
package io

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. io
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. trait ConsoleOutput extends Output

    Implementation of the Output trait using the standard Console output

  2. case class DirectoryPath(dirs: Vector[FileName], absolute: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable

    Representation of a directory path which can be relative or absolute

    Representation of a directory path which can be relative or absolute

    It is a list of FileNames and we can append other DirectoryPaths or FilePaths to it If the list is empty, this means we are at the root

  3. case class FileName extends Product with Serializable

    The component of a path name according to the unix definition

  4. case class FilePath(dir: DirectoryPath, name: FileName) extends Product with Serializable

    Representation of a file path, absolute or relative

    Representation of a file path, absolute or relative

    It has a parent directory and a name

  5. trait FilePathReader extends AnyRef

    Methods to read files on the FileSystem

  6. trait FileReader extends AnyRef

    The FileReader trait provides most of the File API methods as an interface in order to be able to mock them

  7. trait FileSystem extends FilePathReader

    Interface for the FileSystem where effects are denoted with the "Operation" type

  8. trait Key[A] extends AnyRef
  9. implicit class NameToDirPathSyntax extends AnyRef

    It is possible to create a DirPath or FilePath, starting from a string "tmp" </> "dir"

  10. trait Output extends AnyRef

    This trait represents an output with standard print functions

  11. trait Store extends AnyRef

    Key-value store

  12. trait StringOutput extends Output

    Mock implementation of the Output trait to gather messages.

    Mock implementation of the Output trait to gather messages.

    !! This implementation is mutable, so it is not thread-safe !!

Value Members

  1. implicit macro def ToFileName(s: String): FileName

    It is possible to create a FileName from a string provided it is well-formed

  2. def createFileName(c: Context)(s: scala.reflect.macros.whitebox.Context.Expr[String]): scala.reflect.macros.whitebox.Context.Expr[FileName]
  3. def fileNameFromString(s: String): Option[FileName]

    create a file name from a String

  4. val isWindows: Boolean
  5. object ConsoleOutput extends ConsoleOutput
  6. object DirectoryPath extends Serializable
  7. object FileLinesContent extends LinesContent[File]

    Default implementation for reading lines out of a file

    Default implementation for reading lines out of a file

    This is used in FileContentMatchers

  8. object FileName extends Serializable
  9. object FilePath extends Serializable
  10. object FilePathReader extends FilePathReader
  11. object FileReader extends FileReader
  12. object FileSystem extends FileSystem
  13. object FoldIo

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
