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abort(Throwable) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.future.IAbortableFuture
Aborts this future and notifies all threads waiting for this future to be completed.
abort(Throwable) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.future.SessionFuturesController
Notifies this controller about aborting registration.
abort(Throwable) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.future.TaskFuture
Aborts this future and notifies all threads waiting for this future to be completed.
AbstractDatagramHandler - Class in org.snf4j.core.handler
Base implementation of the IDatagramHandler interface.
AbstractDatagramHandler() - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.handler.AbstractDatagramHandler
Default constructor creating an unnamed datagram-oriented handler.
AbstractDatagramHandler(String) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.handler.AbstractDatagramHandler
Constructor creating a named datagram-oriented handler.
AbstractFuture<V> - Class in org.snf4j.core.future
Base implementation of the IFuture interface.
AbstractFuture(ISession) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.future.AbstractFuture
Constructs a base implementation with the specified session.
AbstractHandler - Class in org.snf4j.core.handler
Base implementation of the IHandler interface.
AbstractHandler() - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.handler.AbstractHandler
Default constructor creating an unnamed handler.
AbstractHandler(ISessionConfig) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.handler.AbstractHandler
Default constructor creating an unnamed handler with given session configuration object.
AbstractHandler(String) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.handler.AbstractHandler
Constructor creating a named handler.
AbstractHandler(String, ISessionConfig) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.handler.AbstractHandler
Constructor creating a named handler with given session configuration object.
AbstractSession - Class in org.snf4j.core.session
Base implementation of the ISession interface.
AbstractSession(String, long, String, ConcurrentMap<Object, Object>) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.session.AbstractSession
Constructs the base implementation of the ISession interface.
AbstractSessionFactory - Class in org.snf4j.core.factory
Base implementation of the IStreamSessionFactory interface.
AbstractSessionFactory() - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.factory.AbstractSessionFactory
Constructs a factory that creates the basic stream-oriented sessions.
AbstractSessionFactory(boolean) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.factory.AbstractSessionFactory
Constructs a factory that creates sessions of the given type (basic or SSL/TLS).
AbstractSessionTimer - Class in org.snf4j.core
Base implementation of the ISessionTimer interface.
AbstractSessionTimer(StreamSession) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.AbstractSessionTimer
Constructs a session timer that can be associated with stream-oriented sessions.
AbstractSessionTimer(DatagramSession) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.AbstractSessionTimer
Constructs a session timer that can be associated with datagram-oriented sessions.
AbstractStreamHandler - Class in org.snf4j.core.handler
Base implementation of the IStreamHandler interface.
AbstractStreamHandler() - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.handler.AbstractStreamHandler
Default constructor creating an unnamed stream-oriented handler.
AbstractStreamHandler(String) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.handler.AbstractStreamHandler
Constructor creating a named stream-oriented handler.
add(Object, IDecoder<?, ?>) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.codec.ICodecPipeline
Appends a decoder at the last position of this pipeline.
add(Object, IEncoder<?, ?>) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.codec.ICodecPipeline
Appends a encoder at the last position of this pipeline.
addAfter(Object, Object, IDecoder<?, ?>) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.codec.ICodecPipeline
Inserts a decoder after an existing decoder of this pipeline.
addAfter(Object, Object, IEncoder<?, ?>) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.codec.ICodecPipeline
Inserts a encoder after an existing decoder of this pipeline.
addBefore(Object, Object, IDecoder<?, ?>) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.codec.ICodecPipeline
Inserts a decoder before an existing decoder of this pipeline.
addBefore(Object, Object, IEncoder<?, ?>) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.codec.ICodecPipeline
Inserts a encoder before an existing encoder of this pipeline.
addChild(ISession, ICodecExecutor) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.codec.DefaultCodecExecutor
addChild(ISession, ICodecExecutor) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.codec.ICodecExecutor
Adds a child codec executor that will be receiving session events received by this codec executor.
added(ISession, ICodecPipeline) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.codec.EventDrivenCompoundDecoder
added(ISession, ICodecPipeline) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.codec.EventDrivenCompoundEncoder
added(ISession, ICodecPipeline) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.codec.IEventDrivenCodec
Signals that the codec has been added to the pipeline associated with a session.
added(ISession, ICodecPipeline) - Method in class
Does nothing.
added(ISession, ICodecPipeline) - Method in class
Does nothing.
addFirst(Object, IDecoder<?, ?>) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.codec.ICodecPipeline
Inserts a decoder at the first position of this pipeline.
addFirst(Object, IEncoder<?, ?>) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.codec.ICodecPipeline
Inserts a encoder at the first position of this pipeline.
allocate(int, boolean) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.allocator.CachingAllocator
allocate(int, ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.allocator.CachingAllocator
allocate(int, boolean) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.allocator.DefaultAllocator
Allocates a new buffer with given capacity and type
allocate(int, ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.allocator.DefaultAllocator
Allocates a new buffer that will replace the original not empty buffer.
allocate(int) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.allocator.DefaultAllocator
allocate(int) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.allocator.IByteBufferAllocator
Allocates a new byte buffer.
allocate(int) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISession
Allocates a byte buffer by using the allocator associated with this session.
allocated(int) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.allocator.DefaultAllocatorMetric
allocated(int) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.allocator.IDefaultAllocatorMetricCollector
Called when a true allocation (not taken from a cache or a pool) was performed by the associated allocator.
allocateEmpty(int, ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.allocator.CachingAllocator
allocateEmpty(int, ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.allocator.DefaultAllocator
Allocates a new buffer that will replace the original empty buffer.
allocating(int) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.allocator.DefaultAllocatorMetric
allocating(int) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.allocator.IDefaultAllocatorMetricCollector
Called when an allocation was performed by the associated allocator.
ALLOCATOR_CACHE_AGE_THRESHOLD_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.snf4j.core.Constants
System property specifying the cache age threshold after reaching which the cache should be considered by the CachingAllocator for the size reduction.
ALLOCATOR_MAX_CACHE_SIZE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.snf4j.core.Constants
System property specifying the maximum size of the caches used by the CachingAllocator.
ALLOCATOR_MIN_CACHE_SIZE_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.snf4j.core.Constants
System property specifying the minimum size for the caches used by the CachingAllocator.
ALLOCATOR_NUM_OF_CACHES_PROPERTY - Static variable in class org.snf4j.core.Constants
System property specifying number of caches used by the CachingAllocator.
ArrayToBufferCodec - Class in org.snf4j.core.codec.bytes
A base class for encoders and decoders transforming an array of bytes into a ByteBuffer.
ArrayToBufferCodec() - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.codec.bytes.ArrayToBufferCodec
ArrayToBufferDecoder - Class in org.snf4j.core.codec.bytes
A decoder transforming an array of bytes into a ByteBuffer.
ArrayToBufferDecoder(boolean) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.codec.bytes.ArrayToBufferDecoder
Constructs a decoder with a specified allocation mode.
ArrayToBufferDecoder() - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.codec.bytes.ArrayToBufferDecoder
Constructs a decoder with no buffer allocation (only by wrapping the input array)
ArrayToBufferEncoder - Class in org.snf4j.core.codec.bytes
An encoder transforming an array of bytes into a ByteBuffer.
ArrayToBufferEncoder(boolean) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.codec.bytes.ArrayToBufferEncoder
Constructs an encoder with a specified allocation mode.
ArrayToBufferEncoder() - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.codec.bytes.ArrayToBufferEncoder
Constructs an encoder with no buffer allocation (only by wrapping the input array)
available(ISession, ByteBuffer, boolean) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.codec.IBaseDecoder
Determines how many bytes should be read from the input buffer to create the byte array that will be then passed to the IDecoder.decode(org.snf4j.core.session.ISession, I, java.util.List<O>) method.
available(ISession, byte[], int, int) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.codec.IBaseDecoder
Determines how many bytes should be read from the input buffer to create the byte array that will be then passed to the IDecoder.decode(org.snf4j.core.session.ISession, I, java.util.List<O>) method.
available(ByteBuffer, boolean) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.handler.AbstractStreamHandler
Determines how many bytes can be read from the input buffer after receiving new data from the remote end.
available(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.handler.AbstractStreamHandler
Determines how many bytes can be read from the input buffer after receiving new data from the remote end.
available(ByteBuffer, boolean) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.IStreamReader
Determines how many bytes can be read from the input buffer after receiving new data from the remote end.
available(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.IStreamReader
Determines how many bytes can be read from the input buffer after receiving new data from the remote end.
await() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.future.CompletedFuture
Returns immediately
await(long) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.future.CompletedFuture
Returns immediately
await(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.future.CompletedFuture
Returns immediately
await() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.future.IFuture
Waits for this future to be completed.
await(long) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.future.IFuture
Waits for this future to be completed within the specified time limit.
await(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.future.IFuture
Waits for this future to be completed within the specified time limit.
awaitUninterruptibly() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.future.CompletedFuture
Returns immediately
awaitUninterruptibly(long) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.future.CompletedFuture
Returns immediately
awaitUninterruptibly(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.future.CompletedFuture
Returns immediately
awaitUninterruptibly() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.future.IFuture
Waits for this future to be completed without interruption.
awaitUninterruptibly(long) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.future.IFuture
Waits for this future to be completed within the specified time limit without interruption.
awaitUninterruptibly(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.future.IFuture
Waits for this future to be completed within the specified time limit without interruption.


beginHandshake() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.engine.IEngine
Initiates handshaking on this IEngine implementation.
beginHandshake() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.EngineDatagramSession
beginHandshake() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.EngineStreamSession
beginHandshake() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.IEngineSession
Initiates handshaking (initial or renegotiation) on the protocol engine driving this session.
beginLazyHandshake() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.EngineDatagramSession
beginLazyHandshake() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.EngineStreamSession
beginLazyHandshake() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.IEngineSession
Initiates lazy handshaking (initial or renegotiation) on the protocol engine driving this session.
BlockingFutureOperationException - Exception in org.snf4j.core.future
An unchecked exception thrown when a user performed a blocking operation on a future in the thread an executor uses to complete operation associated with the future.
BlockingFutureOperationException(String) - Constructor for exception org.snf4j.core.future.BlockingFutureOperationException
Constructs the exception with the specified detailed message.
BufferToArrayCodec - Class in org.snf4j.core.codec.bytes
A base class for encoders and decoders transforming a ByteBuffer into an array of bytes.
BufferToArrayCodec() - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.codec.bytes.BufferToArrayCodec
BufferToArrayDecoder - Class in org.snf4j.core.codec.bytes
A decoder transforming a ByteBuffer into an array of bytes.
BufferToArrayDecoder(boolean) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.codec.bytes.BufferToArrayDecoder
Constructs a decoder with a specified buffer releasing mode.
BufferToArrayDecoder() - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.codec.bytes.BufferToArrayDecoder
Constructs a decoder with no buffer releasing.
BufferToArrayEncoder - Class in org.snf4j.core.codec.bytes
An encoder transforming a ByteBuffer into an array of bytes.
BufferToArrayEncoder(boolean) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.codec.bytes.BufferToArrayEncoder
Constructs an encoder with a specified buffer releasing mode.
BufferToArrayEncoder() - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.codec.bytes.BufferToArrayEncoder
Constructs an encoder with no buffer releasing.
bytesConsumed() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.engine.EngineResult
bytesConsumed() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.engine.IEngineResult
Returns the number of bytes consumed from the input buffer.
bytesProduced() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.engine.EngineResult
bytesProduced() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.engine.IEngineResult
Returns the number of bytes written to the output buffer.


CachingAllocator - Class in org.snf4j.core.allocator
A caching allocator for ByteBuffer allocations.
CachingAllocator(boolean, IDefaultAllocatorMetricCollector) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.allocator.CachingAllocator
Constructs a caching allocator with default minimal capacity (128) and specified metric data collector.
CachingAllocator(boolean) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.allocator.CachingAllocator
Constructs a caching allocator with default minimal capacity (128).
CachingAllocator(boolean, int, IDefaultAllocatorMetricCollector) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.allocator.CachingAllocator
Constructs a caching allocator with specified metric data collector.
CachingAllocator(boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.allocator.CachingAllocator
Constructs a caching allocator.
cancel(boolean) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.future.CompletedFuture
Does nothing.
cancel() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.timer.DefaultTimer
Terminates this timer, discarding any currently scheduled tasks.
CancelledFuture<V> - Class in org.snf4j.core.future
A cancelled future
CancelledFuture(ISession) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.future.CancelledFuture
Constructs a cancelled future.
cancelTask() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.timer.ITimerTask
Cancels the associated scheduled operation.
cause() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.future.CompletedFuture
Returns null
cause() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.future.FailedFuture
Returns the cause of the failure
cause() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.future.IFuture
Returns the cause of the failed I/O operation.
cleanup() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.engine.IEngine
Signals that an IEngine implementation can cleanup, if required, its internal state (e.g.
close() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.DatagramSession
close() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.EngineDatagramSession
close() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.EngineStreamSession
close() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISession
Gently closes this session after all pending data waiting for writing are fully flushed.
close() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.StreamSession
closed(ServerSocketChannel) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.factory.AbstractSessionFactory
closed(ServerSocketChannel) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.factory.IStreamSessionFactory
Notifies about closing and unregistering of a listening channel.
closeInbound() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.engine.IEngine
Signals that no more inbound network data will be sent to an IEngine implementation.
closeOutbound() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.engine.IEngine
Signals that no more outbound application data will be sent to an IEngine implementation.
CompletedFuture<V> - Class in org.snf4j.core.future
A completed future.
CompletedFuture(ISession, FutureState) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.future.CompletedFuture
Constructs a completed future with the specified session.
CompoundDecoder<I,O> - Class in org.snf4j.core.codec
A compound decoder that processes input data through a chain of the specified decoders.
CompoundDecoder(IDecoder<?, ?>...) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.codec.CompoundDecoder
Constructs a compound decoder with a chain of the specified decoders.
CompoundEncoder<I,O> - Class in org.snf4j.core.codec
A compound encoder that processes input data through a chain of the specified encoders.
CompoundEncoder(IEncoder<?, ?>...) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.codec.CompoundEncoder
Constructs a compound encoder with a chain of the specified encoders.
Constants - Class in org.snf4j.core
Holder for constants globally used by the API.
create(SocketChannel) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.factory.AbstractSessionFactory
Creates a stream-oriented session for a newly accepted connection.
create(SocketAddress) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.factory.IDatagramHandlerFactory
Creates a datagram handler that will be associated with a datagram-oriented session created by DatagramServerHandler after receiving first data from a remote host.
create(SocketChannel) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.factory.IStreamSessionFactory
Creates a stream-oriented session for a newly accepted connection.
createCodecExecutor() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.session.DefaultSessionConfig
Creates a new codec executor that will be responsible for decoding and encoding data read/received and written/send in the associated session.
createCodecExecutor() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISessionConfig
Creates a new codec executor that will be responsible for decoding and encoding data read/received and written/send in the associated session.
createEngine(SocketAddress, ISessionConfig) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.DatagramServerHandler
Determines if newly created session should be an engine-driver session.
createEngine(SocketAddress, ISessionConfig) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.DTLSServerHandler
Determines if a newly created session should be a DTLS session driven by the SSLEngine created by the config.createSSLEngine() method.
createHandler(SocketChannel) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.factory.AbstractSessionFactory
Creates a stream-oriented handler for a newly accepted connection.
createSSLEngine(boolean) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.session.DefaultSessionConfig
Creates a new SSLEngine for the SSL/DTLS session.
createSSLEngine(SocketAddress, boolean) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.session.DefaultSessionConfig
Creates a new SSLEngine for the SSL/DTLS session with known remote peer.
createSSLEngine(boolean) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISessionConfig
Creates a new SSLEngine for the SSL/DTLS session.
createSSLEngine(SocketAddress, boolean) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISessionConfig
Creates a new SSLEngine for the SSL/DTLS session with known remote peer.


DataEvent - Enum in org.snf4j.core.handler
An enum that represents session events related with sending or receiving data.
DatagramServerHandler - Class in org.snf4j.core
Datagram server handler providing functionality to handle multiple remote hosts via a single datagram-orinted session.
DatagramServerHandler(IDatagramHandlerFactory) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.DatagramServerHandler
Constructs a datagram server handler with the DefaultSessionConfig and the DefaultSessionStructureFactory.
DatagramServerHandler(IDatagramHandlerFactory, ISessionConfig) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.DatagramServerHandler
Constructs a datagram server handler with the DefaultSessionStructureFactory.
DatagramServerHandler(IDatagramHandlerFactory, ISessionConfig, ISessionStructureFactory) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.DatagramServerHandler
Constructs a datagram server handler.
DatagramSession - Class in org.snf4j.core
The core implementation of the IDatagramSession interface.
DatagramSession(String, IDatagramHandler) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.DatagramSession
Constructs a named datagram-oriented session associated with a handler.
DatagramSession(IDatagramHandler) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.DatagramSession
Constructs a datagram-oriented session associated with a handler.
debug(ILogger, String, Object...) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.logger.DefaultExceptionLogger
debug(ILogger, String, Object...) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.logger.IExceptionLogger
Logs a message at the DEBUG level with varying number of arguments.
debug(String) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.logger.ILogger
Logs a message at the DEBUG level.
debug(String, Object) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.logger.ILogger
Logs a message at the DEBUG level with one argument.
debug(String, Object, Object) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.logger.ILogger
Logs a message at the DEBUG level with two arguments.
debug(String, Object...) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.logger.ILogger
Logs a message at the DEBUG level with three or more arguments.
debug(String) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.logger.NopLogger
debug(String, Object) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.logger.NopLogger
debug(String, Object, Object) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.logger.NopLogger
debug(String, Object...) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.logger.NopLogger
decode(ISession, byte[], List<ByteBuffer>) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.codec.bytes.ArrayToBufferDecoder
decode(ISession, ByteBuffer, List<byte[]>) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.codec.bytes.BufferToArrayDecoder
decode(ISession, I, List<O>) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.codec.CompoundDecoder
Decodes data from one type to another one.
decode(ISession, byte[]) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.codec.DefaultCodecExecutor
decode(ISession, ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.codec.DefaultCodecExecutor
decode(ISession, byte[]) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.codec.ICodecExecutor
Decodes bytes from a byte array.
decode(ISession, ByteBuffer) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.codec.ICodecExecutor
Decodes bytes from a byte buffer.
decode(ISession, I, List<O>) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.codec.IDecoder
Decodes data from one type to another one.
decode(ISession, byte[], List<ByteBuffer>) - Method in class
Decompresses the input data.
decoderKeys() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.codec.ICodecPipeline
Returns a list of keys that identify all decoders in this pipeline.
DecompressionException - Exception in
Signals that an exception has occurred during decompression of input data.
DecompressionException() - Constructor for exception
Constructs a new exception without the detail message.
DecompressionException(String) - Constructor for exception
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
DecompressionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
DecompressionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).
DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.snf4j.core.allocator.DefaultAllocator
A constant holding the default non-direct buffer allocator.
DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.snf4j.core.DefaultExecutor
A constant holding the default executor.
DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.snf4j.core.DefaultSelectorLoopController
Default controller that permits all controlled operations.
DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.snf4j.core.factory.DefaultSelectorLoopStructureFactory
Default selector loop's structure factory.
DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.snf4j.core.factory.DefaultSessionStructureFactory
Default session's structure factory.
DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.snf4j.core.factory.DefaultThreadFactory
A constant holding the default thread factory.
DefaultAllocator - Class in org.snf4j.core.allocator
Default implementation of the IByteBufferAllocator interface.
DefaultAllocator(boolean) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.allocator.DefaultAllocator
Constructs a default allocator.
DefaultAllocator(boolean, IDefaultAllocatorMetricCollector) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.allocator.DefaultAllocator
Constructs a default allocator with specified metric data collector.
DefaultAllocatorMetric - Class in org.snf4j.core.allocator
Metric for the DefaultAllocator.
DefaultAllocatorMetric() - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.allocator.DefaultAllocatorMetric
DefaultCodecExecutor - Class in org.snf4j.core.codec
The default implementation of the ICodecExecutor.
DefaultCodecExecutor() - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.codec.DefaultCodecExecutor
DefaultExceptionLogger - Class in org.snf4j.core.logger
Default implementation of the IExceptionLogger interface.
DefaultExceptionLogger() - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.logger.DefaultExceptionLogger
Constructs the exception logger.
DefaultExecutor - Class in org.snf4j.core
Default implementation of the Executor interface that is used by the API.
defaultMessage() - Method in enum org.snf4j.core.handler.SessionIncident
Gets the default warning or error message that will be logged when an implementation of IHandler.incident(org.snf4j.core.handler.SessionIncident, java.lang.Throwable) method returns false.
DefaultSelectorLoopController - Class in org.snf4j.core
Default controller that determines behavior of the associated selector loop.
DefaultSelectorLoopController() - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.DefaultSelectorLoopController
Constructs the default controller.
DefaultSelectorLoopPool - Class in org.snf4j.core.pool
Default implementation for selector loop pool that is backed by an fixed-size array of selector loops.
DefaultSelectorLoopPool(String, int, ThreadFactory, ISelectorLoopStructureFactory) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.pool.DefaultSelectorLoopPool
Constructs a named selector loop pool with given capacity and thread factory.
DefaultSelectorLoopPool(String, int) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.pool.DefaultSelectorLoopPool
Constructs a named selector loop pool with given capacity.
DefaultSelectorLoopPool(int) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.pool.DefaultSelectorLoopPool
Constructs a unnamed selector loop pool with given capacity.
DefaultSelectorLoopStructureFactory - Class in org.snf4j.core.factory
Default factory used to configure the internal structure of the selector loop.
DefaultSessionConfig - Class in org.snf4j.core.session
Default configuration for the session.
DefaultSessionConfig() - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.session.DefaultSessionConfig
DefaultSessionStructureFactory - Class in org.snf4j.core.factory
Default factory used to configure the internal structure of the created session.
DefaultSessionStructureFactory() - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.factory.DefaultSessionStructureFactory
Constructs default session's structure factory.
DefaultThreadFactory - Class in org.snf4j.core.factory
Default implementation of the ThreadFactory interface that is used by the API.
DefaultTimeoutModel - Class in org.snf4j.core.timer
The default implementation of the ITimeoutModel.
DefaultTimeoutModel(int, long) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.timer.DefaultTimeoutModel
Constructs the model with given initial value and max value.
DefaultTimeoutModel() - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.timer.DefaultTimeoutModel
Constructs the model with default values: initial = 1000 and max = 60000
DefaultTimer - Class in org.snf4j.core.timer
Default timer implementation that is backed by the Timer.
DefaultTimer() - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.timer.DefaultTimer
Constructs a new default timer.
DefaultTimer(boolean) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.timer.DefaultTimer
Constructs a new default timer whose associated thread may be specified to run as a daemon.
DefaultTimer(String) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.timer.DefaultTimer
Constructs a new default timer whose associated thread has the specified name.
DefaultTimer(String, boolean) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.timer.DefaultTimer
Constructs a new default timer whose associated thread has the specified name, and may be specified to run as a daemon.
deflateBound(int) - Method in class
deflateBound(int) - Method in class
Returns upper bound on the compressed size.
deflater - Variable in class
The compressor used by this class to compress data.
direct - Variable in class org.snf4j.core.allocator.DefaultAllocator
Tells if the allocator should allocate direct buffers.
dirtyClose() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.DatagramSession
dirtyClose() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.EngineDatagramSession
dirtyClose() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.EngineStreamSession
dirtyClose() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISession
Quickly closes this session without flushing any pending data and without following close procedure of an application layer (e.g.
DTLSServerHandler - Class in org.snf4j.core
DTLS server handler providing functionality to handle multiple remote hosts via a single datagram-orinted session.
DTLSServerHandler(IDatagramHandlerFactory) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.DTLSServerHandler
Constructs a DTLS server handler with the DefaultSessionConfig and the DefaultSessionStructureFactory.
DTLSServerHandler(IDatagramHandlerFactory, ISessionConfig) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.DTLSServerHandler
Constructs a DTLS server handler with the DefaultSessionConfig.
DTLSServerHandler(IDatagramHandlerFactory, ISessionConfig, ISessionStructureFactory) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.DTLSServerHandler
Constructs a DTLS server handler.
DTLSSession - Class in org.snf4j.core
The datagram-oriented session that handles DTLS connections.
DTLSSession(String, SocketAddress, IDatagramHandler, boolean) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.DTLSSession
Constructs a named DTLS session associated with a handler.
DTLSSession(SocketAddress, IDatagramHandler, boolean) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.DTLSSession
Constructs a DTLS session associated with a handler.
DTLSSession(String, IDatagramHandler, boolean) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.DTLSSession
Constructs a named DTLS session associated with a handler.
DTLSSession(IDatagramHandler, boolean) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.DTLSSession
Constructs a DTLS session associated with a handler.


