Package com.thoughtworks.selenium.condition

Interface Summary
ConditionRunner A ConditionRunner is a class that can execute a Condition, which need certain basic pieces that it needs to execute (e.g. an instance of Selenium).
ConditionRunner.Context Used by implementations of ConditionRunner.waitFor(Condition) to provide context to the Condition#isTrue( method
DefaultConditionRunner.Monitor A DefaultConditionRunner.Monitor can be installed in DefaultConditionRunner as an open ended way of being notified of certain events.

Class Summary
Condition Simple predicate class, which also knows how to wait for the condition to be true.

This implementation throws a simple RuntimeException when the condition is not met in the DefaultConditionRunner.waitFor(Condition) method.

DefaultConditionRunner.Log4jMonitor A Log4j implementation of DefaultConditionRunner.Monitor.
DefaultConditionRunner.NoOpMonitor A no-op implementation of DefaultConditionRunner.Monitor.

This class throws an AssertionError when the condition is not met - the same as JUnit4 and TestNG do.


This class throws an AssertionFailedError when the condition is not met.

Not Simple predicate class, which also knows how to wait for its condition to be true.
Presence Checks whether a given locator exists on the page.
Text Checks whether text exists either anywhere on the page, or inside a given locator.

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