is lazily created and can be efficiently reused. Much faster alternative to (0: Rep[Int]) or toRep(0).

    Definition Classes
  26. val LazyAnyElement: Lazy[Scalan.Elem[Any]]

    Predefined Lazy value saved here to be used in hotspot code.

  27. implicit val LongElement: Scalan.Elem[Long]
  28. val NothingElement: Scalan.Elem[Nothing]
  29. implicit final def PairElemExtensions[A, B](eAB: Scalan.Elem[(A, B)]): Scalan.PairElem[A, B]
  30. implicit val ShortElement: Scalan.Elem[Short]
  31. implicit val StringElement: Scalan.Elem[String]
  32. implicit final def SumElemExtensions[A, B](eAB: Scalan.Elem[Scalan.|[A, B]]): Scalan.SumElem[A, B]
  33. final def TypeArgs(descs: (String, (Scalan.TypeDesc, Variance))*): ListMap[String, (Scalan.TypeDesc, Variance)]
  34. implicit val UnitElement: Scalan.Elem[Unit]
  35. final def asElem[T](d: Scalan.TypeDesc): Scalan.Elem[T]

    Helper type case method.

    Helper type case method.

  36. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  37. final def asRep[T](x: Scalan.Ref[_]): Scalan.Ref[T]

    Helper to type cast node references.

    Helper to type cast node references.

    Definition Classes
  38. def assertElem(value: Scalan.Ref[_], elem: Scalan.Elem[_], hint: ⇒ String): Unit
  39. def assertElem(value: Scalan.Ref[_], elem: Scalan.Elem[_]): Unit
  40. def assertEqualElems[A](e1: Scalan.Elem[A], e2: Scalan.Elem[A], m: ⇒ String): Unit
  41. val cacheElems: Boolean

    Whether IR type descriptors should be cached.

    Whether IR type descriptors should be cached.

    Definition Classes
  42. val cachePairs: Boolean

    Whether Tup instances should be cached.

    Whether Tup instances should be cached.

    Definition Classes
  43. final def cachedElemByClass[E <: Scalan.Elem[_]](args: AnyRef*)(implicit clazz: Class[E]): E

    Retrieve an instance of the given Elem class by either looking up in the cache or creating a new one.

    Retrieve an instance of the given Elem class by either looking up in the cache or creating a new one. We assume that all Elem instances are uniquely defined by (clazz, args)


    arguments of Elem class constructor


    Elem class

  44. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... ) @native()
  45. final def container[F[_]](implicit arg0: Scalan.Cont[F]): Scalan.Cont[F]
  46. implicit final def containerElem[F[_], A](implicit arg0: Scalan.Cont[F], arg1: Scalan.Elem[A]): Scalan.Elem[F[A]]
  47. def createDefinition[T](optScope: Nullable[Scalan.ThunkScope], s: Scalan.Ref[T], d: Scalan.Def[T]): Scalan.Ref[T]

    Create new definition entry in either given Thunk or in the global hash table.

    Create new definition entry in either given Thunk or in the global hash table.


    optional thunk scope to put given definition


    symbol refering to d


    definition node to add to the scope of globally


    reference to d (which is s)

    Definition Classes
  48. val debugModeSanityChecks: Boolean

    Whether to perform extended checks of correctness, expected invariants and data consistency.

    Whether to perform extended checks of correctness, expected invariants and data consistency. NOTE: Since it may add substantial overhead, set it to false before using in production.

    Definition Classes
  49. def defCount: Int

    Returns a number of definitions added to this IR context.

    Returns a number of definitions added to this IR context.

    Definition Classes
  50. def def_unapply[T](e: Scalan.Ref[T]): Nullable[Scalan.Def[T]]
    Definition Classes
  51. val elemCache: AVHashMap[Class[_], Scalan.ElemCacheEntry]
  52. final def element[A](implicit ea: Scalan.Elem[A]): Scalan.Elem[A]
  53. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  54. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  55. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  56. def findGlobalDefinition[T](d: Scalan.Def[T]): Scalan.Ref[T]

    Lookup definition in this IR context's hash table of definitions.

    Lookup definition in this IR context's hash table of definitions.


    node reference to an instance stored in hash table, which is equal to d and null if there is no definition which is equal to d

    Definition Classes
  57. def findOrCreateDefinition[T](d: Scalan.Def[T], newSym: ⇒ Scalan.Ref[T]): Scalan.Ref[T]

    Lookup d in the heap of nodes.

    Lookup d in the heap of nodes. If the lookup is successfull, then its reference is returned. If the node is not found in the heap, then it is added and d.self reference is returned.


    node to be added to the head of nodes


    producer of the reference to be used as the reference to d node.


    return a reference to d node in the heap

    Definition Classes
  58. final def freshId: Int

    Get next fresh node id

    Get next fresh node id

    Definition Classes
  59. final def freshSym[T](d: Scalan.Def[T]): Scalan.Ref[T]

    Lookup of create reference to the given definition.

    Lookup of create reference to the given definition. To lookup d.nodeId is used as the index in the _symbolTable. If Ref is not found in _symbolTable, then new Ref instance is created and stored in _symbolTable at d.nodeId index.

