Class SlowLoadableComponent<T extends LoadableComponent<T>>

Type Parameters:
T - The type to be returned (normally the subclass' type)

public abstract class SlowLoadableComponent<T extends LoadableComponent<T>> extends LoadableComponent<T>
A LoadableComponent which might not have finished loading when load() returns. After a call to load(), the isLoaded() method should continue to fail until the component has fully loaded.
 new SlowHypotheticalComponent().get();
  • Constructor Details

    • SlowLoadableComponent

      public SlowLoadableComponent(Clock clock, int timeOutInSeconds)
  • Method Details

    • get

      public T get()
      Description copied from class: LoadableComponent
      Ensure that the component is currently loaded.
      get in class LoadableComponent<T extends LoadableComponent<T>>
      The component.
    • isError

      protected void isError() throws Error
      Check for well known error cases, which would mean that loading has finished, but an error condition was seen. If an error has occurred throw an Error, possibly by using JUnit's Assert.assert* methods
      Error - When a well-known error condition has caused the load to fail
    • sleepFor

      protected long sleepFor()