encode(ISession, byte[], List<ByteBuffer>) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.codec.bytes.ArrayToBufferEncoder
encode(ISession, ByteBuffer, List<byte[]>) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.codec.bytes.BufferToArrayEncoder
encode(ISession, I, List<O>) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.codec.CompoundEncoder
Encodes data from one type to another one.
encode(ISession, ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.codec.DefaultCodecExecutor
encode(ISession, byte[]) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.codec.DefaultCodecExecutor
encode(ISession, Object) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.codec.DefaultCodecExecutor
encode(ISession, ByteBuffer) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.codec.ICodecExecutor
Encodes bytes from a byte buffer.
encode(ISession, byte[]) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.codec.ICodecExecutor
Encodes bytes from a byte array.
encode(ISession, Object) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.codec.ICodecExecutor
Encodes a message.
encode(ISession, I, List<O>) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.codec.IEncoder
Encodes data from one type to another one.
encode(ISession, byte[], List<ByteBuffer>) - Method in class
Compresses the input data.
encoderKeys() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.codec.ICodecPipeline
Returns a list of keys that identify all encoders in this pipeline.
EndingAction - Enum in org.snf4j.core
An enum that defines actions that are performed by the selector loop after ending a session.
EngineDatagramSession - Class in org.snf4j.core
A datagram-oriented session that handles protocols driven by customized protocol engines implementing the IEngine interface.
EngineDatagramSession(String, IEngine, SocketAddress, IDatagramHandler, ILogger) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.EngineDatagramSession
Constructs a named datagram-oriented session associated with a protocol engine and a handler.
EngineDatagramSession(IEngine, SocketAddress, IDatagramHandler, ILogger) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.EngineDatagramSession
Constructs a datagram-oriented session associated with a protocol engine and a handler.
EngineDatagramSession(String, IEngine, IDatagramHandler, ILogger) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.EngineDatagramSession
Constructs a named datagram-oriented session associated with a protocol engine and a handler.
EngineDatagramSession(IEngine, IDatagramHandler, ILogger) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.EngineDatagramSession
Constructs a datagram-oriented session associated with a protocol engine and a handler.
EngineResult - Class in org.snf4j.core.engine
The default implementation of the IEngineResult interface.
EngineResult(Status, HandshakeStatus, int, int) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.engine.EngineResult
Initializes a new instance of this class.
EngineStreamSession - Class in org.snf4j.core
A stream-oriented session that handles protocols driven by customized protocol engines implementing the IEngine interface.
EngineStreamSession(String, IEngine, IStreamHandler, ILogger) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.EngineStreamSession
Constructs a named stream-oriented session associated with a protocol engine and a handler.
EngineStreamSession(IEngine, IStreamHandler, ILogger) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.EngineStreamSession
Constructs a stream-oriented session associated with a protocol engine and a handler.
ensure(ByteBuffer, int, int, int) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.allocator.DefaultAllocator
Assures that returned buffer will contain room for new data.
ensure() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.allocator.DefaultAllocatorMetric
ensure(ByteBuffer, int, int, int) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.allocator.IByteBufferAllocator
Assures that returned buffer will contain room for new data.
ensure() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.allocator.IDefaultAllocatorMetricCollector
Called when allocation was performed as a result of calling the ensure method in the associated allocator.
ensureSome(ByteBuffer, int, int) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.allocator.DefaultAllocator
Ensures that returned buffer will contain some room for new data.
ensureSome() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.allocator.DefaultAllocatorMetric
ensureSome(ByteBuffer, int, int) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.allocator.IByteBufferAllocator
Ensures that returned buffer will contain some room for new data.
ensureSome() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.allocator.IDefaultAllocatorMetricCollector
Called when allocation was performed as a result of calling the ensureSome method in the associated allocator.
error(ILogger, String, Object...) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.logger.DefaultExceptionLogger
error(ILogger, String, Object...) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.logger.IExceptionLogger
Logs a message at the ERROR level with varying number of arguments.
error(String) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.logger.ILogger
Logs a message at the ERROR level.
error(String, Object) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.logger.ILogger
Logs a message at the ERROR level with one argument.
error(String, Object, Object) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.logger.ILogger
Logs a message at the ERROR level with two arguments.
error(String, Object...) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.logger.ILogger
Logs a message at the ERROR level with three or more arguments.
error(String) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.logger.NopLogger
error(String, Object) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.logger.NopLogger
error(String, Object, Object) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.logger.NopLogger
error(String, Object...) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.logger.NopLogger
event(ISession, SessionEvent) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.codec.DefaultCodecExecutor
event(ISession, SessionEvent) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.codec.EventDrivenCompoundDecoder
event(ISession, SessionEvent) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.codec.EventDrivenCompoundEncoder
event(ISession, SessionEvent) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.codec.ICodecExecutor
Signals a session event to all event-driven codecs in the associated pipeline.
event(ISession, SessionEvent) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.codec.IEventDrivenCodec
Signals a session event to the codec.
event(ISession, SessionEvent) - Method in class
Finishes the decompression when the associated session is ending (SessionEvent.ENDING).
event(ISession, SessionEvent) - Method in class
Finishes the compression when the associated session is ending (SessionEvent.ENDING).
event(SessionEvent) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.DatagramServerHandler
event(DataEvent, long) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.DatagramServerHandler
event(SocketAddress, DataEvent, long) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.DatagramServerHandler
event(SessionEvent) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.future.SessionFuturesController
Notifies this controller about events related with changes of the session state.
event(DataEvent, long) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.future.SessionFuturesController
Notifies this controller about events related with I/O operations.
event(SocketAddress, DataEvent, long) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.handler.AbstractDatagramHandler
event(SessionEvent) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.handler.AbstractHandler
event(DataEvent, long) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.handler.AbstractHandler
event(SocketAddress, DataEvent, long) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.handler.IDatagramHandler
Called to notify about an I/O operation related to a specified remote host.
event(SessionEvent) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.handler.IHandler
Called to notify about a change of the associated session state.
event(DataEvent, long) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.handler.IHandler
Called to notify about an I/O operation.
EventDrivenCompoundDecoder<I,O> - Class in org.snf4j.core.codec
An event driven compound decoder that processes input data through a chain of the specified decoders.
EventDrivenCompoundDecoder(IDecoder<?, ?>...) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.codec.EventDrivenCompoundDecoder
Constructs an event driven compound decoder with a chain of the specified decoders.
EventDrivenCompoundEncoder<I,O> - Class in org.snf4j.core.codec
An event driven compound encoder that processes input data through a chain of the specified encoders.
EventDrivenCompoundEncoder(IEncoder<?, ?>...) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.codec.EventDrivenCompoundEncoder
Constructs an event driven compound encoder with a chain of the specified encoders.
EventType - Enum in org.snf4j.core
An enum that represents all session related event types.
exception(Throwable) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.DatagramServerHandler
exception(ServerSocketChannel, Throwable) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.factory.AbstractSessionFactory
exception(ServerSocketChannel, Throwable) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.factory.IStreamSessionFactory
Notifies about an exception caught during processing of a listening channel.
exception(Throwable) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.future.SessionFuturesController
Notifies this controller about an failure.
exception(Throwable) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.handler.AbstractHandler
exception(Throwable) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.handler.IHandler
Called to notify about an exception caught during processing of I/O or protocol related operations.
EXCEPTION_LOGGER_SYSTEM_PROERTY - Static variable in class org.snf4j.core.Constants
System property specifying the full class name of an external exception logger.
ExceptionLogger - Class in org.snf4j.core.logger
Utility class used by the API for producing exception logger based on the runtime configuration.
execute(Runnable) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.DefaultExecutor
Executes the given command in the following way:
extend(ByteBuffer, int) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.allocator.DefaultAllocator
Extends the capacity of the buffer based on its current capacity.
extend() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.allocator.DefaultAllocatorMetric
extend(ByteBuffer, int) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.allocator.IByteBufferAllocator
Extends the capacity of the buffer based on its current capacity.
extend() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.allocator.IDefaultAllocatorMetricCollector
Called when allocation was performed as a result of calling the extend method in the associated allocator.


FailedFuture<V> - Class in org.snf4j.core.future
A failed future
FailedFuture(ISession, Throwable) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.future.FailedFuture
Constructs a failed future.
FastThreadLocal<T> - Class in org.snf4j.core.thread
This class provides fast thread-local variables for threads implementing IFastThreadLocalThread.
FastThreadLocal(boolean) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.thread.FastThreadLocal
Creates a fast thread-local variable.
FastThreadLocal() - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.thread.FastThreadLocal
Creates a fast thread-local variable for all threads.
FastThreadLocalThread - Class in org.snf4j.core.thread
A thread supporting fast thread-local variables.
FastThreadLocalThread() - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.thread.FastThreadLocalThread
Creates a new thread supporting fast thread-local variables.
FastThreadLocalThread(Runnable) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.thread.FastThreadLocalThread
Creates a new thread supporting fast thread-local variables.
FastThreadLocalThread(ThreadGroup, Runnable) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.thread.FastThreadLocalThread
Creates a new thread supporting fast thread-local variables.
FastThreadLocalThread(String) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.thread.FastThreadLocalThread
Creates a new thread supporting fast thread-local variables.
FastThreadLocalThread(ThreadGroup, String) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.thread.FastThreadLocalThread
Creates a new thread supporting fast thread-local variables.
FastThreadLocalThread(Runnable, String) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.thread.FastThreadLocalThread
Creates a new thread supporting fast thread-local variables.
FastThreadLocalThread(ThreadGroup, Runnable, String) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.thread.FastThreadLocalThread
Creates a new thread supporting fast thread-local variables.
FastThreadLocalThread(ThreadGroup, Runnable, String, long) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.thread.FastThreadLocalThread
Creates a new thread supporting fast thread-local variables.
finish() - Method in class
Requests finishing of the compression.


