
Type members


Fragment factory that is creating examples with a given context and delegating to another factory all the rest

Fragment factory that is creating examples with a given context and delegating to another factory all the rest

Default implementation of the FragmentFactory

Default implementation of the FragmentFactory


FragmentFactory trait which can be mixed in a Specification to create Fragments but which will delegate the creation to a factory member

FragmentFactory trait which can be mixed in a Specification to create Fragments but which will delegate the creation to a factory member

Fragments which can be used to change the display of the Specification: paragraphs, breaks, tabs

Fragments which can be used to change the display of the Specification: paragraphs, breaks, tabs


Interface for creating specification fragments

Interface for creating specification fragments

Trait for anything requiring a fragment factory

Trait for anything requiring a fragment factory

An interpolated fragment

An interpolated fragment

  • is appended to the previous fragments
  • can use the previous text, start location, end location and interpolated expression to create new Fragments

These implicit methods declare which kind of object can be interpolated in a s2 string;

These implicit methods declare which kind of object can be interpolated in a s2 string;

  • a function using the previous text and returning Fragments
  • specification references
  • examples using the Env, arguments, the statistics repository, the command line arguments
  • other specifications
  • strings
  • fragments

Methods to create interpolated fragments with no implicits

Methods to create interpolated fragments with no implicits

trait SpecificationCreation extends AcceptanceDsl with ArgumentsArgs with ArgumentsShortcuts with S2StringContext with FormattingFragments