
These implicit methods declare which kind of object can be interpolated in a s2 string;

  • a function using the previous text and returning Fragments
  • specification references
  • examples using the Env, arguments, the statistics repository, the command line arguments
  • other specifications
  • strings
  • fragments
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Inherited methods

Inherited from:

this function is exposed so that it can be overridden with side-effects when using s2 strings in mutable specs

this function is exposed so that it can be overridden with side-effects when using s2 strings in mutable specs

Inherited from:


Inherited extensions

extension (sc: StringContext)
inline def s2(using factory: FragmentFactory)(inline variables: Interpolated*): Fragments

String interpolation for specs2 fragments

String interpolation for specs2 fragments

Inherited from:



implicit inline def asExecutionIsInterpolated[R](inline r: => R)(using evidence$1: AsExecution[R], inline factory: FragmentFactory): Interpolated

create an example based on an execution

create an example based on an execution

implicit def stringIsInterpolated(s: => String): Interpolated

Inherited implicits

implicit inline def asResultIsInterpolated[R](inline r: => R)(using evidence$3: AsResult[R]): Interpolated
Inherited from:
S2StringContext1 (hidden)
implicit inline def fragmentIsInterpolated(inline f: => Fragment): Interpolated
Inherited from:
S2StringContext1 (hidden)
implicit inline def stepParserIsInterpolatedFragment[R](f: StepParser[R])(using evidence$4: AsResult[R]): Interpolated
Inherited from:
S2StringContext1 (hidden)
implicit inline def stringResultIsInterpolated[R](inline f: String => R)(using evidence$2: AsResult[R]): Interpolated
Inherited from:
S2StringContext1 (hidden)