get(Object) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.codec.ICodecPipeline
Returns the codec identified by the specified key in this pipeline.
get() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.future.CompletedFuture
Returns immediately
get(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.future.CompletedFuture
Returns immediately
get() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.thread.FastThreadLocal
getAbortableWriteFuture(long) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.future.SessionFuturesController
Returns an abortable future that can be used to wait for the completion of a write operation.
getAllocatedCount() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.allocator.DefaultAllocatorMetric
Gets the total number of true allocations that have been performed by the associated allocator.
getAllocatingCount() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.allocator.DefaultAllocatorMetric
Gets the total number of allocations that have been performed by the associated allocator.
getAllocator() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.factory.DefaultSessionStructureFactory
Gets a byte buffer allocator that will used by the created session.
getAllocator() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.factory.ISessionStructureFactory
Gets a byte buffer allocator that will used by the created session.
getAllocator() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.handler.IAllocatingHandler
Returns the allocator that is associated with this handler.
getAttributes() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.factory.DefaultSessionStructureFactory
Gets an attributes that will be used by the created session.
getAttributes() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.factory.ISessionStructureFactory
Gets an attributes that will be used by the created session.
getAttributes() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.session.AbstractSession
getAttributes() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISession
Returns the thread safe map of the user-defined attributes associated with this session.
getBaseDecoder() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.codec.DefaultCodecExecutor
getBaseDecoder() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.codec.ICodecExecutor
Gets the base decoder.
getCancelledFuture() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.future.SessionFuturesController
Returns a cancelled future.
getCapacity() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.pool.DefaultSelectorLoopPool
Gets the capacity of this pool.
getCloseFuture() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.future.SessionFuturesController
Returns the future that can be use to wait for the completion of the session's closing phase.
getCloseFuture() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISession
Gets the future that can be use to wait for the completion of the closing phase.
getCodecPipeline() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISession
Gets the codec pipeline that is associated with this session.
getConfig() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.DatagramServerHandler
getConfig() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.handler.AbstractHandler
getConfig() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.handler.IHandler
Returns the configuration object that will be used to configure the behavior of the associated session.
getConfig() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISession
Gets the configuration of this session.
getController() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.SelectorLoop
Gets the controller determining the behavior of this selector loop.
getCreateFuture() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.future.SessionFuturesController
Returns the future that can be use to wait for the completion of the session's creation phase.
getCreateFuture() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISession
Gets the future that can be use to wait for the completion of the creation phase.
getCreationTime() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISession
Gets the session's creation time in milliseconds.
getDatagramServerSessionNoReopenPeriod() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.session.DefaultSessionConfig
Determines how long the DatagramServerHandler should block re-opening of a new session for the remote peer which session has just been closed.
getDatagramServerSessionNoReopenPeriod() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISessionConfig
Determines how long the DatagramServerHandler should block re-opening of a new session for the remote peer which session has just been closed.
getDelegate() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.IDelegatingSelector
Returns the underlying original selector that is wrapped by this implementation of Selector
getDelegatedTask() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.engine.IEngine
Returns a delegated Runnable task for an IEngine implementation.
getDelegatingFuture() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.future.SessionFuturesController
Returns a future which can be represented by other delegate future.
getEndFuture() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.future.SessionFuturesController
Returns the future that can be use to wait for the completion of the session's ending phase.
getEndFuture() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISession
Gets the future that can be use to wait for the completion of the ending phase.
getEndingAction() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.session.DefaultSessionConfig
Gets the action that should be performed by the selector loop after ending of the associated session.
getEndingAction() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISessionConfig
Gets the action that should be performed by the selector loop after ending of the associated session.
getEngineHandshakeTimeout() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.session.DefaultSessionConfig
Determines how long the SNF4J framework should wait for completion of the handshake phase for engine-driven sessions.
getEngineHandshakeTimeout() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISessionConfig
Determines how long the SNF4J framework should wait for completion of the handshake phase for engine-driven sessions.
getEngineSession() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.DTLSSession
Returns the SSLSession in use in the SSLEngine driving this session.
getEngineSession() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.EngineDatagramSession
getEngineSession() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.EngineStreamSession
getEngineSession() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.IEngineSession
Returns an object representing a session in the protocol engine driving this session.
getEngineSession() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.SSLSession
Returns the SSLSession in use in the SSLEngine driving this session.
getEngineWriteFuture(long) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.future.SessionFuturesController
Returns a future that can be used to wait for the completion of write operations from engine driven sessions.
getEnsureCount() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.allocator.DefaultAllocatorMetric
Gets the total number of re-allocations that have been performed by the ensure method in the associated allocator.
getEnsureSomeCount() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.allocator.DefaultAllocatorMetric
Gets the total number of re-allocations that have been performed by the ensureSome method in the associated allocator.
getExecutor() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.EngineDatagramSession
getExecutor() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.EngineStreamSession
getExecutor() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.factory.DefaultSessionStructureFactory
Returns an executor that will be used by engine-driven sessions to execute delegated tasks required by the sessions to complete operations that block, or may take an extended period of time to complete.
getExecutor() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.factory.ISessionStructureFactory
Returns an executor that will be used by engine-driven sessions to execute delegated tasks required by the sessions to complete operations that block, or may take an extended period of time to complete.
getExecutor() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.IEngineSession
Returns the executor that is used to execute delegated tasks required by this session to complete operations that block, or may take an extended period of time to complete.
getExtendCount() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.allocator.DefaultAllocatorMetric
Gets the total number of re-allocations that have been performed by the extend method in the associated allocator.
getFactory() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.DatagramServerHandler
getFactory() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.handler.AbstractHandler
getFactory() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.handler.IHandler
Returns the factory object that will be used to configure the internal structure of the associated session.
getFactory() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.logger.impl.LoggerFactoryBinder
Gets the actual implementation of the ILoggerFactory interface that should be used by the API for logging purposes.
getFailedFuture(Throwable) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.future.SessionFuturesController
Returns a failed future with the specified cause.
getFastThreadLocal(int) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.thread.FastThreadLocalThread
getFastThreadLocal(int) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.thread.IFastThreadLocalThread
Returns a fast thread-local variable that is stored at the given index.
getFirstThreshold() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.future.ITwoThresholdFuture
Gets the first threshold.
getHandler() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.DatagramSession
getHandler() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.EngineDatagramSession
getHandler() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.EngineStreamSession
getHandler() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.IDatagramSession
Gets the datagram-oriented handler associated with this session
getHandler() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISession
Gets the handler associated with this session
getHandler() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.IStreamSession
Gets the stream-oriented handler associated with this session
getHandler() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.StreamSession
getHandshakeStatus() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.engine.EngineResult
getHandshakeStatus() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.engine.IEngine
Returns the current handshake status for an IEngine implementation.
getHandshakeStatus() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.engine.IEngineResult
Gets the current handshake status produced by the IEngine call.
getId() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.IdentifiableObject
Returns the unique id of this object.
getId() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISession
Gets a unique identifier for this session
getIllegalState() - Method in exception org.snf4j.core.session.IllegalSessionStateException
Returns the illegal state of a session that caused this exception.
getInboundType() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.codec.bytes.ArrayToBufferCodec
getInboundType() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.codec.bytes.BufferToArrayCodec
getInboundType() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.codec.ICodec
Returns the type of the accepted inbound objects.
getInboundType() - Method in class
getIncident() - Method in exception org.snf4j.core.handler.SessionIncidentException
Returns the incident of this exception.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.snf4j.core.logger.ExceptionLogger
Gets the instance of the currently configured exception logger.
getInstance() - Static method in class org.snf4j.core.logger.impl.LoggerFactoryBinder
Gets the singleton of this class.
getLastIoTime() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISession
Gets the time in milliseconds when I/O operation occurred lastly.
getLastReadTime() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISession
Gets the time in milliseconds when read operation occurred lastly.
getLastWriteTime() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISession
Gets the time in milliseconds when write operation occurred lastly.
getLocalAddress() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.DatagramSession
getLocalAddress() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISession
Return the local address this session is bound to.
getLocalAddress() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.StreamSession
getLogger(String) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.logger.ILoggerFactory
Returns an instance of the ILogger interface that is appropriate for the specified name.
getLogger(Class<?>) - Static method in class org.snf4j.core.logger.LoggerFactory
Returns an instance of the ILogger interface that is appropriate for the specified class.
getLogger(String) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.logger.NopLoggerFactory
Returns a logger that simply does not log any messages.
getLoop(SelectableChannel) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.pool.DefaultSelectorLoopPool
Gets the best selector loop from this pool that should be used to process given channel.
getLoop(SelectableChannel) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.pool.ISelectorLoopPool
Gets the best selector loop from this pool that should be used to process given channel.
getMaxApplicationBufferSize() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.engine.IEngine
Gets the current maximum size of the buffer holding application data
getMaxCapacity() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.allocator.DefaultAllocatorMetric
Gets the capacity of the biggest buffer allocated by the associated allocator.
getMaxInBufferCapacity() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.session.DefaultSessionConfig
Gets the maximum capacity for the session's input buffer.
getMaxInBufferCapacity() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISessionConfig
Gets the maximum capacity for the session's input buffer.
getMaxNetworkBufferSize() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.engine.IEngine
Gets the current maximum size of the buffer holding network data
getMaxSSLApplicationBufferSizeRatio() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.session.DefaultSessionConfig
Gets the ratio that is used to calculate the maximum size of the SSL application buffers.
getMaxSSLApplicationBufferSizeRatio() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISessionConfig
Gets the ratio that is used to calculate the maximum size of the SSL application buffers.
getMaxSSLNetworkBufferSizeRatio() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.session.DefaultSessionConfig
Gets the ratio that is used to calculate the maximum size of the SSL network buffers.
getMaxSSLNetworkBufferSizeRatio() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISessionConfig
Gets the ratio that is used to calculate the maximum size of the SSL network buffers.
getMaxWriteSpinCount() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.session.DefaultSessionConfig
Returns the maximum loop count for write operations performed by the selector loop before returning control to the NIO selector or to other channel ready for I/O operations.
getMaxWriteSpinCount() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISessionConfig
Returns the maximum loop count for write operations performed by the selector loop before returning control to the NIO selector or to other channel ready for I/O operations.
getMinApplicationBufferSize() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.engine.IEngine
Gets the current minimum size of the buffer holding application data.
getMinCapacity() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.allocator.CachingAllocator
Gets the minimal capacity for buffers allocated by this allocator.
getMinInBufferCapacity() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.session.DefaultSessionConfig
Gets the minimum capacity for the session's input buffer.
getMinInBufferCapacity() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISessionConfig
Gets the minimum capacity for the session's input buffer.
getMinNetworkBufferSize() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.engine.IEngine
Gets the current minimum size of the buffer holding network data.
getMinOutBufferCapacity() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.session.DefaultSessionConfig
Gets the minimum capacity for the session's output buffer.
getMinOutBufferCapacity() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISessionConfig
Gets the minimum capacity for the session's output buffer.
getName() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.handler.AbstractHandler
getName() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.handler.IHandler
Returns the name of the handler.
getName() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.IdentifiableObject
Returns the name of this object.
getName() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISession
Gets the name for this session
getNow() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.future.AbstractFuture
Returns null.
getNow() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.future.IFuture
Returns the result without blocking, or null if this future is not done yet or when null is expected value.
getOpenFuture() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.future.SessionFuturesController
Returns the future that can be use to wait for the completion of the session's opening phase.
getOpenFuture() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISession
Gets the future that can be use to wait for the completion of the opening phase.
getOutboundType() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.codec.bytes.ArrayToBufferCodec
getOutboundType() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.codec.bytes.BufferToArrayCodec
getOutboundType() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.codec.ICodec
Returns the type of the produced outbound objects.
getOutboundType() - Method in class
getParent() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.DatagramSession
getParent() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.IDatagramSession
getParent() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISession
Gets the parent session.
getParent() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.IStreamSession
getParent() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.StreamSession
getParentPool() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.SelectorLoop
Gets the selector loop pool that owns this selector loop.
getPipeline() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.codec.DefaultCodecExecutor
getPipeline() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.codec.ICodecExecutor
Returns the codec pipeline that is associated with this codec executor.
getPool() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.pool.DefaultSelectorLoopPool
Gets an array of all selector loops created in this pool.
getPool() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.SelectorLoop
Gets the pool that is used by this selector loop to retrieve selector loops for accepted channels.
getReadBytes() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISession
Gets the total number of bytes which were read from this session.
getReadBytesThroughput() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISession
Gets the number of read bytes per second.
getReadyFuture() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.future.SessionFuturesController
Returns the future that can be use to wait for the completion of the session's ready phase.
getReadyFuture() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISession
Gets the future that can be use to wait for the completion of the ready phase.
getReduceCount() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.allocator.DefaultAllocatorMetric
Gets the total number of re-allocations that have been performed by the reduce method in the associated allocator.
getReleasedCount() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.allocator.DefaultAllocatorMetric
Gets the total number of buffers that have been released by the associated allocator.
getReleasingCount() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.allocator.DefaultAllocatorMetric
Gets the total number of buffers that have been requested for releasing by the associated allocator.
getRemoteAddress() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.DatagramSession
getRemoteAddress() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISession
Returns the remote address to which this session is connected.
getRemoteAddress() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.StreamSession
getSession() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.engine.IEngine
Returns an object representing a session in use in an IEngine implementation.
getSession() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.future.AbstractFuture
getSession() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.future.IFuture
Returns the session this future is associated with.
getSession() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.handler.AbstractDatagramHandler
getSession() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.handler.AbstractHandler
getSession() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.handler.AbstractStreamHandler
getSession() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.handler.IDatagramHandler
Returns the datagram-oriented session that is associated with this handler.
getSession() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.handler.IHandler
Returns the session that is associated with this handler.
getSession() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.handler.IStreamHandler
Returns the stream-oriented session that is associated with this handler.
getSessions() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.DatagramServerHandler
Returns sessions currently handled by this handler.
getSize() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.pool.DefaultSelectorLoopPool
Gets the current size of this pool.
getState() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISession
Gets the current state of this session.
getStatus() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.engine.EngineResult
getStatus() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.engine.IEngineResult
Gets the overall result of the IEngine calls.
getSuccessfulFuture() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.future.SessionFuturesController
Returns a successful future.
getThroughputCalculationInterval() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.session.DefaultSessionConfig
Gets the interval in milliseconds between each throughput calculation.
getThroughputCalculationInterval() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISessionConfig
Gets the interval in milliseconds between each throughput calculation.
getTimeoutModel() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.factory.DefaultSessionStructureFactory
Returns a timeout model that will be used by engine-driven datagram sessions to retransmit lost packets.
getTimeoutModel() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.factory.ISessionStructureFactory
Returns a timeout model that will be used by engine-driven datagram sessions to retransmit lost packets.
getTimer() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.factory.DefaultSessionStructureFactory
Returns a timer implementation that will be used by the session timer to schedule events and tasks.
getTimer() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.factory.ISessionStructureFactory
Returns a timer implementation that will be used by the session timer to schedule events and tasks.
getTimer() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISession
Gets the session timer associated with this session.
getWriteFuture(long) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.future.SessionFuturesController
Returns a future that can be used to wait for the completion of a write operation.
getWrittenBytes() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISession
Gets the total number of bytes which were written to this session.
getWrittenBytesThroughput() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISession
Gets the number of written bytes per second.
GzipDecoder - Class in
Decompresses an array of bytes using the gzip compression as specified in RFC 1952.
GzipDecoder() - Constructor for class
Creates a new gzip decoder.
GzipEncoder - Class in
Compresses an array of bytes using the gzip compression as specified in RFC 1952.
GzipEncoder() - Constructor for class
Creates a new gzip encoder with the default compression level (6).
GzipEncoder(int) - Constructor for class
Creates a new gzip encoder with the specified compression level.


HandshakeLoopsThresholdException - Exception in org.snf4j.core.handler
Signals that the handshake phase has not finished within the maximum number of loops.
HandshakeLoopsThresholdException() - Constructor for exception org.snf4j.core.handler.HandshakeLoopsThresholdException
Constructs the exception with the default detail message.
HandshakeStatus - Enum in org.snf4j.core.engine
An enum describing the current handshaking state of an IEngine implementation.
HandshakeTimeoutException - Exception in org.snf4j.core.handler
Signals that the handshake phase did not finished within expected time.
HandshakeTimeoutException() - Constructor for exception org.snf4j.core.handler.HandshakeTimeoutException
Constructs the exception with the default detail message.
hasDecoders() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.codec.DefaultCodecExecutor
hasDecoders() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.codec.ICodecExecutor
Informs if the pipeline has decoders that produce outbound object(s).


IAbortableFuture<V> - Interface in org.snf4j.core.future
A future that can be aborted (cancelled or failed) at any time.
IAllocatingHandler - Interface in org.snf4j.core.handler
A handler which allocator should be shared with the associated session.
IBaseDecoder<O> - Interface in org.snf4j.core.codec
A special decoder that can determine how many bytes should be read from the input buffer to create the byte array of the inbound data that can be decoded by this decoder.
IByteBufferAllocator - Interface in org.snf4j.core.allocator
Allocates and manages ByteBuffers used by the sessions for I/O operations.
ICodec<I,O> - Interface in org.snf4j.core.codec
The base interface for the encoders and decoders.
ICodecExecutor - Interface in org.snf4j.core.codec
An executor responsible for encoding and decoding outbound and inbound data for the associated session.
ICodecPipeline - Interface in org.snf4j.core.codec
A manager that manages encoders and decoders in the pipeline that is associated with the ICodecExecutor.
IDatagramHandler - Interface in org.snf4j.core.handler
Extends the IHandler interface to cover datagram-oriented functionalities.
IDatagramHandlerFactory - Interface in org.snf4j.core.factory
Factory used to create a datagram handler that will be associated with a datagram-oriented session created by DatagramServerHandler.
IDatagramReader - Interface in org.snf4j.core
A reader that reads data directly from a datagram channel.
IDatagramSession - Interface in org.snf4j.core.session
Extends the ISession interface to cover datagram-oriented functionalities.
IDecoder<I,O> - Interface in org.snf4j.core.codec
A decoder that can be managed by a codec pipeline implementing the ICodecPipeline interface.
IDefaultAllocatorMetricCollector - Interface in org.snf4j.core.allocator
Collects metric data from the DefaultAllocator.
IDelegatingFuture<V> - Interface in org.snf4j.core.future
A future which state and result can be represented by other delegate future.
IDelegatingSelector - Interface in org.snf4j.core
A selector wrapping an original implementation of the abstract Selector class.
IdentifiableObject - Class in org.snf4j.core
Base class for objects that are identified by an id and their name.
IdentifiableObject(String, long, String) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.IdentifiableObject
Constructs an identifiable object with the specified prefix, id and name.
IEncoder<I,O> - Interface in org.snf4j.core.codec
A encoder that can be managed by a codec pipeline implementing the ICodecPipeline interface.
IEngine - Interface in org.snf4j.core.engine
An interface allowing implementation of customizable protocol engines that can be used to drive EngineStreamSession.
IEngineDatagramSession - Interface in org.snf4j.core.session
A engine-driven session which represents connection between datagram-oriented end-points.
IEngineResult - Interface in org.snf4j.core.engine
An interface encapsulating the result state produced by the IEngine calls.
IEngineSession - Interface in org.snf4j.core.session
A engine-driven session which represents connection between end-points regardless of transport type.
IEngineStreamSession - Interface in org.snf4j.core.session
A engine-driven session which represents connection between stream-oriented end-points.
IEventDrivenCodec - Interface in org.snf4j.core.codec
A codec that can be driven by session events.
IExceptionLogger - Interface in org.snf4j.core.logger
Additional logger interface that is used by the API to log messages for caught exceptions.
IFastThreadLocalThread - Interface in org.snf4j.core.thread
An interface for thread supporting fast thread-local variables.
IFuture<V> - Interface in org.snf4j.core.future
A future that represents the result of an asynchronous operation related with the session.
IFutureExecutor - Interface in org.snf4j.core.future
An object executing an operation associated with a future.
IGNORE_NO_SESSION_TIMER_EXCEPTION - Static variable in class org.snf4j.core.Constants
System property specifying if it will be possible to create engine driven datagram-oriented sessions without a session timer.
ignorePossiblyIncompleteDatagrams() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.session.DefaultSessionConfig
Determines if possibly incomplete datagrams should be ignored.
ignorePossiblyIncompleteDatagrams() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISessionConfig
Determines if possibly incomplete datagrams should be ignored.
IHandler - Interface in org.snf4j.core.handler
Handles events and I/O notifications sent from the associated session.
IllegalSessionStateException - Exception in org.snf4j.core.session
Unchecked exception thrown when an attempt is made to perform an operation when a session is in an illegal state.
IllegalSessionStateException(SessionState) - Constructor for exception org.snf4j.core.session.IllegalSessionStateException
Constructs an instance of this exception.
ILogger - Interface in org.snf4j.core.logger
Logger interface that is used by the API to log messages.
ILoggerFactory - Interface in org.snf4j.core.logger
Factory interface for loggers used by the API.
incident(SessionIncident, Throwable) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.DatagramServerHandler
incident(SessionIncident, Throwable) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.handler.AbstractHandler
incident(SessionIncident, Throwable) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.handler.IHandler
Called to notify about an incident that occurred during processing of I/O or protocol related operations.
inExecutor() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.future.IFutureExecutor
Tells if the current thread is the thread this executor uses to complete an operation associated with a future.
inflateBound(int) - Method in class
Returns upper bound on the decompressed size.
inflater - Variable in class
The decompressor used by this class to decompress data.
info(ILogger, String, Object...) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.logger.DefaultExceptionLogger
info(ILogger, String, Object...) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.logger.IExceptionLogger
Logs a message at the INFO level with varying number of arguments.
info(String) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.logger.ILogger
Logs a message at the INFO level.
info(String, Object) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.logger.ILogger
Logs a message at the INFO level with one argument.
info(String, Object, Object) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.logger.ILogger
Logs a message at the INFO level with two arguments.
info(String, Object...) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.logger.ILogger
Logs a message at the INFO level with three or more arguments.
info(String) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.logger.NopLogger
info(String, Object) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.logger.NopLogger
info(String, Object, Object) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.logger.NopLogger
info(String, Object...) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.logger.NopLogger
init() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.engine.IEngine
Signals that an IEngine implementation can initialize, if required, its internal state (e.g.
INSTANCE - Static variable in class org.snf4j.core.session.UnsupportedSessionTimer
A constant holding the instance of the unsupported session timer.
isCancelled() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.future.AbstractFuture
Tells if the operation associated with this future was cancelled before it completed normally.
isDebugEnabled() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.logger.ILogger
Tells if the logger is enabled for the DEBUG level.
isDebugEnabled() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.logger.NopLogger
isDone() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.future.AbstractFuture
Tells if if the operation associated with this future completed.
isDone() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.future.CompletedFuture
Tells that this future is completed
ISelectorLoopController - Interface in org.snf4j.core
A controller that determines behavior of the associated selector loop.
ISelectorLoopPool - Interface in org.snf4j.core.pool
A base pool for the selector loops
ISelectorLoopStructureFactory - Interface in org.snf4j.core.factory
Factory used to configure the internal structure of the selector loop.
ISession - Interface in org.snf4j.core.session
A session which represents connection between end-points regardless of transport type.
ISessionConfig - Interface in org.snf4j.core.session
A configuration for associated session.
ISessionStructureFactory - Interface in org.snf4j.core.factory
Factory used to configure the internal structure of the created session
ISessionTimer - Interface in org.snf4j.core.session
A timer that can be associated with a session.
isFailed() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.future.AbstractFuture
isFailed() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.future.IFuture
Tells if the operation associated with this future was completed with a failure.
isFinished() - Method in class
Tells if the decompression has been finished.
isFinished() - Method in class
Tells if the compression has been finished.
isForAllThreads() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.thread.FastThreadLocal
Informs if the variable is provided for all threads or only for threads implementing IFastThreadLocalThread.
isInboundDone() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.engine.IEngine
Returns whether IEngine.unwrap(ByteBuffer, ByteBuffer) method will accept any more inbound network data.
isOpen() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISession
Tells if this session is open.
isOutboundDone() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.engine.IEngine
Returns whether IEngine.wrap(ByteBuffer, ByteBuffer) and IEngine.wrap(ByteBuffer[], ByteBuffer) methods will produce any more outbound network data.
isReadSuspended() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISession
Tells if read operations are suspended for this session.
isReleasable() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.allocator.CachingAllocator
isReleasable() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.allocator.DefaultAllocator
Tells if an implementation of the allocator supports releasing of no longer used buffers.
isReleasable() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.allocator.IByteBufferAllocator
Tells if an implementation of the allocator supports releasing of no longer used buffers.
isSuccessful() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.future.AbstractFuture
isSuccessful() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.future.IFuture
Tells if the operation associated with this future was completed successfully.
isSupported() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISessionTimer
Tells if the implementation supports the session timer.
isSupported() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.session.UnsupportedSessionTimer
isTraceEnabled() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.logger.ILogger
Tells if the logger is enabled for the TRACE level.
isTraceEnabled() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.logger.NopLogger
IStreamHandler - Interface in org.snf4j.core.handler
Extends the IHandler interface to cover stream-oriented functionalities.
IStreamReader - Interface in org.snf4j.core
A reader that reads data directly from a stream channel.
IStreamSession - Interface in org.snf4j.core.session
Extends the ISession interface to cover stream-oriented functionalities.
IStreamSessionFactory - Interface in org.snf4j.core.factory
Factory used to create a stream-oriented session for a newly accepted connection.
isWriteSuspended() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISession
Tells if write operations are suspended for this session.
ITimeoutModel - Interface in org.snf4j.core.timer
Interface used to implement models of timing out operations.
ITimer - Interface in org.snf4j.core.timer
A timer that can be used by the default implementation of ISessionTimer to provide the scheduling functionality.
ITimerTask - Interface in org.snf4j.core.timer
A timer task object that is associated with scheduled operation initiated by ITimer implementation.
ITwoThresholdFuture<V> - Interface in org.snf4j.core.future
An interface that represents a future which state is determined by two thresholds.


join(long) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.pool.DefaultSelectorLoopPool
join() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.pool.DefaultSelectorLoopPool
join(long) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.pool.ISelectorLoopPool
Waits at most millis milliseconds for all selector loop's threads to die.
join() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.pool.ISelectorLoopPool
Waits for all selector loop's threads to die.


LOGGER_FACTORY_SYSTEM_PROERTY - Static variable in class org.snf4j.core.Constants
System property specifying the full class name of an external logger factory.
LoggerFactory - Class in org.snf4j.core.logger
Utility class used by the API for producing an actual logger based on the runtime configuration.
LoggerFactoryBinder - Class in org.snf4j.core.logger.impl
The binder class used by the LoggerFactory utility as a way to produce an actual instance of the ILoggerFactory interface that will be used by the API to create the logger.


