
trait NoDebug extends Debug

Use this trait to disable the pp method on objects

trait Debug
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any



Inherited givens


Inherited extensions

extension [T](t: => T)
def pp(using not: NotGiven[NoDebug], output: ConsoleOutput)(pre: String): T

print the object to the console with a small message before

print the object to the console with a small message before

Inherited from:
def pp(using not: NotGiven[NoDebug], output: ConsoleOutput)(show: T => String): T

print the object to the console with a specific function and return it

print the object to the console with a specific function and return it

Inherited from:
def pp(using not: NotGiven[NoDebug], output: ConsoleOutput)(condition: T => Boolean): T

print the object to the console and return it, if the condition is satisfied

print the object to the console and return it, if the condition is satisfied

Inherited from:
def pp(using not: NotGiven[NoDebug], output: ConsoleOutput)(condition: Boolean): T

print the object to the console and return it, if the condition is satisfied

print the object to the console and return it, if the condition is satisfied

Inherited from:
def pp(using not: NotGiven[NoDebug], output: ConsoleOutput): T

print the object to the console and return it

print the object to the console and return it

Inherited from: