Interface Coordinates

public interface Coordinates

Provides coordinates of an element for advanced interactions. Note that some coordinates (such as screen coordinates) are evaluated lazily since the element may have to be scrolled into view.

Method Summary
 Object getAuxiliary()
 Point getLocationInDOM()
          Deprecated. To be removed in 2.31. Use onPage() instead
 Point getLocationInViewPort()
          Deprecated. To be removed in 2.31. Use inViewPort() instead
 Point getLocationOnScreen()
          Deprecated. To be removed in 2.31. Use onScreen() instead
 Point inViewPort()
          Gets coordinates on the element relative to the top-left corner of OS-window being used to display the content.
 Point onPage()
          Gets coordinates on the element relative to the top-left corner of the page.
 Point onScreen()
          Gets coordinates on the element relative to the top-left corner of the monitor (screen).

Method Detail


Point getLocationOnScreen()
Deprecated. To be removed in 2.31. Use onScreen() instead


Point getLocationInViewPort()
Deprecated. To be removed in 2.31. Use inViewPort() instead


Point getLocationInDOM()
Deprecated. To be removed in 2.31. Use onPage() instead


Point onScreen()
Gets coordinates on the element relative to the top-left corner of the monitor (screen). This method automatically scrolls the page and/or frames to make element visible in viewport before calculating its coordinates.

coordinates on the element relative to the top-left corner of the monitor (screen).
ElementNotVisibleException - if the element can't be scrolled into view.


Point inViewPort()
Gets coordinates on the element relative to the top-left corner of OS-window being used to display the content. Usually it is the browser window's viewport. This method automatically scrolls the page and/or frames to make element visible in viewport before calculating its coordinates.

coordinates on the element relative to the top-left corner of the browser window's viewport.
ElementNotVisibleException - if the element can't be scrolled into view.


Point onPage()
Gets coordinates on the element relative to the top-left corner of the page.

coordinates on the element relative to the top-left corner of the the page.


Object getAuxiliary()

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