


package sigmastate

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. sigmastate
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package basics
  2. package eval
  3. package interpreter
  4. package lang
  5. package serialization
  6. package utils
  7. package utxo

Type Members

  1. case class AND(input: Value[SCollection[SBoolean.type]]) extends Value[SBoolean.type] with Transformer[SCollection[SBoolean.type], SBoolean.type] with NotReadyValueBoolean with Product with Serializable

    AND logical conjunction

  2. case class ArgInfo(name: String, description: String) extends Product with Serializable

    Meta information which can be attached to each argument of SMethod.

    Meta information which can be attached to each argument of SMethod.


    name of the argument


    argument description.

  3. case class ArithOp[T <: SType](left: Value[T], right: Value[T], opCode: OpCode) extends Value[T] with TwoArgumentsOperation[T, T, T] with NotReadyValue[T] with Product with Serializable

    Represents binary operation with the given opCode.

  4. abstract class ArithOpCompanion extends TwoArgumentOperationCompanion

    NOTE: by-name argument is required for correct initialization order.

  5. case class AtLeast(bound: Value[SInt.type], input: Value[SCollection[SSigmaProp.type]]) extends Value[SSigmaProp.type] with Transformer[SCollection[SSigmaProp.type], SSigmaProp.type] with NotReadyValue[SSigmaProp.type] with Product with Serializable

    Logical threshold.

    Logical threshold. AtLeast has two inputs: integer bound and children same as in AND/OR. The result is true if at least bound children are true.

  6. case class AvlTreeData(digest: ADDigest, treeFlags: AvlTreeFlags, keyLength: Int, valueLengthOpt: Option[Int] = None) extends Product with Serializable

    Type of data which efficiently authenticates potentially huge dataset having key-value dictionary interface.

    Type of data which efficiently authenticates potentially huge dataset having key-value dictionary interface. Only root hash of dynamic AVL+ tree, tree height, key length, optional value length, and access flags are stored in an instance of the datatype.

    Please note that standard hash function from CryptoConstants is used, and height is stored along with root hash of the tree, thus digest size is always CryptoConstants.hashLength + 1 bytes.


    authenticated tree digest: root hash along with tree height


    - allowed modifications. See AvlTreeFlags description for details


    - all the elements under the tree have the same length


    - if non-empty, all the values under the tree are of the same length

  7. case class AvlTreeFlags(insertAllowed: Boolean, updateAllowed: Boolean, removeAllowed: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable
  8. case class BinAnd(left: BoolValue, right: BoolValue) extends Value[SBoolean.type] with Relation[SBoolean.type, SBoolean.type] with Product with Serializable

    Logical AND with lazy right argument which is evaluated only if left == true.

    Logical AND with lazy right argument which is evaluated only if left == true. If left argument is false, the right is guaranteed to NOT be evaluated

  9. case class BinOr(left: BoolValue, right: BoolValue) extends Value[SBoolean.type] with Relation[SBoolean.type, SBoolean.type] with Product with Serializable

    Logical OR with lazy right argument which is evaluated only if left == false.

    Logical OR with lazy right argument which is evaluated only if left == false. If left argument is true, the right is guaranteed to NOT be evaluated

  10. case class BinXor(left: BoolValue, right: BoolValue) extends Value[SBoolean.type] with Relation[SBoolean.type, SBoolean.type] with Product with Serializable
  11. case class BitInversion[T <: SType](input: Value[T]) extends Value[T] with OneArgumentOperation[T, T] with Product with Serializable

    Not implemented in v4.x.

  12. case class BitOp[T <: SType](left: Value[T], right: Value[T], opCode: OpCode) extends Value[T] with TwoArgumentsOperation[T, T, T] with NotReadyValue[T] with Product with Serializable

    ErgoTree node which represents a binary bit-wise operation with the given opCode.

  13. abstract class BitOpCompanion extends TwoArgumentOperationCompanion

    NOTE: by-name argument is required for correct initialization order.

  14. case class BoolToSigmaProp(value: BoolValue) extends SigmaPropValue with Product with Serializable

    Embedding of Boolean values to SigmaProp values.

    Embedding of Boolean values to SigmaProp values. As an example, this operation allows boolean experesions to be used as arguments of atLeast(..., sigmaProp(boolExpr), ...) operation. During execution results to either TrueProp or FalseProp values of SigmaProp type.

  15. case class ByteArrayToBigInt(input: Value[SByteArray]) extends Value[SBigInt.type] with Transformer[SByteArray, SBigInt.type] with NotReadyValueBigInt with Product with Serializable

    Convert SByteArray to SBigInt

  16. case class ByteArrayToLong(input: Value[SByteArray]) extends Value[SLong.type] with Transformer[SByteArray, SLong.type] with NotReadyValueLong with Product with Serializable

    Convert SByteArray to SLong

  17. case class CAND(children: Seq[SigmaBoolean]) extends SigmaConjecture with Product with Serializable

    AND conjunction for sigma propositions

  18. case class CAndUncheckedNode(challenge: Challenge, children: Seq[UncheckedSigmaTree]) extends UncheckedConjecture with Product with Serializable
  19. case class CAndUnproven(proposition: CAND, challengeOpt: Option[Challenge] = None, simulated: Boolean, children: Seq[ProofTree], position: NodePosition = NodePosition.CryptoTreePrefix) extends UnprovenConjecture with Product with Serializable
  20. case class COR(children: Seq[SigmaBoolean]) extends SigmaConjecture with Product with Serializable

    OR disjunction for sigma propositions

  21. case class COrUncheckedNode(challenge: Challenge, children: Seq[UncheckedSigmaTree]) extends UncheckedConjecture with Product with Serializable
  22. case class COrUnproven(proposition: COR, challengeOpt: Option[Challenge] = None, simulated: Boolean, children: Seq[ProofTree], position: NodePosition = NodePosition.CryptoTreePrefix) extends UnprovenConjecture with Product with Serializable
  23. case class CTHRESHOLD(k: Int, children: Seq[SigmaBoolean]) extends SigmaConjecture with Product with Serializable

    THRESHOLD connector for sigma propositions

  24. case class CThresholdUncheckedNode(challenge: Challenge, children: Seq[UncheckedSigmaTree], k: Integer, polynomialOpt: Option[GF2_192_Poly]) extends UncheckedConjecture with Product with Serializable
  25. case class CThresholdUnproven(proposition: CTHRESHOLD, challengeOpt: Option[Challenge] = None, simulated: Boolean, k: Integer, children: Seq[ProofTree], polynomialOpt: Option[GF2_192_Poly], position: NodePosition = NodePosition.CryptoTreePrefix) extends UnprovenConjecture with Product with Serializable

    Unproven threshold k-out-n conjecture.

    Unproven threshold k-out-n conjecture. k secrets will be proven, (n-k) simulated. For details on challenge and polynomial used in this case, see [CramerDamgardSchoenmakers94].

  26. case class CalcBlake2b256(input: Value[SByteArray]) extends CalcHash with Product with Serializable

    Calculate Blake2b hash from input

  27. sealed abstract class CalcHash extends Value[SByteArray] with Transformer[SByteArray, SByteArray] with NotReadyValueByteArray
  28. case class CalcSha256(input: Value[SByteArray]) extends CalcHash with Product with Serializable

    Calculate Sha256 hash from input

  29. sealed abstract class CostKind extends AnyRef

    Cost descriptor of a single operation, usually associated with sigmastate.interpreter.OperationDesc.

  30. case class CreateAvlTree(operationFlags: ByteValue, digest: Value[SByteArray], keyLength: IntValue, valueLengthOpt: Value[SIntOption]) extends AvlTreeValue with Product with Serializable

    Construct a new authenticated dictionary with given parameters and tree root digest.

  31. case class CreateProveDHTuple(gv: Value[SGroupElement.type], hv: Value[SGroupElement.type], uv: Value[SGroupElement.type], vv: Value[SGroupElement.type]) extends SigmaPropValue with Product with Serializable

    ErgoTree operation to create a new SigmaProp value representing public key of Diffie Hellman signature protocol.

    ErgoTree operation to create a new SigmaProp value representing public key of Diffie Hellman signature protocol. Common input: (g,h,u,v)

  32. case class CreateProveDlog(value: Value[SGroupElement.type]) extends SigmaPropValue with Product with Serializable

    ErgoTree operation to create a new SigmaProp value representing public key of discrete logarithm signature protocol.

  33. case class DecodePoint(input: Value[SByteArray]) extends Value[SGroupElement.type] with Transformer[SByteArray, SGroupElement.type] with NotReadyValueGroupElement with Product with Serializable

    Convert SByteArray to SGroupElement using CryptoConstants.dlogGroup.curve.decodePoint(bytes)

  34. case class Downcast[T <: SNumericType, R <: SNumericType](input: Value[T], tpe: R) extends Value[R] with Transformer[T, R] with Product with Serializable

    Down cast for Numeric types

  35. case class EQ[S <: SType](left: Value[S], right: Value[S]) extends Value[SBoolean.type] with SimpleRelation[S] with Product with Serializable

    Equals operation for SType todo: make EQ to really accept only values of the same type, now EQ(TrueLeaf, IntConstant(5)) is valid

  36. case class Exponentiate(left: Value[SGroupElement.type], right: Value[SBigInt.type]) extends Value[SGroupElement.type] with TwoArgumentsOperation[SGroupElement.type, SBigInt.type, SGroupElement.type] with NotReadyValueGroupElement with Product with Serializable
  37. case class FixedCost(cost: JitCost) extends CostKind with Product with Serializable

    Descriptor of the simple fixed cost.