MAX_HANDSHAKE_LOOPS_THRESHOLD - Static variable in class org.snf4j.core.Constants
System property specifying a threshold for the maximum number of loops needed to finish the handshake phase for the engine driven sessions.


newThread(Runnable) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.factory.DefaultThreadFactory
Returns a new thread the will be created in the following way:
next() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.timer.DefaultTimeoutModel
next() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.timer.ITimeoutModel
Returns the next timeout value.
NO - Static variable in class org.snf4j.core.Constants
Value No.
NopLogger - Class in org.snf4j.core.logger
Default implementation of the ILogger interface that is used by the API.
NopLoggerFactory - Class in org.snf4j.core.logger
Default implementation of the ILoggerFactory interface that is used by the API.
NopLoggerFactory() - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.logger.NopLoggerFactory


openSelector() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.factory.DefaultSelectorLoopStructureFactory
Opens a selector.
openSelector() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.factory.ISelectorLoopStructureFactory
Opens a selector.
optimizeDataCopying() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.session.DefaultSessionConfig
Determines if the processing of data should be optimized to reduce data copying between byte buffers.
optimizeDataCopying() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISessionConfig
Determines if the processing of data should be optimized to reduce data copying between byte buffers.
org.snf4j.core - package org.snf4j.core
Provides interfaces and classes implementing the core functionalities of the API.
org.snf4j.core.allocator - package org.snf4j.core.allocator
Provides interfaces and classes for implementing allocators used by the API.
org.snf4j.core.codec - package org.snf4j.core.codec
Provides interfaces and classes for implementing encoders, decoders and codec pipelines.
org.snf4j.core.codec.bytes - package org.snf4j.core.codec.bytes
Encoders and decoders which transform an array of bytes into a ByteBuffer and vice versa. - package
Encoders and decoders which compress and decompress input data in a compression formats such as zlib and gzip.
org.snf4j.core.engine - package org.snf4j.core.engine
Provides interfaces and classes for implementing protocol engines.
org.snf4j.core.factory - package org.snf4j.core.factory
Provides interfaces and classes for factories of different kind that are used by the API.
org.snf4j.core.future - package org.snf4j.core.future
Provides interfaces and classes used by the API to implement futures.
org.snf4j.core.handler - package org.snf4j.core.handler
Provides interfaces and classes for implementing sessions' handlers.
org.snf4j.core.logger - package org.snf4j.core.logger
Provides interfaces and classes used to separate the API from any specific logger implementation.
org.snf4j.core.logger.impl - package org.snf4j.core.logger.impl
Provides binding with third-party loggers (it is not a part of the core API).
org.snf4j.core.pool - package org.snf4j.core.pool
Provides classes and interfaces for pooling the selector loops.
org.snf4j.core.session - package org.snf4j.core.session
Provides classes and interfaces used for session handling.
org.snf4j.core.thread - package org.snf4j.core.thread
Provides classes and interfaces used for thread customizations.
org.snf4j.core.timer - package org.snf4j.core.timer
Provides classes and interfaces for implementing timers that can be used by the API.


pool - Variable in class org.snf4j.core.pool.DefaultSelectorLoopPool
The backing array for this selector-pool
postFinish(ISession, ByteBuffer) - Method in class
Parses the gzip footer.
postFinish(ISession, ByteBuffer) - Method in class
Generates the gzip footer.
postFinish(ISession, ByteBuffer) - Method in class
Called right after the decompression has been finished.
postFinish(ISession, ByteBuffer) - Method in class
Called right after the compression has been finished.
postInflate(ISession, byte[], int, int) - Method in class
Updates the CRC-32.
postInflate(ISession, byte[], int, int) - Method in class
Called right after decompression of a portion of compressed data.
preDeflate(ISession, byte[], ByteBuffer) - Method in class
Generates the gzip header.
preDeflate(ISession, byte[], ByteBuffer) - Method in class
Called right before compression of a portion of uncompressed data.
preFinish(ISession, ByteBuffer) - Method in class
Generates the gzip header if the compression was finished without compressing any data.
preFinish(ISession, ByteBuffer) - Method in class
Called right before finishing of the compression.
preInflate(ISession, ByteBuffer) - Method in class
Parses the gzip header.
preInflate(ISession, ByteBuffer) - Method in class
Called right before decompression of a portion of compressed data.
prepareArguments(Object[]) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.logger.DefaultExceptionLogger
Prepares an array of arguments that will be passed to the logger currently used by the API.
processAccepted(SelectableChannel) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.DefaultSelectorLoopController
Called to determine if the calling selector loop is permitted to process the accepted channel.
processAccepted(SelectableChannel) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.ISelectorLoopController
Called to determine if the calling selector loop is permitted to process the accepted channel.
processConnection(SelectableChannel) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.DefaultSelectorLoopController
Called to determine if the calling selector loop is permitted to process the connecting channel.
processConnection(SelectableChannel) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.ISelectorLoopController
Called to determine if the calling selector loop is permitted to process the connecting channel.
purge() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.allocator.CachingAllocator
Purges all caches used by this allocator.
purge() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.allocator.ThreadLocalCachingAllocator
Purges all caches used by this allocator for the current thread.


quickClose() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.DatagramSession
quickClose() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.EngineDatagramSession
quickClose() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.EngineStreamSession
quickClose() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISession
Quickly closes this session without flushing any pending data.
quickStop() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.pool.DefaultSelectorLoopPool
quickStop() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.pool.ISelectorLoopPool
Quickly stops all selector loops in this pool.


read(byte[]) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.DatagramServerHandler
read(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.DatagramServerHandler
read(Object) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.DatagramServerHandler
read(SocketAddress, byte[]) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.DatagramServerHandler
read(SocketAddress, ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.DatagramServerHandler
read(SocketAddress, Object) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.DatagramServerHandler
read(SocketAddress, byte[]) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.handler.AbstractDatagramHandler
Called when a new datagram was received from a remote end that is identified by the given remote address.
read(SocketAddress, ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.handler.AbstractDatagramHandler
Called when a new datagram was received from a remote end that is identified by the given remote address.
read(byte[]) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.handler.AbstractHandler
Called when new bytes were read from the input buffer.
read(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.handler.AbstractHandler
Called when new bytes were read from the input buffer.
read(SocketAddress, byte[]) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.handler.IDatagramHandler
Called when a new datagram was received from a remote end that is identified by the given remote address.
read(SocketAddress, ByteBuffer) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.handler.IDatagramHandler
Called when a new datagram was received from a remote end that is identified by the given remote address.
read(SocketAddress, Object) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.handler.IDatagramHandler
Called when a new message was received and decoded from a remote end that is identified by the given remote address.
read(byte[]) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.handler.IHandler
Called when new bytes were read from the input buffer.
read(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.handler.IHandler
Called when new bytes were read from the input buffer.
read(Object) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.handler.IHandler
Called when a new message was read and decoded from the input buffer.
read(byte[]) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.IDatagramReader
Called when a new datagram was received from the remote end.
read(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.IDatagramReader
Called when a new datagram was received from the remote end.
read(SocketAddress, byte[]) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.IDatagramReader
Called when a new datagram was received from a remote end that is identified by the given remote address.
read(SocketAddress, ByteBuffer) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.IDatagramReader
Called when a new datagram was received from a remote end that is identified by the given remote address.
read(byte[]) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.IStreamReader
Called when new bytes were read from the input buffer.
read(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.IStreamReader
Called when new bytes were read from the input buffer.
reduce(ByteBuffer, int) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.allocator.DefaultAllocator
Tries to reduce the capacity of the buffer based on its content.
reduce() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.allocator.DefaultAllocatorMetric
reduce(ByteBuffer, int) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.allocator.IByteBufferAllocator
Tries to reduce the capacity of the buffer based on its content.
reduce() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.allocator.IDefaultAllocatorMetricCollector
Called when allocation was performed as a result of calling the reduce method in the associated allocator.
register(SocketChannel, IStreamHandler) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.SelectorLoop
Registers a stream-oriented channel with this selector loop.
register(SocketChannel, StreamSession) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.SelectorLoop
Registers a stream-oriented channel with this selector loop.
register(DatagramChannel, IDatagramHandler) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.SelectorLoop
Registers a datagram-oriented channel with this selector loop.
register(DatagramChannel, DatagramSession) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.SelectorLoop
Registers a datagram-oriented channel with this selector loop.
register(ServerSocketChannel, IStreamSessionFactory) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.SelectorLoop
Registers a listening stream-oriented channel with this selector loop.
registered(ServerSocketChannel) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.factory.AbstractSessionFactory
registered(ServerSocketChannel) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.factory.IStreamSessionFactory
Notifies about registration of a listening channel.
RegisterFuture<V> - Class in org.snf4j.core.future
A future that represents the result of the asynchronous register methods of selector loops.
RegisterFuture(ISession) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.future.RegisterFuture
Constructs a register future associated with a session.
release(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.allocator.CachingAllocator
release(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.allocator.DefaultAllocator
release(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.allocator.IByteBufferAllocator
Informs that given buffer that was allocated by this allocator is no longer used and can be released.
release(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISession
Release given byte buffer by the allocator associated with this session.
released(int) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.allocator.DefaultAllocatorMetric
released(int) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.allocator.IDefaultAllocatorMetricCollector
Called when a buffer was released by the associated allocator.
releasing(int) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.allocator.DefaultAllocatorMetric
releasing(int) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.allocator.IDefaultAllocatorMetricCollector
Called when a buffer was requested for releasing by the associated allocator.
remove(Object) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.codec.ICodecPipeline
Removes the codec identified by the specified key from this pipeline.
remove() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.thread.FastThreadLocal
removed(ISession, ICodecPipeline) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.codec.EventDrivenCompoundDecoder
removed(ISession, ICodecPipeline) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.codec.EventDrivenCompoundEncoder
removed(ISession, ICodecPipeline) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.codec.IEventDrivenCodec
Signals that the codec has been removed from the pipeline associated with a session.
removed(ISession, ICodecPipeline) - Method in class
Does nothing.
removed(ISession, ICodecPipeline) - Method in class
Does nothing.
removeFastThreadLocal(int) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.thread.FastThreadLocalThread
removeFastThreadLocal(int) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.thread.IFastThreadLocalThread
Removes a fast thread-local variable that is stored at the given index.
replace(Object, Object, IDecoder<?, ?>) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.codec.ICodecPipeline
Replaces the decoder identified by the specified old key with a new decoder in this pipeline.
replace(Object, Object, IEncoder<?, ?>) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.codec.ICodecPipeline
Replaces the encoder identified by the specified old key with a new encoder in this pipeline.
reset() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.timer.DefaultTimeoutModel
reset() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.timer.ITimeoutModel
Resets the model.
resumeRead() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISession
Resumes read operations for this session.
resumeWrite() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISession
Resumes write operations for this session.


