
package org.specs2

Members list

Type members


case object BuildInfo

This object was generated by sbt-buildinfo.

This object was generated by sbt-buildinfo.


trait Singleton
trait Product
trait Mirror
trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
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Self type
abstract class Spec extends SpecLike

Lightweight specification with only 3 implicit methods

Lightweight specification with only 3 implicit methods

  • 2 implicits to create the specification string context
  • 1 implicit to create expectations with "must"
  • 1 implicit to add arguments to the specification


trait SpecLike
trait ExpectedResults
trait StandardResults
trait ArgumentsShortcuts
trait ArgumentsCreation
trait Expectations
trait ExpectationsDescription
trait MustMatchers
trait MustExpectations
trait TypedEqual
trait Matchers
trait EventuallyMatchers
trait EventuallyResults
trait TryMatchers
trait EitherMatchers
trait OptionMatchers
trait ValueChecks
trait ValueChecksBase
trait NumericMatchers
trait ExceptionMatchers
trait ExpectationsCreation
trait ResultChecks
trait MatchResultStackTrace
trait StringMatchers
trait MapMatchers
trait TraversableMatchers
trait NumberOfTimes
trait ValueChecksLowImplicits
trait TraversableBaseMatchers
trait AnyMatchers
trait ActionDsl
trait TagDsl
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
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Known subtypes
trait SpecLike
class Spec
trait SpecLike extends ImmutableSpecificationStructure, MustMatchers, Expectations, ArgumentsCreation, ArgumentsShortcuts, FormattingFragments, StandardResults, ExpectedResults


trait ExpectedResults
trait StandardResults
trait ArgumentsShortcuts
trait ArgumentsCreation
trait Expectations
trait ExpectationsDescription
trait MustMatchers
trait MustExpectations
trait TypedEqual
trait Matchers
trait EventuallyMatchers
trait EventuallyResults
trait TryMatchers
trait EitherMatchers
trait OptionMatchers
trait ValueChecks
trait ValueChecksBase
trait NumericMatchers
trait ExceptionMatchers
trait ExpectationsCreation
trait ResultChecks
trait MatchResultStackTrace
trait StringMatchers
trait MapMatchers
trait TraversableMatchers
trait NumberOfTimes
trait ValueChecksLowImplicits
trait TraversableBaseMatchers
trait AnyMatchers
trait ActionDsl
trait TagDsl
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
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Known subtypes
class Spec
trait SpecLike
class Spec
abstract class Specification extends SpecificationLike

Immutable Specification class

Immutable Specification class

It contains all necessary functionalities to create specifications:

  • create fragments
  • create expectations


trait ImplicitExecutionContexts
trait ImplicitExecutionContextFromExecutionEnv
trait Debug
trait ResultLogicalCombinators
trait Results
trait MatcherImplicits
trait ExpectedResults
trait StandardResults
trait Expectations
trait ExpectationsDescription
trait ShouldMatchers
trait ShouldExpectations
trait MustMatchers
trait MustExpectations
trait TypedEqual
trait Matchers
trait EventuallyMatchers
trait EventuallyResults
trait TryMatchers
trait EitherMatchers
trait OptionMatchers
trait ValueChecks
trait ValueChecksBase
trait NumericMatchers
trait ExceptionMatchers
trait ExpectationsCreation
trait ResultChecks
trait MatchResultStackTrace
trait StringMatchers
trait MapMatchers
trait TraversableMatchers
trait NumberOfTimes
trait ValueChecksLowImplicits
trait TraversableBaseMatchers
trait AnyMatchers
trait ArgumentsShortcuts
trait ArgumentsArgs
trait ArgProperties
trait ArgumentsCreation
trait AutoExamples
trait ReferenceDsl
trait ExampleDsl
trait TitleDsl
trait FragmentsDsl
trait ActionDsl
trait TagDsl
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
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trait ImplicitExecutionContexts
trait ImplicitExecutionContextFromExecutionEnv
trait Debug
trait ResultLogicalCombinators
trait Results
trait MatcherImplicits
trait ExpectedResults
trait StandardResults
trait Expectations
trait ExpectationsDescription
trait ShouldMatchers
trait ShouldExpectations
trait MustMatchers
trait MustExpectations
trait TypedEqual
trait Matchers
trait EventuallyMatchers
trait EventuallyResults
trait TryMatchers
trait EitherMatchers
trait OptionMatchers
trait ValueChecks
trait ValueChecksBase
trait NumericMatchers
trait ExceptionMatchers
trait ExpectationsCreation
trait ResultChecks
trait MatchResultStackTrace
trait StringMatchers
trait MapMatchers
trait TraversableMatchers
trait NumberOfTimes
trait ValueChecksLowImplicits
trait TraversableBaseMatchers
trait AnyMatchers
trait ArgumentsShortcuts
trait ArgumentsArgs
trait ArgProperties
trait ArgumentsCreation
trait AutoExamples
trait ReferenceDsl
trait ExampleDsl
trait TitleDsl
trait FragmentsDsl
trait ActionDsl
trait TagDsl
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
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Known subtypes