
case class Decorator(label: Any => Any, value: Any => Any, labelStyles: Seq[String], valueStyles: Seq[String])

This class contains functions to decorate and style a label and a value:

  • with a function taking the xml for the label/value and returning some xml
  • with some xml attributes "name":"value" to style those labels/values

The methods of that class allow to stack new decoration, new styling attributes but also define standard decoration and styles for bold / italic / centered ... text.

trait Serializable
trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def bkColor(c: String): Decorator
def bkColorLabel(c: String): Decorator
def bkColorValue(c: String): Decorator
def color(c: String): Decorator
def colorLabel(c: String): Decorator
def colorValue(c: String): Decorator
def decorateLabelWith(f: Any => Any): Decorator
def decorateValueWith(f: Any => Any): Decorator
def decorateWith(f: Any => Any): Decorator
def styleLabelWith(s: (String, String)): Decorator
def styleValueWith(s: (String, String)): Decorator
def styleWith(s: (String, String)): Decorator

Inherited methods

def productElementNames: Iterator[String]
Inherited from:
def productIterator: Iterator[Any]
Inherited from: