
package utxo

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. case class Append[IV <: SType](input: Value[SCollection[IV]], col2: Value[SCollection[IV]]) extends Value[SCollection[IV]] with Transformer[SCollection[IV], SCollection[IV]] with Product with Serializable

    Puts the elements of other collection col2 after the elements of input collection (concatenation of two collections).

  2. trait BooleanTransformer[IV <: SType] extends Value[SBoolean.type] with Transformer[SCollection[IV], SBoolean.type]

    Transforms a collection of values to a boolean (see Exists, ForAll).

  3. trait BooleanTransformerCompanion extends ValueCompanion
  4. case class ByIndex[V <: SType](input: Value[SCollection[V]], index: Value[SInt.type], default: Option[Value[V]] = None) extends Value[V] with Transformer[SCollection[V], V] with NotReadyValue[V] with Product with Serializable

    The element of the collection or default value.

    The element of the collection or default value. If an index is out of bounds (i < 0 || i >= length) then default value is returned.


    the type of elements


    the zero-based indexed collection


    the index of the requested element (zero-based)


    the element at the given index or default value if index is out or bounds

    Exceptions thrown

    ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if index < 0 or length <= index

  5. trait Deserialize[V <: SType] extends Value[V] with NotReadyValue[V]
  6. case class DeserializeContext[V <: SType](id: Byte, tpe: V) extends Value[V] with Deserialize[V] with Product with Serializable

    Extracts context variable as Coll[Byte], deserializes it to script and then executes this script in the current context.

    Extracts context variable as Coll[Byte], deserializes it to script and then executes this script in the current context. The original Coll[Byte] of the script is available as getVar[Coll[Byte]](id)


    result type of the deserialized script.


    identifier of the context variable


    result of the script execution in the current context



    Exceptions thrown

    InterpreterException if the actual script type doesn't conform to T

  7. case class DeserializeRegister[V <: SType](reg: RegisterId, tpe: V, default: Option[Value[V]] = None) extends Value[V] with Deserialize[V] with Product with Serializable

    Extract register of SELF box as Coll[Byte], deserialize it into Value and inline into executing script.

    Extract register of SELF box as Coll[Byte], deserialize it into Value and inline into executing script. NOTE: it only applicable to SELF box

  8. case class Exists[IV <: SType](input: Value[SCollection[IV]], condition: Value[SFunc]) extends Value[SBoolean.type] with BooleanTransformer[IV] with Product with Serializable

    Tests whether a predicate holds for at least one element of this collection.

    Tests whether a predicate holds for at least one element of this collection.


    the collection to be tested


    the predicate used to test elements.


    true if the given condition is satisfied by at least one element of this collection, otherwise false

  9. sealed trait Extract[V <: SType] extends Value[V] with Transformer[SBox.type, V]
  10. case class ExtractAmount(input: Value[SBox.type]) extends Value[SLong.type] with Extract[SLong.type] with NotReadyValueLong with Product with Serializable

    Extracts the monetary value, in Ergo tokens (NanoErg unit of measure) from input Box.

  11. case class ExtractBytes(input: Value[SBox.type]) extends Value[SByteArray] with Extract[SByteArray] with NotReadyValueByteArray with Product with Serializable

    Extracts serialized bytes of this box's content, including proposition bytes.

  12. case class ExtractBytesWithNoRef(input: Value[SBox.type]) extends Value[SByteArray] with Extract[SByteArray] with NotReadyValueByteArray with Product with Serializable

    Extracts serialized bytes of this box's content, excluding transactionId and index of output.

  13. case class ExtractCreationInfo(input: Value[SBox.type]) extends Value[STuple] with Extract[STuple] with NotReadyValue[STuple] with Product with Serializable

    Tuple of height when block got included into the blockchain and transaction identifier with box index in the transaction outputs serialized to the byte array.

    Tuple of height when block got included into the blockchain and transaction identifier with box index in the transaction outputs serialized to the byte array.



  14. case class ExtractId(input: Value[SBox.type]) extends Value[SByteArray] with Extract[SByteArray] with NotReadyValueByteArray with Product with Serializable

    Extracts Blake2b256 hash of this box's content, basically equals to blake2b256(bytes)

  15. case class ExtractRegisterAs[V <: SType](input: Value[SBox.type], registerId: RegisterId, tpe: SOption[V]) extends Value[SOption[V]] with Extract[SOption[V]] with NotReadyValue[SOption[V]] with Product with Serializable

    See Box.getReg()

  16. case class ExtractScriptBytes(input: Value[SBox.type]) extends Value[SByteArray] with Extract[SByteArray] with NotReadyValueByteArray with Product with Serializable

    Extract serialized bytes of guarding script.

    Extract serialized bytes of guarding script. As a reminder, the script should be evaluated to true in order to open this box. (aka spend it in a transaction).

  17. case class Filter[IV <: SType](input: Value[SCollection[IV]], condition: Value[SFunc]) extends Value[SCollection[IV]] with Transformer[SCollection[IV], SCollection[IV]] with Product with Serializable

    Selects all elements of input collection which satisfy the condition.

    Selects all elements of input collection which satisfy the condition.


    the collection to be filtered


    the predicate used to test elements.


    a new collection consisting of all elements of this collection that satisfy the given condition. The order of the elements is preserved.

  18. case class Fold[IV <: SType, OV <: SType](input: Value[SCollection[IV]], zero: Value[OV], foldOp: Value[SFunc]) extends Value[OV] with Transformer[SCollection[IV], OV] with Product with Serializable

    Applies a binary function to a start value and all elements of this collection, going left to right.

    Applies a binary function to a start value and all elements of this collection, going left to right.


    the result type of the binary operator.


    the collection to iterate


    the start value.


    the binary function.


    the result of inserting foldOp between consecutive elements of this collection, going left to right with the start value zero on the left:

    foldOp(...foldOp(zero, x_1), x_2, ..., x_n)

    where x_1, ..., x_n are the elements of this collection. Returns zero if this collection is empty.

  19. case class ForAll[IV <: SType](input: Value[SCollection[IV]], condition: Value[SFunc]) extends Value[SBoolean.type] with BooleanTransformer[IV] with Product with Serializable

    Tests whether a predicate holds for all elements of this collection.

    Tests whether a predicate holds for all elements of this collection.


    the collection to be tested


    the predicate used to test elements.


    true if this collection is empty or the given condition holds for all elements of this collection, otherwise false.

  20. case class GetVar[V <: SType](varId: Byte, tpe: SOption[V]) extends Value[SOption[V]] with NotReadyValue[SOption[V]] with Product with Serializable

    See special.sigma.Context.getVar() for detailed description.

  21. case class MapCollection[IV <: SType, OV <: SType](input: Value[SCollection[IV]], mapper: Value[SFunc]) extends Value[SCollection[OV]] with Transformer[SCollection[IV], SCollection[OV]] with Product with Serializable

    Builds a new collection by applying a function to all elements of this collection.

    Builds a new collection by applying a function to all elements of this collection.


    the element type of the input collection.


    the element type of the returned collection.


    the collection to be mapped


    the function to apply to each element.


    a new collection of type Coll[OV] resulting from applying the given function mapper to each element of this collection and collecting the results.

  22. case class OptionGet[V <: SType](input: Value[SOption[V]]) extends Value[V] with Transformer[SOption[V], V] with Product with Serializable

    Returns the option's value.

    Returns the option's value.

    Exceptions thrown

    java.util.NoSuchElementException if the option is empty.


    The option must be nonempty.

  23. case class OptionGetOrElse[V <: SType](input: Value[SOption[V]], default: Value[V]) extends Value[V] with Transformer[SOption[V], V] with Product with Serializable

    Returns the option's value if the option is nonempty, otherwise return the result of evaluating default.

    Returns the option's value if the option is nonempty, otherwise return the result of evaluating default. NOTE: the default is evaluated even if the option contains the value i.e. not lazily.


    the default expression.

  24. case class OptionIsDefined[V <: SType](input: Value[SOption[V]]) extends Value[SBoolean.type] with Transformer[SOption[V], SBoolean.type] with Product with Serializable

    Returns false if the option is None, true otherwise.

  25. case class SelectField(input: Value[STuple], fieldIndex: Byte) extends Value[SType] with Transformer[STuple, SType] with NotReadyValue[SType] with Product with Serializable

    Select tuple field by its 1-based index.

    Select tuple field by its 1-based index. E.g. input._1 is transformed to SelectField(input, 1)

  26. case class SigmaPropBytes(input: Value[SSigmaProp.type]) extends Value[SByteArray] with Transformer[SSigmaProp.type, SByteArray] with NotReadyValue[SByteArray] with Product with Serializable

    Extract serialized bytes of a SigmaProp value

  27. case class SigmaPropIsProven(input: Value[SSigmaProp.type]) extends Value[SBoolean.type] with Transformer[SSigmaProp.type, SBoolean.type] with NotReadyValueBoolean with Product with Serializable

    Represents execution of Sigma protocol that validates the given input SigmaProp.

  28. trait SimpleTransformerCompanion extends ValueCompanion
  29. case class SizeOf[V <: SType](input: Value[SCollection[V]]) extends Value[SInt.type] with Transformer[SCollection[V], SInt.type] with NotReadyValueInt with Product with Serializable

    The length of the collection (aka size).

  30. case class Slice[IV <: SType](input: Value[SCollection[IV]], from: Value[SInt.type], until: Value[SInt.type]) extends Value[SCollection[IV]] with Transformer[SCollection[IV], SCollection[IV]] with Product with Serializable

    Selects an interval of elements.

    Selects an interval of elements. The returned collection is made up of all elements x which satisfy the invariant:

    from <= indexOf(x) < until

    the lowest index to include from this collection.


    the lowest index to EXCLUDE from this collection.

  31. trait Transformer[IV <: SType, OV <: SType] extends Value[OV] with NotReadyValue[OV]

    Every operation is a transformer of some kind.

    Every operation is a transformer of some kind. This trait is used merely to simplify implementation and avoid copy-paste.

Value Members

  1. object Append extends ValueCompanion with Serializable
  2. object ByIndex extends FixedCostValueCompanion with Serializable
  3. object ComplexityTable
  4. object ComplexityTableStat
  5. object DeserializeContext extends ValueCompanion with Serializable
  6. object DeserializeRegister extends ValueCompanion with Serializable
  7. object Exists extends BooleanTransformerCompanion with Serializable
  8. object ExtractAmount extends SimpleTransformerCompanion with FixedCostValueCompanion with Serializable
  9. object ExtractBytes extends SimpleTransformerCompanion with Serializable
  10. object ExtractBytesWithNoRef extends SimpleTransformerCompanion with Serializable
  11. object ExtractCreationInfo extends SimpleTransformerCompanion with Serializable
  12. object ExtractId extends SimpleTransformerCompanion with Serializable
  13. object ExtractRegisterAs extends FixedCostValueCompanion with Serializable
  14. object ExtractScriptBytes extends SimpleTransformerCompanion with FixedCostValueCompanion with Serializable
  15. object Filter extends ValueCompanion with Serializable
  16. object Fold extends ValueCompanion with Serializable
  17. object ForAll extends BooleanTransformerCompanion with Serializable
  18. object GetVar extends FixedCostValueCompanion with Serializable
  19. object MapCollection extends ValueCompanion with Serializable
  20. object OptionGet extends SimpleTransformerCompanion with FixedCostValueCompanion with Serializable
  21. object OptionGetOrElse extends ValueCompanion with FixedCostValueCompanion with Serializable
  22. object OptionIsDefined extends SimpleTransformerCompanion with FixedCostValueCompanion with Serializable
  23. object SelectField extends FixedCostValueCompanion with Serializable
  24. object SigmaPropBytes extends PerItemCostValueCompanion with Serializable
  25. object SigmaPropIsProven extends ValueCompanion with Serializable
  26. object SizeOf extends SimpleTransformerCompanion with FixedCostValueCompanion with Serializable
  27. object Slice extends ValueCompanion with Serializable
