package lang

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class CheckingSigmaBuilder extends StdSigmaBuilder

    Builder which does checking of constraints on the numeric arguments of binary operations.

  2. case class CompilerResult[Ctx <: IRContext](env: ScriptEnv, code: String, compiledGraph: Ctx.Ref[(Ctx.Context) ⇒ Any], buildTree: SValue) extends Product with Serializable

    Result of ErgoScript source code compilation.

    Result of ErgoScript source code compilation.


    compiler environment used to compile the code


    ErgoScript source code


    graph obtained by using new GraphBuilding


    ErgoTree expression obtained from graph created by GraphBuilding

  3. case class CompilerSettings(networkPrefix: NetworkPrefix, builder: SigmaBuilder, lowerMethodCalls: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable


    network prefix to decode an ergo address from string (PK op)


    used to create ErgoTree nodes


    if true, then MethodCall nodes are lowered to ErgoTree nodes when sigmastate.SMethod.irInfo.irBuilder is defined. For example, in the => x+1) code, the map method call can be lowered to MapCollection node. The lowering if preferable, because it is more compact (1 byte for MapCollection instead of 3 bytes for MethodCall).

  4. class SigmaBinder extends AnyRef

  5. abstract class SigmaBuilder extends AnyRef

    Abstract interface of ErgoTree node builders.

    Abstract interface of ErgoTree node builders. Each method of the interface creates the corresponding ErgoTree node. The signatures of the methods reflect the constructors of the nodes. See the corresponding node classes for details.

  6. class SigmaCompiler extends AnyRef

    Compiler which compiles ErgoScript source code into ErgoTree.

  7. class SigmaPrinter extends PrettyPrinter

    Sigma pretty printing.

  8. class SigmaSpecializer extends AnyRef
  9. class SigmaTyper extends AnyRef

    Type inference and analysis for Sigma expressions.

  10. case class SourceContext(line: Int, column: Int, sourceLine: String) extends Product with Serializable
  11. class StdSigmaBuilder extends SigmaBuilder

    Standard implementation of SigmaBuilder interface in which most of the operations delegate common logic to equalityOp, comparisonOp and arithOp with default implementation.

    Standard implementation of SigmaBuilder interface in which most of the operations delegate common logic to equalityOp, comparisonOp and arithOp with default implementation. Note, each method of this class uses current value of currentSrcCtx dynamic variable to attach SourceContext to the created node. Thus, it is a responsibility of the caller to provide valid value of the currentSrcCtx variable. (See for example how this variable is used in SigmaParser.)

  12. class TransformingSigmaBuilder extends StdSigmaBuilder

    Builder which does automatic upcast of numeric arguments when necessary.

    Builder which does automatic upcast of numeric arguments when necessary. The upcast is implemented by inserting additional Upcast nodes. It also performs checking of constrains.

  13. trait Types extends Core

Value Members

  1. object CheckingSigmaBuilder extends CheckingSigmaBuilder with Product with Serializable

    Builder which performs checking of constraints on numeric operations.

  2. object Constraints
  3. object DeserializationSigmaBuilder extends TransformingSigmaBuilder with Product with Serializable

    Builder of ErgoTree nodes which is used in deserializers.

  4. object SigmaBinder
  5. object SigmaCompiler
  6. object SigmaParser extends Exprs with Types with Core
  7. object SigmaPredef
  8. object SigmaPrinter extends SigmaPrinter

    Lambda calculus pretty printing.

  9. object SigmaSpecializer
  10. object SigmaTyper
  11. object SourceContext extends Serializable
  12. object SrcCtxCallbackRewriter extends CallbackRewriter
  13. object StdSigmaBuilder extends StdSigmaBuilder with Product with Serializable

    Standard builder which don't perform any additional transformations and checking.

  14. object Terms
  15. object TransformingSigmaBuilder extends TransformingSigmaBuilder with Product with Serializable

    Builder of ErgoTree nodes which is used in SigmaCompiler.