    Definition Classes
  60. implicit final def funcElement[A, B](implicit ea: Scalan.Elem[A], eb: Scalan.Elem[B]): Scalan.Elem[(A) ⇒ B]
  61. final def getClass(): Class[_]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  62. def getEntityObject(name: String): Nullable[Scalan.EntityObject]
    Definition Classes
  63. def getOwnerKind(constructor: java.lang.reflect.Constructor[_]): Scalan.OwnerKind

    Returns OwnerKind for the given constructor, using its first parameter.

    Returns OwnerKind for the given constructor, using its first parameter.

    Definition Classes
  64. final def getSourceValues(dataEnv: Scalan.DataEnv, forWrapper: Boolean, stagedValues: AnyRef*): Seq[AnyRef]
  65. final def getSym(id: Int): Scalan.Sym

    Lookup node reference by its id.

    Lookup node reference by its id. This is simple array access by index O(1) operation.

    Definition Classes
  66. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  67. def invokeUnlifted(e: Scalan.Elem[_], mc: Scalan.MethodCall, dataEnv: Scalan.DataEnv): AnyRef

    Invoke source type method corresponding to the given MethodCall node.

    Invoke source type method corresponding to the given MethodCall node. This method delegated the work to the given element instance.


    type descriptor of receiver node


    IR node representing method invocation


    environment where each symbol of 'mc' has associated data value


    data value returned from invoked method

  68. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  69. implicit def liftToRep[A](x: A)(implicit arg0: Scalan.Elem[A]): Scalan.Ref[A]
    Definition Classes
  70. def logWarn(msg: ⇒ String): Unit

    Log warning message to the log.

    Log warning message to the log. This is default and simple implementation, which can be overriden.

    Definition Classes
  71. val nInitialDefs: Int
    Definition Classes
  72. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  73. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  74. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  75. def onReset(): Unit

    Called during resetContext() operation after the core context state has been reset.

    Called during resetContext() operation after the core context state has been reset. Derived classes can override to define application specific initialization. Don't forget to call super method in the beginning of your overriding method.

    Definition Classes
  76. implicit final def pairElement[A, B](implicit ea: Scalan.Elem[A], eb: Scalan.Elem[B]): Scalan.Elem[(A, B)]
  77. def placeholder[T](implicit eT: Scalan.LElem[T]): Scalan.Ref[T]
    Definition Classes
  78. def registerEntityObject(name: String, obj: Scalan.EntityObject): Unit
    Definition Classes
  79. implicit def reifyObject[A](obj: Scalan.Def[A]): Scalan.Ref[A]

    Implicit injection of new definition (graph node) into universum of nodes with collapsing semantics.

    Implicit injection of new definition (graph node) into universum of nodes with collapsing semantics. If there exists node n in this IR such that obj equals n, then the value of n.self is returned, i.e. the new node obj is collapsed with already existing one. This has an effect of Common Subexpression Elimination (CSE) when an expression tree is transformed to the graph and identical subtrees are collapsed. After a reference to the node is obtained, global rewriting rules are examined and the reference may be replaced with a new one.

    Definition Classes
  80. def resetContext(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  81. def stagingExceptionMessage(message: String, syms: Seq[Scalan.Ref[_]]): String

    Prettyprint exception message

    Prettyprint exception message

    Definition Classes
  82. implicit final def sumElement[A, B](implicit ea: Scalan.Elem[A], eb: Scalan.Elem[B]): Scalan.Elem[Scalan.|[A, B]]
  83. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  84. def toExp[T](d: Scalan.Def[T], newSym: ⇒ Scalan.Ref[T]): Scalan.Ref[T]

    Updates the universe of symbols and definitions, then rewrites until fix-point

    Updates the universe of symbols and definitions, then rewrites until fix-point


    A new graph node to add to the universe


    A symbol that will be used if d doesn't exist in the universe


    The symbol of the graph which is semantically(up to rewrites) equivalent to d

    Definition Classes
  85. implicit final def toLazyElem[A](implicit eA: Scalan.Elem[A]): Scalan.LElem[A]
  86. def toRep[A](x: A)(implicit eA: Scalan.Elem[A]): Scalan.Ref[A]

    Lifting of data values to IR nodes.

    Lifting of data values to IR nodes.

    Definition Classes
  87. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  88. def transformProductParam(x: Any, t: Scalan.Transformer): Any

    Transforms this object into new one by applying t to every Ref inside its structure.

    Transforms this object into new one by applying t to every Ref inside its structure. The structure is build out of Seq, Array, Option and Def values. Other structure items remain unchanged and copied to the new instance.

    Definition Classes
  89. final def updateSymbolTable[T](s: Scalan.Ref[T], d: Scalan.Def[T]): Scalan.Ref[T]

    Create or find symbol (node Ref) which refers to the given node in the table of all created symbols.

    Create or find symbol (node Ref) which refers to the given node in the table of all created symbols. The d.nodeId is the index in the _symbolTable which is DBuffer (backed by Array)


    new of existing symbol

    Definition Classes
  90. final def valueFromRep[A](x: Scalan.Ref[A]): A

    Extract data value from Const node or throw an exception.

    Extract data value from Const node or throw an exception.

    Definition Classes
  91. def variable[T](implicit eT: Scalan.LElem[T]): Scalan.Ref[T]
    Definition Classes
  92. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  93. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  94. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... ) @native()
  95. object Elem extends Serializable
  96. object EnvRep extends Serializable

Inherited from Base

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
