package text

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. final case class AnsiColor (color: String) extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable
  2. trait AnsiColors extends AnyRef

    This trait provides AnsiColors codes for the OutputReporter

    This trait provides AnsiColors codes for the OutputReporter

    See also

  3. trait Colors extends AnyRef

    This trait defines the colors which can be used to output text on the console

    This trait defines the colors which can be used to output text on the console

    The textColor ... statsColor define the AnsiColor to use The text ... stats methods taking a String as a parameter are inserting control characters to change the string color

  4. trait ColorsMap extends AnyRef

    Definition of abbreviated color names

  5. class ConsoleColors extends AnsiColors with Colors

    This class defines the colors to use to print out text on the Console with defaults as AnsiColors for a dark background console

  6. trait ContentDifference extends AnyRef

    This trait represents the difference between 2 "contents"

  7. trait DiffShortener extends AnyRef

    This object help shortening strings between differences when the strings are too long

  8. trait DifferenceFilter extends ((Seq[_], Seq[_])) ⇒ (Seq[_], Seq[_])

    A trait to filter results of a difference check

  9. trait DifferenceFilters extends AnyRef

    This trait provides some syntactic sugar to create a DifferenceFilter to take only the first n differences:

    This trait provides some syntactic sugar to create a DifferenceFilter to take only the first n differences:

    10.differences == FirstNDifferencesFilter(10)

  10. sealed trait DifferentLine extends AnyRef

    case classes for the representation of lines which are different: not found, missing, misplaced

  11. case class FirstDifferences (n: Int) extends SomeDifferences with Product with Serializable

    return the first n differences

  12. trait FromString [T] extends AnyRef

    This typeclass is used to describe any instance which can be decoded from a String.

    This typeclass is used to describe any instance which can be decoded from a String.

    It can be used to pass string properties in SystemProperties and decode them in a specific way

  13. class Interpolated extends InterpolatedParsers

    This class extracts interpolated expressions from an interpolated string, given the string content and the text pieces in between the interpolated expressions

  14. trait InterpolatedParsers extends JavaTokenParsers
  15. class InvertedColors extends ConsoleColors

    This color scheme can be used with a white background

  16. trait LinesContent [L1] extends AnyRef

    Any type T with a name and representable as a sequence of Strings

  17. case class LinesContentDifference (lines1: Seq[String], lines2: Seq[String], partial: Boolean = false, unordered: Boolean = false, reportMisplaced: Boolean = false) extends ContentDifference with Product with Serializable

    This class shows the differences between 2 sequences of lines.

    This class shows the differences between 2 sequences of lines.

    - if partial is true we only expect some of the lines of lines2 to be in lines1 - if unordered is true we only expect the lines of lines2 to appear in any order in lines1

  18. case class MappedColors (colors: Map[String, AnsiColor] = Map()) extends ConsoleColors with Product with Serializable

    This class takes colors from a map, using default colors if some values are missing

  19. case class MisplacedLine (line: String, lineNumber: Int) extends DifferentLine with Product with Serializable
  20. case class MissingLine (line: String, lineNumber: Int) extends DifferentLine with Product with Serializable
  21. trait NoDifferenceFilters extends DifferenceFilters

    mix-in this trait to remove the implicit provided by the DifferenceFilters trait

  22. case class NotFoundLine (line: String, lineNumber: Int) extends DifferentLine with Product with Serializable
  23. abstract class RegexExtractor [P, T] extends AnyRef

    A Regular expression step which takes a text and extracts meaningful values according to a regular expression:

    A Regular expression step which takes a text and extracts meaningful values according to a regular expression:

    - either a user-defined expression for the *full text to extract*: e.g. "Given the following number: (.*)" - or a default regex for groups capturing value delimited with ${}

    It provides methods to extract either all the groups as a list, or a number of values as a tuple

  24. trait Regexes extends AnyRef

    This trait provides utility functions for working with regexes

  25. trait Sentences extends AnyRef

    This does some simple replacements in sentences to negate them.

    This does some simple replacements in sentences to negate them.

    For example: the cat must sleep => the cat must not sleep

  26. case class SeqLinesContent [A]() extends LinesContent[Seq[A]] with Product with Serializable