    Descriptor of the simple fixed cost.


    given cost of the operation

  38. case class GE[T <: SType](left: Value[T], right: Value[T]) extends Value[SBoolean.type] with SimpleRelation[T] with Product with Serializable

    Greater or equals operation for SInt

  39. case class GT[T <: SType](left: Value[T], right: Value[T]) extends Value[SBoolean.type] with SimpleRelation[T] with Product with Serializable

    Greater operation for SNumericType values

  40. case class If[T <: SType](condition: Value[SBoolean.type], trueBranch: Value[T], falseBranch: Value[T]) extends Value[T] with Quadruple[SBoolean.type, T, T, T] with Product with Serializable

    If conditional function.

    If conditional function. Non-lazy - evaluate both branches.


    - condition to check


    - branch that will be used if condition is true


    - branch that will be used if condition is false

  41. final case class JitCost extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable

    Represents cost estimation computed by JITC interpreter.

    Represents cost estimation computed by JITC interpreter. The JITC costs use 10x more accurate scale comparing to block cost values.

    See also


  42. case class LE[T <: SType](left: Value[T], right: Value[T]) extends Value[SBoolean.type] with SimpleRelation[T] with Product with Serializable

    Less or equals operation for SInt

  43. case class LT[T <: SType](left: Value[T], right: Value[T]) extends Value[SBoolean.type] with SimpleRelation[T] with Product with Serializable

    Less operation for SInt

  44. case class LogicalNot(input: Value[SBoolean.type]) extends Value[SBoolean.type] with NotReadyValueBoolean with Product with Serializable
  45. trait LogicalTransformerCompanion extends ValueCompanion

    Base trait for companions of OR, AND and XorOf nodes.

  46. case class LongToByteArray(input: Value[SLong.type]) extends Value[SByteArray] with Transformer[SLong.type, SByteArray] with NotReadyValueByteArray with Product with Serializable

    Convert SLong to SByteArray

  47. trait MethodByNameUnapply extends STypeCompanion

    Defines recognizer method which allows the derived object to be used in patterns to recognize method descriptors by method name.

    Defines recognizer method which allows the derived object to be used in patterns to recognize method descriptors by method name.

    See also


  48. case class MethodIRInfo(irBuilder: Option[PartialFunction[(SigmaBuilder, SValue, SMethod, Seq[SValue], STypeSubst), SValue]], javaMethod: Option[Method], invokeDescsBuilder: Option[InvokeDescBuilder]) extends Product with Serializable

    Meta information connecting SMethod with ErgoTree.

    Meta information connecting SMethod with ErgoTree. The optional builder is used by front-end ErgoScript compiler to replace method calls with ErgoTree nodes. In many cases SMethod.MethodCallIrBuilder builder is used. However there are specific cases where more complex builders are used, see for example usage of withIRInfo in the declaration of SCollection.GetOrElseMethod.


    optional method call recognizer and ErgoTree node builder. When the partial function is defined on a tuple (builder, obj, m, args, subst) it transforms it to a new ErgoTree node, which is then used in the resuting ErgoTree coming out of the ErgoScript compiler.


    Java Method which should be used to evaluate sigmastate.lang.Terms.MethodCall node of ErgoTree.


    optional builder of additional type descriptors (see extraDescriptors)

  49. case class ModQ(input: Value[SBigInt.type]) extends Value[SBigInt.type] with NotReadyValue[SBigInt.type] with Product with Serializable
  50. case class ModQArithOp(left: Value[SBigInt.type], right: Value[SBigInt.type], opCode: OpCode) extends Value[SBigInt.type] with NotReadyValue[SBigInt.type] with Product with Serializable
  51. abstract class ModQArithOpCompanion extends ValueCompanion
  52. case class MultiplyGroup(left: Value[SGroupElement.type], right: Value[SGroupElement.type]) extends Value[SGroupElement.type] with TwoArgumentsOperation[SGroupElement.type, SGroupElement.type, SGroupElement.type] with NotReadyValueGroupElement with Product with Serializable
  53. case class NEQ[S <: SType](left: Value[S], right: Value[S]) extends Value[SBoolean.type] with SimpleRelation[S] with Product with Serializable

    Non-Equals operation for SType

  54. case class Negation[T <: SType](input: Value[T]) extends Value[T] with OneArgumentOperation[T, T] with Product with Serializable

    Negation operation on numeric type T.

    Negation operation on numeric type T. See ExactNumeric instance for the corresponding type T.

  55. case class NodePosition(positions: Seq[Int]) extends Product with Serializable

    Data type which encodes position of a node in a tree.

    Data type which encodes position of a node in a tree.

    Position is encoded like following (the example provided is for CTHRESHOLD(2, Seq(pk1, pk2, pk3 && pk4)) :

    0 / | \ / | \ 0-0 0-1 0-2 /| / | / | / | 0-2-0 0-2-1

    So a hint associated with pk1 has a position "0-0", pk4 - "0-2-1" .

