
Utility methods to determine the origin of the execution of the current code

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def isExecutedFrom(name: String): Boolean

This method is used to determine for example if the JUnit runner is executed from Maven or within Eclipse. In the first the test case names don't need to have the hashcode example.

This method is used to determine for example if the JUnit runner is executed from Maven or within Eclipse. In the first the test case names don't need to have the hashcode example.


true if this current piece of code contains name in its stacktrace.

def isExecutedFrom(name: String, st: Seq[StackTraceElement]): Boolean
def isFromClass(classNamePredicate: String => Boolean): Boolean

true if there is a stacktrace element satisfying the predicate

def isFromClass(classNamePredicate: String => Boolean, st: Seq[StackTraceElement]): Boolean

true if there is a stacktrace element satisfying the predicate