Interface LocationAwareLogger

All Superinterfaces:

public interface LocationAwareLogger
extends Logger

An optional interface helping integration with logging systems capable of extracting location information. This interface is mainly used by SLF4J bridges such as jcl-over-slf4j, jul-to-slf4j and log4j-over-slf4j or Logger wrappers which need to provide hints so that the underlying logging system can extract the correct location information (method name, line number).

Ceki Gulcu

Field Summary
static int DEBUG_INT
static int ERROR_INT
static int INFO_INT
static int TRACE_INT
static int WARN_INT
Fields inherited from interface org.slf4j.Logger
Method Summary
 void log(Marker marker, String fqcn, int level, String message, Object[] argArray, Throwable t)
          Printing method with support for location information.
Methods inherited from interface org.slf4j.Logger
debug, debug, debug, debug, debug, debug, debug, debug, debug, debug, error, error, error, error, error, error, error, error, error, error, getName, info, info, info, info, info, info, info, info, info, info, isDebugEnabled, isDebugEnabled, isErrorEnabled, isErrorEnabled, isInfoEnabled, isInfoEnabled, isTraceEnabled, isTraceEnabled, isWarnEnabled, isWarnEnabled, trace, trace, trace, trace, trace, trace, trace, trace, trace, trace, warn, warn, warn, warn, warn, warn, warn, warn, warn, warn

Field Detail


static final int TRACE_INT
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int DEBUG_INT
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int INFO_INT
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int WARN_INT
See Also:
Constant Field Values


static final int ERROR_INT
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Method Detail


void log(Marker marker,
         String fqcn,
         int level,
         String message,
         Object[] argArray,
         Throwable t)
Printing method with support for location information.

marker - The marker to be used for this event, may be null.
fqcn - The fully qualified class name of the logger instance, typically the logger class, logger bridge or a logger wrapper.
level - One of the level integers defined in this interface
message - The message for the log event
t - Throwable associated with the log event, may be null.

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