    Please note that "0" prefix is for a crypto tree. There are several kinds of trees during evaluation. Initial mixed tree (ergoTree) would have another prefix.


    - positions from root (inclusive) in top-down order

  56. trait NumericCastCompanion extends ValueCompanion

    Base class for Upcast and Downcast companion objects.

  57. case class OR(input: Value[SCollection[SBoolean.type]]) extends Value[SBoolean.type] with Transformer[SCollection[SBoolean.type], SBoolean.type] with NotReadyValueBoolean with Product with Serializable

    OR logical conjunction

  58. sealed trait OneArgumentOperation[IV <: SType, OV <: SType] extends Value[OV] with NotReadyValue[OV]
  59. trait OneArgumentOperationCompanion extends ValueCompanion
  60. trait OpGroup[C <: ValueCompanion] extends AnyRef
  61. case class OperationInfo(opDesc: Option[ValueCompanion], description: String, args: Seq[ArgInfo]) extends Product with Serializable

    Meta information which can be attached to SMethod.

    Meta information which can be attached to SMethod.


    optional operation descriptor


    human readable description of the method


    one item for each argument

  62. case class PerItemCost(baseCost: JitCost, perChunkCost: JitCost, chunkSize: Int) extends CostKind with Product with Serializable

    Cost of operation over collection of the known length.

    Cost of operation over collection of the known length. See for example Exists, MapCollection.


    cost of operation factored out of the loop iterations


    cost associated with each chunk of items


    number of items in a chunk

  63. trait ProofTree extends Product
  64. trait ProofTreeConjecture extends ProofTree
  65. trait ProofTreeLeaf extends ProofTree
  66. sealed trait Quadruple[IV1 <: SType, IV2 <: SType, IV3 <: SType, OV <: SType] extends Value[OV] with NotReadyValue[OV]

    A tree node with three descendants

  67. trait QuadrupleCompanion extends ValueCompanion
  68. sealed trait Relation[LIV <: SType, RIV <: SType] extends Value[SBoolean.type] with Triple[LIV, RIV, SBoolean.type] with NotReadyValueBoolean
  69. trait RelationCompanion extends ValueCompanion
  70. trait SCollection[T <: SType] extends SProduct with SGenericType

    Base class for descriptors of Coll[T] ErgoTree type for some elemType T.

  71. case class SCollectionType[T <: SType](elemType: T) extends SCollection[T] with Product with Serializable

    Descriptor of Coll[T] ErgoTree type for some elemType T.

  72. trait SEmbeddable extends SType

    Base trait for all embeddable types.

  73. case class SFunc(tDom: IndexedSeq[SType], tRange: SType, tpeParams: Seq[STypeParam] = Nil) extends SType with SGenericType with Product with Serializable

    Type descriptor of lambda types.

  74. trait SGenericType extends AnyRef

    Base trait implemented by all generic types (those which has type parameters, e.g.

    Base trait implemented by all generic types (those which has type parameters, e.g. Coll[T], Option[T], etc.)

  75. trait SLogical extends SType

    Base type for SBoolean and SSigmaProp.

  76. case class SMethod(objType: STypeCompanion, name: String, stype: SFunc, methodId: Byte, costKind: CostKind, irInfo: MethodIRInfo, docInfo: Option[OperationInfo], costFunc: Option[MethodCostFunc]) extends Product with Serializable

    Represents method descriptor.

    Represents method descriptor.


    type or type constructor descriptor


    method name


    method signature type, where stype.tDom - argument type and stype.tRange - method result type.


    method code, it should be unique among methods of the same objType.


    cost descriptor for this method


    meta information connecting SMethod with ErgoTree (see MethodIRInfo)


    optional human readable method description data


    optional specification of how the cost should be computed for the given method call (See ErgoTreeEvaluator.calcCost method).

  77. trait SMonoType extends SType with STypeCompanion

    Monomorphic type descriptor i.e.

    Monomorphic type descriptor i.e. a type without generic parameters.

    See also


  78. trait SNumericType extends SProduct

    Marker trait for all numeric types.

  79. case class SOption[ElemType <: SType](elemType: ElemType) extends SProduct with SGenericType with Product with Serializable

    Type description of optional values.

    Type description of optional values. Instances of Option are either constructed by Some or by None constructors.

  80. trait SPredefType extends SType

    Base trait for all pre-defined types which are not necessary primitive (e.g.

    Base trait for all pre-defined types which are not necessary primitive (e.g. Box, AvlTree).

  81. trait SPrimType extends SType with SPredefType

    Base trait for all primitive types (aka atoms) which don't have internal type items.

    Base trait for all primitive types (aka atoms) which don't have internal type items. All primitive types can occupy a reserved interval of codes from 1 to MaxPrimTypeCode.

  82. trait SProduct extends SType

    Base trait for all types which have methods (and properties)

  83. case class STuple(items: IndexedSeq[SType]) extends SCollection[SAny.type] with Product with Serializable

    Type descriptor of tuple type.

  84. sealed trait SType extends SigmaNode

    Every type descriptor is a tree represented by nodes in SType hierarchy.

    Every type descriptor is a tree represented by nodes in SType hierarchy. In order to extend type family: - Implement concrete class derived from SType - Implement serializer (see SCollectionSerializer) and register it in STypeSerializer.table Each SType is serialized to array of bytes by: - emitting typeCode of each node (see special case for collections below) - then recursively serializing subtrees from left to right on each level - for each collection of primitive type there is special type code to emit single byte instead of two bytes Types code intervals - (1 .. MaxPrimTypeCode) // primitive types - (CollectionTypeCode .. CollectionTypeCode + MaxPrimTypeCode) // collections of primitive types - (MaxCollectionTypeCode ..) // Other types Collection of non-primitive type is serialized as (CollectionTypeCode, serialize(elementType))

  85. case class STypeApply(name: String, args: IndexedSeq[SType] = IndexedSeq()) extends SType with Product with Serializable

    Used by ErgoScript compiler IR and eliminated during compilation.

    Used by ErgoScript compiler IR and eliminated during compilation. It is not used in ErgoTree.

  86. trait STypeCompanion extends AnyRef

    Basic interface for all type companions.

    Basic interface for all type companions. This is necessary to make distinction between concrete type descriptor of a type like Coll[Int] and generic descriptor of Coll[T] type constructor. Some simple types like Int, GroupElement inherit from both SType and STypeCompanion.

    See also

    SInt, SGroupElement, SType

  87. case class STypeVar(name: String) extends SType with Product with Serializable

    Type variable which is used in generic method/func signatures.

    Type variable which is used in generic method/func signatures. Used by ErgoScript compiler IR and eliminated during compilation. It is not used in ErgoTree.

  88. case class SigmaAnd(items: Seq[SigmaPropValue]) extends SigmaPropValue with SigmaTransformer[SigmaPropValue, SigmaPropValue] with Product with Serializable

    AND conjunction for sigma propositions

  89. trait SigmaConjecture extends SigmaBoolean

    Basic trait for inner nodes of crypto-trees, so AND/OR/THRESHOLD sigma-protocol connectives

  90. trait SigmaNode extends Product

    Base type for all AST nodes of sigma lang.

  91. trait SigmaNodeCompanion extends AnyRef

    Base type for all companions of AST nodes of sigma lang.

  92. case class SigmaOr(items: Seq[SigmaPropValue]) extends SigmaPropValue with SigmaTransformer[SigmaPropValue, SigmaPropValue] with Product with Serializable

    OR disjunction for sigma propositions

  93. trait SigmaProofOfKnowledgeLeaf[SP <: SigmaProtocol[SP], S <: SigmaProtocolPrivateInput[SP, _]] extends SigmaBoolean with SigmaProtocolCommonInput[SP]

    Basic trait for leafs of crypto-trees, such as ProveDlog and ProveDiffieHellman instances

  94. trait SigmaTransformer[IV <: SigmaPropValue, OV <: SigmaPropValue] extends SigmaPropValue
  95. trait SigmaTransformerCompanion extends ValueCompanion
  96. trait SimpleRelation[T <: SType] extends Value[SBoolean.type] with Relation[T, T]
  97. case class SubstConstants[T <: SType](scriptBytes: Value[SByteArray], positions: Value[SIntArray], newValues: Value[SCollection[T]]) extends Value[SByteArray] with NotReadyValueByteArray with Product with Serializable

    Transforms serialized bytes of ErgoTree with segregated constants by replacing constants at given positions with new values.

    Transforms serialized bytes of ErgoTree with segregated constants by replacing constants at given positions with new values. This operation allow to use serialized scripts as pre-defined templates. The typical usage is "check that output box have proposition equal to given script bytes, where minerPk (constants(0)) is replaced with currentMinerPk". Each constant in original scriptBytes have SType serialized before actual data (see ConstantSerializer). During substitution each value from newValues is checked to be an instance of the corresponding type. This means, the constants during substitution cannot change their types.


    serialized ErgoTree with ConstantSegregationFlag set to 1.


    zero based indexes in ErgoTree.constants array which should be replaced with new values


    new values to be injected into the corresponding positions in ErgoTree.constants array


    original scriptBytes array where only specified constants are replaced and all other bytes remain exactly the same

  98. case class TreeLookup(tree: Value[SAvlTree.type], key: Value[SByteArray], proof: Value[SByteArray]) extends Value[SOption[SByteArray]] with Quadruple[SAvlTree.type, SByteArray, SByteArray, SOption[SByteArray]] with Product with Serializable

    Perform a lookup of key key in a tree with root tree using proof proof.