schedule(Runnable, long) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.timer.DefaultTimer
schedule(Runnable, long, long) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.timer.DefaultTimer
Schedules the specified task for repeated execution with the specified initial delay.
schedule(Runnable, long) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.timer.ITimer
Schedules the specified task for execution after the specified delay.
schedule(Runnable, long, long) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.timer.ITimer
Schedules the specified task for repeated execution with the specified initial delay.
scheduleEvent(Object, long) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISessionTimer
Schedules the specified timer event to be triggered in the session's handler after the specified delay.
scheduleEvent(Object, long, long) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISessionTimer
Schedules the specified timer event for repeated triggering in the session's handler with the specified initial delay.
scheduleEvent(Object, long) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.session.UnsupportedSessionTimer
Always throws the UnsupportedOperationException.
scheduleEvent(Object, long, long) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.session.UnsupportedSessionTimer
Always throws the UnsupportedOperationException.
scheduleTask(Runnable, long, boolean) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISessionTimer
Schedules the specified task for execution after the specified delay.
scheduleTask(Runnable, long, long, boolean) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISessionTimer
Schedules the specified task for repeated execution with the specified initial delay.
scheduleTask(Runnable, long, boolean) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.session.UnsupportedSessionTimer
Always throws the UnsupportedOperationException.
scheduleTask(Runnable, long, long, boolean) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.session.UnsupportedSessionTimer
Always throws the UnsupportedOperationException.
SELECTOR_REBUILD_THRESHOLD_SYSTEM_PROPERY - Static variable in class org.snf4j.core.Constants
System property specifying the threshold for the automatic selector rebuild.
SELECTOR_SELECT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class org.snf4j.core.Constants
System property specifying the maximum time in milliseconds the selector will block while waiting for a channel to become ready.
selectorFactory - Variable in class org.snf4j.core.pool.DefaultSelectorLoopPool
A factory used to create selectors for all selector loops in this pool
SelectorLoop - Class in org.snf4j.core
A selector loop responsible for processing I/O operations of stream-oriented and datagram-oriented connections
SelectorLoop(String, ISelectorLoopPool, ISelectorLoopStructureFactory) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.SelectorLoop
Constructs a named selector loop with specified parent pool
SelectorLoop(String) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.SelectorLoop
Constructs a named selector loop
SelectorLoop() - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.SelectorLoop
Constructs a unnamed selector loop.
SelectorLoopStoppingException - Exception in org.snf4j.core
Unchecked exception thrown when a selector loop is in process of stopping.
SelectorLoopStoppingException() - Constructor for exception org.snf4j.core.SelectorLoopStoppingException
send(SocketAddress, byte[]) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.DatagramSession
send(SocketAddress, byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.DatagramSession
send(SocketAddress, ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.DatagramSession
send(SocketAddress, ByteBuffer, int) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.DatagramSession
send(SocketAddress, Object) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.DatagramSession
send(SocketAddress, byte[]) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.EngineDatagramSession
send(SocketAddress, byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.EngineDatagramSession
send(SocketAddress, ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.EngineDatagramSession
send(SocketAddress, ByteBuffer, int) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.EngineDatagramSession
send(SocketAddress, Object) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.EngineDatagramSession
send(SocketAddress, byte[]) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.IDatagramSession
Sends a datagram.length byte datagram from the specified byte array to a remote end via the datagram-oriented channel associated with this session.
send(SocketAddress, byte[], int, int) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.IDatagramSession
Sends a length byte datagram from the specified byte array to a remote end via the datagram-oriented channel associated with this session.
send(SocketAddress, ByteBuffer) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.IDatagramSession
Sends a datagram.remaining() byte datagram from the specified byte buffer to a remote end via the datagram-oriented channel associated with this session.
send(SocketAddress, ByteBuffer, int) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.IDatagramSession
Sends a length byte datagram from the specified byte buffer to a remote end via the datagram-oriented channel associated with this session.
send(SocketAddress, Object) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.IDatagramSession
Sends a message to a remote end via the datagram-oriented channel associated with this session.
sendnf(SocketAddress, byte[]) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.DatagramSession
sendnf(SocketAddress, byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.DatagramSession
sendnf(SocketAddress, ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.DatagramSession
sendnf(SocketAddress, ByteBuffer, int) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.DatagramSession
sendnf(SocketAddress, Object) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.DatagramSession
sendnf(SocketAddress, byte[]) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.EngineDatagramSession
sendnf(SocketAddress, byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.EngineDatagramSession
sendnf(SocketAddress, ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.EngineDatagramSession
sendnf(SocketAddress, ByteBuffer, int) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.EngineDatagramSession
sendnf(SocketAddress, Object) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.EngineDatagramSession
sendnf(SocketAddress, byte[]) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.IDatagramSession
Sends a datagram.length byte datagram from the specified byte array to a remote end via the datagram-oriented channel associated with this session.
sendnf(SocketAddress, byte[], int, int) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.IDatagramSession
Sends a length byte datagram from the specified byte array to a remote end via the datagram-oriented channel associated with this session.
sendnf(SocketAddress, ByteBuffer) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.IDatagramSession
Sends a datagram.remaining() byte datagram from the specified byte buffer to a remote end via the datagram-oriented channel associated with this session.
sendnf(SocketAddress, ByteBuffer, int) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.IDatagramSession
Sends a length byte datagram from the specified byte buffer to a remote end via the datagram-oriented channel associated with this session.
sendnf(SocketAddress, Object) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.IDatagramSession
Sends a message to a remote end via the datagram-oriented channel associated with this session.
SessionEvent - Enum in org.snf4j.core.handler
An enum that represents session events related with changes of the session state.
SessionException - Exception in org.snf4j.core.handler
Signals a general exception in processing of a session.
SessionException() - Constructor for exception org.snf4j.core.handler.SessionException
Constructs a new exception without the detail message.
SessionException(String) - Constructor for exception org.snf4j.core.handler.SessionException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
SessionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.snf4j.core.handler.SessionException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
SessionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.snf4j.core.handler.SessionException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).
SessionFuturesController - Class in org.snf4j.core.future
A class that holds all session's futures and controls their states based on the session's events.
SessionFuturesController(ISession) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.future.SessionFuturesController
Constructs a future controller associated with the specified session
SessionIncident - Enum in org.snf4j.core.handler
An enum that represents session incidents that may occur during processing of I/O or protocol related operations.
SessionIncidentException - Exception in org.snf4j.core.handler
Indicates some kind of incident detected while processing of I/O or protocol related operations.
SessionIncidentException(SessionIncident) - Constructor for exception org.snf4j.core.handler.SessionIncidentException
Constructs a new exception with the specified incident.
SessionIncidentException(String, SessionIncident) - Constructor for exception org.snf4j.core.handler.SessionIncidentException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and incident.
SessionIncidentException(String, Throwable, SessionIncident) - Constructor for exception org.snf4j.core.handler.SessionIncidentException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message, cause and incident.
SessionIncidentException(Throwable, SessionIncident) - Constructor for exception org.snf4j.core.handler.SessionIncidentException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause and incident.
sessions - Variable in class org.snf4j.core.DatagramServerHandler
Sessions currently handled by this handler.
SessionState - Enum in org.snf4j.core.session
An enum that represents session states.
set(T) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.thread.FastThreadLocal
setController(ISelectorLoopController) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.SelectorLoop
Sets the controller determining the behavior of this selector loop.
setDatagramServerSessionNoReopenPeriod(long) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.session.DefaultSessionConfig
Configures how long the DatagramServerHandler should block re-opening of a new session for the remote peer which session has just been closed.
setDelegate(IFuture<V>) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.future.IDelegatingFuture
Sets the delegate future which state and result will represent this future.
setEndingAction(EndingAction) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.session.DefaultSessionConfig
Sets an action that should be performed by the selector loop after ending of the associated session.
setEngineHandshakeTimeout(long) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.session.DefaultSessionConfig
Configures how long the SNF4J framework should wait for completion of the handshake phase for engine-driven sessions.
setExecutor(Executor) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.EngineDatagramSession
setExecutor(Executor) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.EngineStreamSession
setExecutor(IFutureExecutor) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.future.SessionFuturesController
Sets the future executor that will be responsible for completion of the operations related with the futures holden by this controller.
setExecutor(Executor) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.IEngineSession
Sets the executor that will be used to execute delegated tasks required by this session to complete operations that block, or may take an extended period of time to complete.
setFastThreadLocal(int, Object) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.thread.FastThreadLocalThread
setFastThreadLocal(int, Object) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.thread.IFastThreadLocalThread
Stores a fast thread-local variable at the given index.
setIgnorePossiblyIncompleteDatagrams(boolean) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.session.DefaultSessionConfig
Configures the behavior after receiving possibly incomplete datagrams.
setMaxInBufferCapacity(int) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.session.DefaultSessionConfig
Sets the maximum capacity for the session's input buffer.
setMaxSSLApplicationBufferSizeRatio(int) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.session.DefaultSessionConfig
Sets the ratio that is used to calculate the maximum size of the SSL application buffers.
setMaxSSLNetworkBufferSizeRatio(int) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.session.DefaultSessionConfig
Sets the ratio that is used to calculate the maximum size of the SSL network buffers.
setMaxWriteSpinCount(int) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.session.DefaultSessionConfig
Configures the maximum loop count for write operations performed by the selector loop before returning control to the NIO selector or to other channel ready for I/O operations.
setMinInBufferCapacity(int) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.session.DefaultSessionConfig
Sets the minimum capacity for the session's input buffer.
setMinOutBufferCapacity(int) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.session.DefaultSessionConfig
Sets the minimum capacity for the session's output buffer.
setOptimizeDataCopying(boolean) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.session.DefaultSessionConfig
Configures if the processing of data should be optimized to reduce data copying between byte buffers.
setPool(ISelectorLoopPool) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.SelectorLoop
Sets the pool that will be used by this selector loop to retrieve selector loops for accepted channels.
setSecondThreshold(long) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.future.ITwoThresholdFuture
Sets the second threshold.
setSession(ISession) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.handler.AbstractDatagramHandler
Sets the datagram-oriented session that will be associated with this handler.
setSession(ISession) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.handler.AbstractHandler
setSession(ISession) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.handler.AbstractStreamHandler
Sets the stream-oriented session that will be associated with this handler.
setSession(ISession) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.handler.IDatagramHandler
Sets the datagram-oriented session that will be associated with this handler.
setSession(ISession) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.handler.IHandler
Sets the session that will be associated with this handler.
setSession(ISession) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.handler.IStreamHandler
Set the stream-oriented session that will be associated with this handler.
setThroughputCalculationInterval(long) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.session.DefaultSessionConfig
Sets the interval in milliseconds between each throughput calculation.
setWaitForInboundCloseMessage(boolean) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.session.DefaultSessionConfig
Configures if the SNF4J framework should wait for the peer's corresponding close message in situation when the closing was initiated by calling the EngineStreamSession.close() or EngineStreamSession.quickClose() method.
SHORT_NAME - Static variable in class org.snf4j.core.Constants
Short name for the API.
size - Variable in class org.snf4j.core.pool.DefaultSelectorLoopPool
The current size of this pool
SSLEngineCreateException - Exception in org.snf4j.core.session
Indicates problems with creation of the SSL engine.
SSLEngineCreateException() - Constructor for exception org.snf4j.core.session.SSLEngineCreateException
Constructs a new exception without the detail message.
SSLEngineCreateException(String) - Constructor for exception org.snf4j.core.session.SSLEngineCreateException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
SSLEngineCreateException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.snf4j.core.session.SSLEngineCreateException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
SSLEngineCreateException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.snf4j.core.session.SSLEngineCreateException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).
SSLSession - Class in org.snf4j.core
The stream-oriented session that handles SSL/TLS connections.
SSLSession(String, SocketAddress, IStreamHandler, boolean) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.SSLSession
Constructs the named SSL/TLS session associated with a handler and a remote peer.
SSLSession(SocketAddress, IStreamHandler, boolean) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.SSLSession
Constructs the SSL/TLS session associated with a handler and a remote peer.
SSLSession(String, IStreamHandler, boolean) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.SSLSession
Constructs the named SSL/TLS session associated with a handler.
SSLSession(IStreamHandler, boolean) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.SSLSession
Constructs the SSL/TLS session associated with a handler.
Status - Enum in org.snf4j.core.engine
An enum describing the overall result of the wrap and unwrap methods in an IEngine implementation.
stop() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.pool.DefaultSelectorLoopPool
stop() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.pool.ISelectorLoopPool
Gently stops all selector loops in this pool.
StreamSession - Class in org.snf4j.core
The core implementation of the IStreamSession interface.
StreamSession(String, IStreamHandler) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.StreamSession
Constructs a named stream-oriented session associated with a handler.
StreamSession(IStreamHandler) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.StreamSession
Constructs a stream-oriented session associated with a handler.
success() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.future.TaskFuture
Marks this future as successful and notifies all threads waiting for this future to be completed.
SuccessfulFuture<V> - Class in org.snf4j.core.future
A successful future
SuccessfulFuture(ISession) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.future.SuccessfulFuture
Constructs a successful future.
suspendRead() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISession
Suspends read operations for this session.
suspendWrite() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISession
Suspends write operations for this session.
sync() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.future.CompletedFuture
Returns immediately
sync(long) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.future.CompletedFuture
Returns immediately
sync(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.future.CompletedFuture
Returns immediately
sync() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.future.IFuture
Waits for this future to be completed, and throws an exception that wraps the cause of the failure if this future failed.
sync(long) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.future.IFuture
Waits for this future to be completed within the specified time limit, and throws an exception that wraps the cause of the failure if this future failed.
sync(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.future.IFuture
Waits for this future to be completed within the specified time limit, and throws an exception that wraps the cause of the failure if this future failed.
syncDecoders(ISession) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.codec.DefaultCodecExecutor
syncDecoders(ISession) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.codec.ICodecExecutor
Informs the codec executor that right now is the best moment to safely synchronize any pending changes for decoders in the associated pipeline.
syncEncoders(ISession) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.codec.DefaultCodecExecutor
syncEncoders(ISession) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.codec.ICodecExecutor
Informs the codec executor that right now is the best moment to safely synchronize any pending changes for encoders in the associated pipeline.
syncEventDrivenCodecs(ISession) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.codec.DefaultCodecExecutor
syncEventDrivenCodecs(ISession) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.codec.ICodecExecutor
Informs the codec executor that right now is the best moment to safely synchronize any pending changes for event-driven codecs in the associated pipeline.
syncUninterruptibly() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.future.CompletedFuture
Returns immediately
syncUninterruptibly(long) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.future.CompletedFuture
Returns immediately
syncUninterruptibly(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.future.CompletedFuture
Returns immediately
syncUninterruptibly() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.future.IFuture
Waits for this future to be completed without interruption, and throws an exception that wraps the cause of the failure if this future failed.
syncUninterruptibly(long) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.future.IFuture
Waits for this future to be completed within the specified time limit without interruption, and throws an exception that wraps the cause of the failure if this future failed.
syncUninterruptibly(long, TimeUnit) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.future.IFuture
Waits for this future to be completed within the specified time limit without interruption, and throws an exception that wraps the cause of the failure if this future failed.