    Default implementation for reading lines out of a Seq

  27. case class Show1 [T1](show1: (T1) ⇒ String = _:T1).notNull) extends Product with Serializable
  28. case class Show10 [T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9, T10](show1: (T1) ⇒ String = _:T1).notNull, show2: (T2) ⇒ String = _:T2).notNull, show3: (T3) ⇒ String = _:T3).notNull, show4: (T4) ⇒ String = _:T4).notNull, show5: (T5) ⇒ String = _:T5).notNull, show6: (T6) ⇒ String = _:T6).notNull, show7: (T7) ⇒ String = _:T7).notNull, show8: (T8) ⇒ String = _:T8).notNull, show9: (T9) ⇒ String = _:T9).notNull, show10: (T10) ⇒ String = _:T10).notNull) extends Product with Serializable
  29. case class Show2 [T1, T2](show1: (T1) ⇒ String = _:T1).notNull, show2: (T2) ⇒ String = _:T2).notNull) extends Product with Serializable
  30. case class Show3 [T1, T2, T3](show1: (T1) ⇒ String = _:T1).notNull, show2: (T2) ⇒ String = _:T2).notNull, show3: (T3) ⇒ String = _:T3).notNull) extends Product with Serializable
  31. case class Show4 [T1, T2, T3, T4](show1: (T1) ⇒ String = _:T1).notNull, show2: (T2) ⇒ String = _:T2).notNull, show3: (T3) ⇒ String = _:T3).notNull, show4: (T4) ⇒ String = _:T4).notNull) extends Product with Serializable
  32. case class Show5 [T1, T2, T3, T4, T5](show1: (T1) ⇒ String = _:T1).notNull, show2: (T2) ⇒ String = _:T2).notNull, show3: (T3) ⇒ String = _:T3).notNull, show4: (T4) ⇒ String = _:T4).notNull, show5: (T5) ⇒ String = _:T5).notNull) extends Product with Serializable
  33. case class Show6 [T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6](show1: (T1) ⇒ String = _:T1).notNull, show2: (T2) ⇒ String = _:T2).notNull, show3: (T3) ⇒ String = _:T3).notNull, show4: (T4) ⇒ String = _:T4).notNull, show5: (T5) ⇒ String = _:T5).notNull, show6: (T6) ⇒ String = _:T6).notNull) extends Product with Serializable
  34. case class Show7 [T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7](show1: (T1) ⇒ String = _:T1).notNull, show2: (T2) ⇒ String = _:T2).notNull, show3: (T3) ⇒ String = _:T3).notNull, show4: (T4) ⇒ String = _:T4).notNull, show5: (T5) ⇒ String = _:T5).notNull, show6: (T6) ⇒ String = _:T6).notNull, show7: (T7) ⇒ String = _:T7).notNull) extends Product with Serializable
  35. case class Show8 [T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8](show1: (T1) ⇒ String = _:T1).notNull, show2: (T2) ⇒ String = _:T2).notNull, show3: (T3) ⇒ String = _:T3).notNull, show4: (T4) ⇒ String = _:T4).notNull, show5: (T5) ⇒ String = _:T5).notNull, show6: (T6) ⇒ String = _:T6).notNull, show7: (T7) ⇒ String = _:T7).notNull, show8: (T8) ⇒ String = _:T8).notNull) extends Product with Serializable
  36. case class Show9 [T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, T9](show1: (T1) ⇒ String = _:T1).notNull, show2: (T2) ⇒ String = _:T2).notNull, show3: (T3) ⇒ String = _:T3).notNull, show4: (T4) ⇒ String = _:T4).notNull, show5: (T5) ⇒ String = _:T5).notNull, show6: (T6) ⇒ String = _:T6).notNull, show7: (T7) ⇒ String = _:T7).notNull, show8: (T8) ⇒ String = _:T8).notNull, show9: (T9) ⇒ String = _:T9).notNull) extends Product with Serializable
  37. class SomeDifferences extends DifferenceFilter

    return some of the differences, filtered with a function

  38. trait StringEditDistance extends DiffShortener

    The EditDistance trait provides methods to compute and display the shortest distance between 2 strings.

    The EditDistance trait provides methods to compute and display the shortest distance between 2 strings.


    showDistance("kitten", "sitting") // returns ("(k)itt(e)n", "(s)itt(i)n(g)")
    // with different separators
    showDistance("kitten", "sitting", "[]") // returns ("[k]itt[e]n", "[s]itt[i]n[g]")

  39. case class TextTable (header: Seq[String], lines: Seq[Seq[String]], separator: String = "|") extends Product with Serializable

    Textual representation of a table with a table and some lines.

    Textual representation of a table with a table and some lines.

    It is expected that the size of the header and all the lines are the same.

    The main purpose of this class is to display equal-length cells on each column

Value Members

  1. object AllDifferences extends SomeDifferences

    return all the differences

  2. object AnsiColors extends AnsiColors
  3. object ColorsMap extends ColorsMap
  4. object DiffShortener extends DiffShortener
  5. object FromString
  6. object Indent

    various functions for working out indentation

  7. object InterpolatedParsers extends InterpolatedParsers
  8. object MappedColors extends Serializable

    Factory method to create MappedColors 'colors' attribute

  9. object RegexExtractor
  10. object Regexes extends Regexes
  11. object Sentences extends Sentences
  12. object ShowText
  13. object ShowTextGenerator
  14. object StringEditDistance extends StringEditDistance
  15. object TextTable extends Serializable