    Perform a lookup of key key in a tree with root tree using proof proof. Throws exception if proof is incorrect Return Some(bytes) of leaf with key key if it exists Return None if leaf with provided key does not exist.

  99. sealed trait Triple[LIV <: SType, RIV <: SType, OV <: SType] extends Value[OV] with NotReadyValue[OV]

    A tree node with left and right descendants

  100. abstract class TrivialProp extends SigmaBoolean with Product1[Boolean]

    Represents boolean values (true/false) in SigmaBoolean tree.

    Represents boolean values (true/false) in SigmaBoolean tree. Participates in evaluation of CAND, COR, THRESHOLD connectives over SigmaBoolean values. See CAND.normalized, COR.normalized and AtLeast.reduce.

  101. trait TwoArgumentOperationCompanion extends ValueCompanion
  102. sealed trait TwoArgumentsOperation[LIV <: SType, RIV <: SType, OV <: SType] extends Value[OV] with Triple[LIV, RIV, OV]
  103. abstract class TypeBasedCost extends CostKind

    Descriptor of the cost which depends on type.

  104. trait UncheckedConjecture extends UncheckedSigmaTree with ProofTreeConjecture
  105. case class UncheckedDiffieHellmanTuple(proposition: ProveDHTuple, commitmentOpt: Option[FirstDiffieHellmanTupleProverMessage], challenge: Challenge, secondMessage: SecondDiffieHellmanTupleProverMessage) extends UncheckedLeaf[ProveDHTuple] with Product with Serializable
  106. trait UncheckedLeaf[SP <: SigmaBoolean] extends UncheckedSigmaTree with ProofTreeLeaf
  107. case class UncheckedSchnorr(proposition: ProveDlog, commitmentOpt: Option[FirstDLogProverMessage], challenge: Challenge, secondMessage: SecondDLogProverMessage) extends UncheckedLeaf[ProveDlog] with Product with Serializable
  108. sealed trait UncheckedSigmaTree extends UncheckedTree
  109. sealed trait UncheckedTree extends ProofTree
  110. sealed trait UnprovenConjecture extends UnprovenTree with ProofTreeConjecture
  111. case class UnprovenDiffieHellmanTuple(proposition: ProveDHTuple, commitmentOpt: Option[FirstDiffieHellmanTupleProverMessage], randomnessOpt: Option[BigInteger], challengeOpt: Option[Challenge] = None, simulated: Boolean, position: NodePosition = NodePosition.CryptoTreePrefix) extends UnprovenLeaf with Product with Serializable
  112. sealed trait UnprovenLeaf extends UnprovenTree with ProofTreeLeaf
  113. case class UnprovenSchnorr(proposition: ProveDlog, commitmentOpt: Option[FirstDLogProverMessage], randomnessOpt: Option[BigInteger], challengeOpt: Option[Challenge] = None, simulated: Boolean, position: NodePosition = NodePosition.CryptoTreePrefix) extends UnprovenLeaf with Product with Serializable
  114. sealed trait UnprovenTree extends ProofTree

    A node of a sigma-tree used by the prover.

    A node of a sigma-tree used by the prover. See ProverInterpreter comments and the ErgoScript white-paper , Appendix A, for details

  115. case class Upcast[T <: SNumericType, R <: SNumericType](input: Value[T], tpe: R) extends Value[R] with Transformer[T, R] with Product with Serializable

    Up cast for Numeric types

  116. case class VersionContext(activatedVersion: Byte, ergoTreeVersion: Byte) extends Product with Serializable

    Represent currently activated protocol version and currently executed ErgoTree version.

    Represent currently activated protocol version and currently executed ErgoTree version.

    This parameters, once set in DynamicVariable can be accessed everywhere on the current thread.


    Currently activated script version == Block.headerVersion - 1


    version of the currently executed ErgoTree

  117. case class Xor(left: Value[SByteArray], right: Value[SByteArray]) extends Value[SByteArray] with TwoArgumentsOperation[SByteArray, SByteArray, SByteArray] with NotReadyValueByteArray with Product with Serializable

    XOR for two SByteArray

  118. case class XorOf(input: Value[SCollection[SBoolean.type]]) extends Value[SBoolean.type] with Transformer[SCollection[SBoolean.type], SBoolean.type] with NotReadyValueBoolean with Product with Serializable

    Similar to allOf, but performing logical XOR operation instead of &&

Value Members

  1. def Divide[T <: SNumericType](left: Value[T], right: Value[T]): Value[T]

    SInt division

  2. def Max[T <: SNumericType](left: Value[T], right: Value[T]): Value[T]
  3. def Min[T <: SNumericType](left: Value[T], right: Value[T]): Value[T]
  4. def Minus[T <: SNumericType](left: Value[T], right: Value[T]): Value[T]