TaskFuture<V> - Class in org.snf4j.core.future
A future that represents the result of a asynchronous task.
TaskFuture(ISession) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.future.TaskFuture
Constructs a task future associated with a session.
threadFactory - Variable in class org.snf4j.core.pool.DefaultSelectorLoopPool
A factory used to create threads for all selector loops in this pool
ThreadLocalCachingAllocator - Class in org.snf4j.core.allocator
A thread-local caching allocator for ByteBuffer allocations.
ThreadLocalCachingAllocator(boolean, IDefaultAllocatorMetricCollector) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.allocator.ThreadLocalCachingAllocator
Constructs a thread-local caching allocator with default minimal capacity (128) and specified metric data collector.
ThreadLocalCachingAllocator(boolean) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.allocator.ThreadLocalCachingAllocator
Constructs a thread-local caching allocator with default minimal capacity (128).
ThreadLocalCachingAllocator(boolean, int, IDefaultAllocatorMetricCollector) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.allocator.ThreadLocalCachingAllocator
Constructs a thread-local caching allocator with specified metric data collector.
ThreadLocalCachingAllocator(boolean, int) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.allocator.ThreadLocalCachingAllocator
Constructs a thread-local caching allocator.
ThreadLocalCachingAllocator(boolean, int, boolean, IDefaultAllocatorMetricCollector) - Constructor for class org.snf4j.core.allocator.ThreadLocalCachingAllocator
Constructs a thread-local caching allocator supporting all types of threads threads.
timer(Object) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.DatagramServerHandler
timer(Object) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.handler.AbstractHandler
timer(Runnable) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.handler.AbstractHandler
timer(Object) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.handler.IHandler
Called to notify about an expiration of the timer identified by the specified event object.
timer(Runnable) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.handler.IHandler
Called to notify about an expiration of the timer associated with the specified task.
timers - Variable in class org.snf4j.core.DatagramServerHandler
A map holding timers used internally by the class.
toArray(ByteBuffer) - Static method in class org.snf4j.core.codec.bytes.BufferToArrayCodec
Converts a ByteBuffer into an array of bytes.
toString() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.future.AbstractFuture
Returns a string representation of this future.
toString() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.IdentifiableObject
Returns a string representation of this object.
trace(ILogger, String, Object...) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.logger.DefaultExceptionLogger
trace(ILogger, String, Object...) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.logger.IExceptionLogger
Logs a message at the TRACE level with varying number of arguments.
trace(String) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.logger.ILogger
Logs a message at the TRACE level.
trace(String, Object) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.logger.ILogger
Logs a message at the TRACE level with one argument.
trace(String, Object, Object) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.logger.ILogger
Logs a message at the TRACE level with two arguments.
trace(String, Object...) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.logger.ILogger
Logs a message at the TRACE level with three or more arguments.
trace(String) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.logger.NopLogger
trace(String, Object) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.logger.NopLogger
trace(String, Object, Object) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.logger.NopLogger
trace(String, Object...) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.logger.NopLogger
type() - Method in enum org.snf4j.core.handler.DataEvent
Returns the event type associated with this event.
type() - Method in enum org.snf4j.core.handler.SessionEvent


UNKNOWN_THRESHOLD - Static variable in interface org.snf4j.core.future.ITwoThresholdFuture
UnsupportedSessionTimer - Class in org.snf4j.core.session
Unsupported session timer.
unwrap(ByteBuffer, ByteBuffer) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.engine.IEngine
Attempts to encode inbound network data from a data buffer into inbound application data.
update(SelectorLoop, int, int) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.pool.DefaultSelectorLoopPool
update(SelectorLoop, int, int) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.pool.ISelectorLoopPool
Notifies the pool that given selector loop is now processing different number of channels.
usesArray() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.allocator.DefaultAllocator
usesArray() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.allocator.IByteBufferAllocator
Tells whether or not this allocator allocates buffers that are backed by an accessible byte array.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.snf4j.core.EndingAction
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.snf4j.core.engine.HandshakeStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.snf4j.core.engine.Status
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.snf4j.core.EventType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.snf4j.core.handler.DataEvent
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.snf4j.core.handler.SessionEvent
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.snf4j.core.handler.SessionIncident
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.snf4j.core.session.SessionState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.snf4j.core.EndingAction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.snf4j.core.engine.HandshakeStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.snf4j.core.engine.Status
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.snf4j.core.EventType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.snf4j.core.handler.DataEvent
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.snf4j.core.handler.SessionEvent
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.snf4j.core.handler.SessionIncident
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.snf4j.core.session.SessionState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


waitForInboundCloseMessage() - Method in class org.snf4j.core.session.DefaultSessionConfig
Determines if the SNF4J framework should wait for the peer's corresponding close message in situation when the closing was initiated by calling the EngineStreamSession.close() or EngineStreamSession.quickClose() method.
waitForInboundCloseMessage() - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.ISessionConfig
Determines if the SNF4J framework should wait for the peer's corresponding close message in situation when the closing was initiated by calling the EngineStreamSession.close() or EngineStreamSession.quickClose() method.
warn(ILogger, String, Object...) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.logger.DefaultExceptionLogger
warn(ILogger, String, Object...) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.logger.IExceptionLogger
Logs a message at the WARN level with varying number of arguments.
warn(String) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.logger.ILogger
Logs a message at the WARN level.
warn(String, Object) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.logger.ILogger
Logs a message at the WARN level with one argument.
warn(String, Object, Object) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.logger.ILogger
Logs a message at the WARN level with two arguments.
warn(String, Object...) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.logger.ILogger
Logs a message at the WARN level with three or more arguments.
warn(String) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.logger.NopLogger
warn(String, Object) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.logger.NopLogger
warn(String, Object, Object) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.logger.NopLogger
warn(String, Object...) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.logger.NopLogger
wrap(ByteBuffer[], ByteBuffer) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.engine.IEngine
Attempts to encode outbound application data from a subsequence of data buffers into outbound network data.
wrap(ByteBuffer, ByteBuffer) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.engine.IEngine
Attempts to encode outbound application data from a data buffer into outbound network data.
wrapEvent(Object) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.AbstractSessionTimer
Wraps the specified event object into a task object that can be used for delivering the event object to the session's handler.
wrapTask(Runnable) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.AbstractSessionTimer
Wraps the specified task into a task object that can be used for delivering the specified task to the session's handler.
write(byte[]) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.DatagramSession
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.DatagramSession
write(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.DatagramSession
write(ByteBuffer, int) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.DatagramSession
write(Object) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.DatagramSession
write(byte[]) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.EngineDatagramSession
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.EngineDatagramSession
write(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.EngineDatagramSession
write(ByteBuffer, int) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.EngineDatagramSession
write(Object) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.EngineDatagramSession
write(byte[]) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.EngineStreamSession
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.EngineStreamSession
write(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.EngineStreamSession
write(ByteBuffer, int) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.EngineStreamSession
write(byte[]) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.IDatagramSession
Writes a datagram.length byte datagram from the specified byte array to the datagram-oriented channel associated with this session.
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.IDatagramSession
Writes a length byte datagram from the specified byte array to the datagram-oriented channel associated with this session.
write(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.IDatagramSession
Writes a datagram.remaining() byte datagram from the specified byte buffer to the datagram-oriented channel associated with this session.
write(ByteBuffer, int) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.IDatagramSession
Writes a length byte datagram from the specified byte buffer to the datagram-oriented channel associated with this session.
write(Object) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.IDatagramSession
Writes a message to the datagram-oriented channel associated with this session.
write(byte[]) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.IStreamSession
Writes data.length bytes from the specified byte array to the stream-oriented channel associated with this session.
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.IStreamSession
Writes length bytes from the specified byte array to the stream-oriented channel associated with this session.
write(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.IStreamSession
Writes data.remaining() bytes from the specified byte buffer to the stream-oriented channel associated with this session.
write(ByteBuffer, int) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.IStreamSession
Writes length bytes from the specified byte buffer to the stream-oriented channel associated with this session.
write(Object) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.IStreamSession
Writes a message to the stream-oriented channel associated with this session.
write(byte[]) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.StreamSession
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.StreamSession
write(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.StreamSession
write(ByteBuffer, int) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.StreamSession
write(Object) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.StreamSession
writenf(byte[]) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.DatagramSession
writenf(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.DatagramSession
writenf(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.DatagramSession
writenf(ByteBuffer, int) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.DatagramSession
writenf(Object) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.DatagramSession
writenf(byte[]) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.EngineDatagramSession
writenf(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.EngineDatagramSession
writenf(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.EngineDatagramSession
writenf(ByteBuffer, int) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.EngineDatagramSession
writenf(Object) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.EngineDatagramSession
writenf(byte[]) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.EngineStreamSession
writenf(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.EngineStreamSession
writenf(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.EngineStreamSession
writenf(ByteBuffer, int) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.EngineStreamSession
writenf(byte[]) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.IDatagramSession
Writes a datagram.length byte datagram from the specified byte array to the datagram-oriented channel associated with this session.
writenf(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.IDatagramSession
Writes a length byte datagram from the specified byte array to the datagram-oriented channel associated with this session.
writenf(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.IDatagramSession
Writes a datagram.remaining() byte datagram from the specified byte buffer to the datagram-oriented channel associated with this session.
writenf(ByteBuffer, int) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.IDatagramSession
Writes a length byte datagram from the specified byte buffer to the datagram-oriented channel associated with this session.
writenf(Object) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.IDatagramSession
Writes a message to the datagram-oriented channel associated with this session.
writenf(byte[]) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.IStreamSession
Writes data.length bytes from the specified byte array to the stream-oriented channel associated with this session.
writenf(byte[], int, int) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.IStreamSession
Writes length bytes from the specified byte array to the stream-oriented channel associated with this session.
writenf(ByteBuffer) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.IStreamSession
Writes data.remaining() bytes from the specified byte buffer to the stream-oriented channel associated with this session.
writenf(ByteBuffer, int) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.IStreamSession
Writes length bytes from the specified byte buffer to the stream-oriented channel associated with this session.
writenf(Object) - Method in interface org.snf4j.core.session.IStreamSession
Writes a message to the stream-oriented channel associated with this session.
writenf(byte[]) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.StreamSession
writenf(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.StreamSession
writenf(ByteBuffer) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.StreamSession
writenf(ByteBuffer, int) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.StreamSession
writenf(Object) - Method in class org.snf4j.core.StreamSession


YES - Static variable in class org.snf4j.core.Constants
Value Yes.


ZlibCodec - Class in
The base class for compressors and decompressors transforming an array of bytes in the zlib compression format into a ByteBuffer.
ZlibCodec() - Constructor for class
ZlibCodec.Mode - Enum in
Modes determining how the zlib compressors and decompressors should work.
ZlibDecoder - Class in
Decompresses an array of bytes using the zlib compression.
ZlibDecoder() - Constructor for class
Creates a new zlib decoder with the default mode (ZLIB).
ZlibDecoder(byte[]) - Constructor for class
Creates a new zlib decoder with a preset dictionary for decompression and the default mode (ZLIB).
ZlibDecoder(ZlibCodec.Mode) - Constructor for class
Creates a new zlib decoder with the specified mode.
ZlibDecoder(byte[], ZlibCodec.Mode) - Constructor for class
Creates a new zlib decoder with a preset dictionary for decompression and the mode.
ZlibEncoder - Class in
Compresses an array of bytes using the zlib compression.
ZlibEncoder() - Constructor for class
Creates a new zlib encoder with the default compression level (6) and the default mode (ZLIB).
ZlibEncoder(int) - Constructor for class
Creates a new zlib encoder with the specified compression level and the default mode (ZLIB).
ZlibEncoder(byte[]) - Constructor for class
Creates a new zlib encoder with a preset dictionary for compression, the default compression level (6) and the default mode (ZLIB).
ZlibEncoder(int, ZlibCodec.Mode) - Constructor for class
Creates a new zlib encoder with the specified compression level and the mode.
ZlibEncoder(int, byte[]) - Constructor for class
Creates a new zlib encoder with the specified compression level and a preset dictionary.
ZlibEncoder(int, byte[], ZlibCodec.Mode) - Constructor for class
Creates a new zlib encoder with the specified compression level, a preset dictionary and the mode.
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