    SInt subtraction

  5. def MinusModQ(left: Value[SBigInt.type], right: Value[SBigInt.type]): Value[SBigInt.type]
  6. def Modulo[T <: SNumericType](left: Value[T], right: Value[T]): Value[T]

    SInt modulo

  7. def Multiply[T <: SNumericType](left: Value[T], right: Value[T]): Value[T]

    SInt multiplication

  8. def Plus[T <: SNumericType](left: Value[T], right: Value[T]): Value[T]

    SInt addition

  9. def PlusModQ(left: Value[SBigInt.type], right: Value[SBigInt.type]): Value[SBigInt.type]
  10. object AND extends LogicalTransformerCompanion with Serializable
  11. object ArithOp extends Serializable
  12. object AtLeast extends ValueCompanion with Serializable
  13. object AvlTreeData extends Serializable
  14. object AvlTreeFlags extends Serializable
  15. object BinAnd extends RelationCompanion with FixedCostValueCompanion with Serializable
  16. object BinOr extends RelationCompanion with FixedCostValueCompanion with Serializable
  17. object BinXor extends RelationCompanion with FixedCostValueCompanion with Serializable
  18. object BitInversion extends OneArgumentOperationCompanion with Serializable
  19. object BitOp extends Serializable
  20. object BoolToSigmaProp extends FixedCostValueCompanion with Serializable
  21. object ByteArrayToBigInt extends SimpleTransformerCompanion with Serializable
  22. object ByteArrayToLong extends SimpleTransformerCompanion with Serializable
  23. object CAND extends Serializable
  24. object COR extends Serializable
  25. object CalcBlake2b256 extends SimpleTransformerCompanion with Serializable
  26. object CalcHash
  27. object CalcSha256 extends SimpleTransformerCompanion with Serializable
  28. object ConjectureType extends Enumeration
  29. object CreateAvlTree extends ValueCompanion with Serializable
  30. object CreateProveDHTuple extends FixedCostValueCompanion with Serializable
  31. object CreateProveDlog extends FixedCostValueCompanion with Serializable
  32. object DataValueComparer

    Implementation of data equality for two arbitrary ErgoTree data types.

    Implementation of data equality for two arbitrary ErgoTree data types.

    See also


  33. object DecodePoint extends SimpleTransformerCompanion with FixedCostValueCompanion with Serializable
  34. object Downcast extends NumericCastCompanion with Serializable
  35. case object DynamicCost extends CostKind with Product with Serializable

    Cost of operation cannot be described using fixed set of parameters.

    Cost of operation cannot be described using fixed set of parameters. In this case the operation cost is a sum of sub-operation costs. See EQ, NEQ.

  36. object EQ extends RelationCompanion with Serializable
  37. object Exponentiate extends TwoArgumentOperationCompanion with FixedCostValueCompanion with Serializable
  38. object FiatShamirTree
  39. object GE extends RelationCompanion with Serializable
  40. object GT extends RelationCompanion with Serializable
  41. object If extends QuadrupleCompanion with FixedCostValueCompanion with Serializable
  42. object JitCost extends Serializable
  43. object LE extends RelationCompanion with Serializable
  44. object LT extends RelationCompanion with Serializable
  45. object LogicalNot extends FixedCostValueCompanion with Serializable
  46. object LongToByteArray extends SimpleTransformerCompanion with Serializable
  47. object ModQ extends ValueCompanion with Serializable
  48. object ModQArithOp extends OpGroup[ModQArithOpCompanion] with Serializable
  49. object MultiplyGroup extends TwoArgumentOperationCompanion with FixedCostValueCompanion with Serializable
  50. object NEQ extends RelationCompanion with Serializable
  51. object Negation extends OneArgumentOperationCompanion with FixedCostValueCompanion with Serializable
  52. case object NoProof extends UncheckedTree with Product with Serializable
  53. case object NoType extends SType with Product with Serializable

    Special type to represent untyped values.

    Special type to represent untyped values. Interpreter raises an error when encounter a Value with this type. All Value nodes with this type should be elimitanted during typing. If no specific type can be assigned statically during typing, then either error should be raised or type SAny should be assigned which is interpreted as dynamic typing.

  54. object NodePosition extends Serializable
  55. object NumericCastCostKind extends TypeBasedCost

    Cost of: 1) converting numeric value to the numeric value of the given type, i.e.

    Cost of: 1) converting numeric value to the numeric value of the given type, i.e. Byte -> Int NOTE: the cost of BigInt casting is the same in JITC (comparing to AOTC) to simplify implementation.

  56. object OR extends LogicalTransformerCompanion with Serializable
  57. object OperationInfo extends Serializable
  58. object Operations

    WARNING: This file is generated by GenInfoObjects tool.

    WARNING: This file is generated by GenInfoObjects tool. Don't edit it directly, use the tool instead to regenerate. The operations are alphabetically sorted.

  59. case object SAny extends SPrimType with Product with Serializable

    Any other type is implicitly subtype of this type.

  60. case object SAvlTree extends SProduct with SPredefType with SMonoType with Product with Serializable

    Type descriptor of AvlTree type of ErgoTree.

  61. case object SBigInt extends SPrimType with SEmbeddable with SNumericType with SMonoType with Product with Serializable

    Type of 256 bit integet values.

    Type of 256 bit integet values. Implemented using java.math.BigInteger.

  62. case object SBoolean extends SPrimType with SEmbeddable with SLogical with SProduct with SMonoType with Product with Serializable

    Descriptor of ErgoTree type Boolean holding true or false values.

  63. case object SBox extends SProduct with SPredefType with SMonoType with Product with Serializable

    Type descriptor of Box type of ErgoTree.

  64. case object SByte extends SPrimType with SEmbeddable with SNumericType with SMonoType with Product with Serializable

    Descriptor of ErgoTree type Byte - 8-bit signed integer.

  65. object SCollection extends STypeCompanion with MethodByNameUnapply
  66. object SCollectionType extends Serializable
  67. case object SContext extends SProduct with SPredefType with SMonoType with Product with Serializable

    Type descriptor of Context type of ErgoTree.

  68. object SFunc extends Serializable
  69. case object SGlobal extends SProduct with SPredefType with SMonoType with Product with Serializable

    This type is introduced to unify handling of global and non-global (i.e.

    This type is introduced to unify handling of global and non-global (i.e. methods) operations. It unifies implementation of global operation with implementation of methods and avoids code duplication (following DRY principle The WrappedType is special.sigma.SigmaDslBuilder, which is an interface implemented by the singleton sigmastate.eval.CostingSigmaDslBuilder

    The Constant(...) tree node of this type are not allowed, as well as using it in register and context variables (aka ContextExtension)

    When new methods are added to this type via a soft-fork, they will be serialized as part of ErgoTree using MethodCallSerializer, where SGlobal.typeCode will be used.

    See also


  70. case object SGroupElement extends SProduct with SPrimType with SEmbeddable with SMonoType with Product with Serializable

    Descriptor of ErgoTree type GroupElement.

    Descriptor of ErgoTree type GroupElement. NOTE: this descriptor both type and type companion

  71. case object SHeader extends SProduct with SPredefType with SMonoType with Product with Serializable

    Type descriptor of Header type of ErgoTree.

  72. case object SInt extends SPrimType with SEmbeddable with SNumericType with SMonoType with Product with Serializable

    Descriptor of ErgoTree type Int - 32-bit signed integer.

  73. case object SLong extends SPrimType with SEmbeddable with SNumericType with SMonoType with Product with Serializable

    Descriptor of ErgoTree type Long - 64-bit signed integer.

  74. object SMethod extends Serializable
  75. object SNumericType extends STypeCompanion
  76. object SOption extends STypeCompanion with Serializable
  77. object SPair

    Helper constuctor/extractor for tuples of two types.

  78. case object SPreHeader extends SProduct with SPredefType with SMonoType with Product with Serializable

    Type descriptor of PreHeader type of ErgoTree.

  79. object SPrimType

    Primitive type recognizer to pattern match on TypeCode

  80. case object SShort extends SPrimType with SEmbeddable with SNumericType with SMonoType with Product with Serializable

    Descriptor of ErgoTree type Short - 16-bit signed integer.

  81. case object SSigmaProp extends SProduct with SPrimType with SEmbeddable with SLogical with SMonoType with Product with Serializable

    Descriptor of ErgoTree type SigmaProp which represent sigma-protocol propositions.

  82. case object SString extends SProduct with SMonoType with Product with Serializable

    Descriptor of type String which is not used in ErgoTree, but used in ErgoScript.

    Descriptor of type String which is not used in ErgoTree, but used in ErgoScript. NOTE: this descriptor both type and type companion

  83. object STuple extends STypeCompanion with Serializable
  84. object SType
  85. object STypeApply extends Serializable
  86. object STypeVar extends Serializable
  87. case object SUnit extends SPrimType with Product with Serializable

    The type with single inhabitant value ()

  88. object SigSerializer extends LazyLogging

    Contains implementation of signature (aka proof) serialization.

    Contains implementation of signature (aka proof) serialization.

    See also

    toProofBytes, parseAndComputeChallenges

  89. object SigmaAnd extends SigmaTransformerCompanion with Serializable
  90. object SigmaOr extends SigmaTransformerCompanion with Serializable
  91. object SimpleRelation
  92. object SubstConstants extends ValueCompanion with Serializable
  93. object TreeLookup extends QuadrupleCompanion with Serializable
  94. object TrivialProp
  95. object Upcast extends NumericCastCompanion with Serializable
  96. object Values
  97. object VersionContext extends Serializable
  98. object Xor extends TwoArgumentOperationCompanion with Serializable
  99. object XorOf extends LogicalTransformerCompanion with Serializable
  100. object util

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
