
Type members


trait Card extends Specification with Snippets

This trait defines a simple tab with a title and some text.

This trait defines a simple tab with a title and some text.

The text will be interpreted as Markdown text when rendered as html

trait Cards

A set of tabs with a title, where each tab simply contains some text

A set of tabs with a title, where each tab simply contains some text

trait Cell extends Text with Xml with Executable

A Cell is the Textual or Xml representation of a Form element: Field, Prop or Form. A more general XmlCell is also available to be able to input any kind of Xml inside a Form

A Cell is the Textual or Xml representation of a Form element: Field, Prop or Form. A more general XmlCell is also available to be able to input any kind of Xml inside a Form

A Cell can be executed by executing the underlying element but also by setting the cell to a specific result (success or failure). This feature is used to display rows of values with were expected and found ok in Forms.

trait Constraint[T]

Base class for constraints executed on an optional expected value.

Base class for constraints executed on an optional expected value.

A DecoratedLabel holds a decorator and delegates decoration and styling operations to that Decorator

A DecoratedLabel holds a decorator and delegates decoration and styling operations to that Decorator

trait DecoratedProperty[T] extends DecoratedLabel[T]

A DecoratedLabel holds a decorator and delegates decoration and styling operations for values and labels to that Decorator

A DecoratedLabel holds a decorator and delegates decoration and styling operations for values and labels to that Decorator

case class Decorator(label: Any => Any, value: Any => Any, labelStyles: Seq[String], valueStyles: Seq[String])

This class contains functions to decorate and style a label and a value:

This class contains functions to decorate and style a label and a value:

  • with a function taking the xml for the label/value and returning some xml
  • with some xml attributes "name":"value" to style those labels/values

The methods of that class allow to stack new decoration, new styling attributes but also define standard decoration and styles for bold / italic / centered ... text.

case class Effect[T](label: String, value: Property[T], decorator: Decorator) extends Executable with DecoratedProperty[Effect[T]]

An Effect is a property which is used to display names corresponding to side-effects.

An Effect is a property which is used to display names corresponding to side-effects.

If the side effect throws an exception, the Effect will display it alongside to the label. Otherwise only the label is displayed.

The apply method can be used to execute the Effect effect and possibly get a value out of it (but usually not displayed): Effect(label, 1).apply() must ===(1)

The value is stored in a Property object so it will not be evaluated until explicitly queried.

case object Effect

Factory methods for creating Effects. Effects values can also be concatenated to produce "summary" effects.

Factory methods for creating Effects. Effects values can also be concatenated to produce "summary" effects.

val e1 = Effect("hello", print("hello")) val e2 = Effect("world", print("world")) val concatenatedEffects = Effect(e1, e2) concatenatedEffects.toString == hello/world

val concatenatedEffect = Effect(", ", e1, e2) concatenatedEffects2.toString == hello, world

case class EffectCell(e: Effect[_], result: Option[Result]) extends Cell

Cell embedding a Eff

Cell embedding a Eff

case class Field[T](label: String, value: Property[T], decorator: Decorator) extends Executable with DecoratedProperty[Field[T]]

A Field is a property which is used only to display input values or output values.

A Field is a property which is used only to display input values or output values.

The apply method can be used to retrieve the Field value: Field(label, 1).apply() must ===(1)

The value is stored in a Property object so it will not be evaluated until explicitly queried

case object Field

Factory methods for creating Fields. Fields values can also be concatenated to produce "summary" fields.

Factory methods for creating Fields. Fields values can also be concatenated to produce "summary" fields.

val f1 = Field(label, "hello") val f2 = Field(label, "world") val concatenatedFields = Field(label, f1, f2) concatenatedFields.toString == label: hello/world

val concatenatedFields2 = Field(label, ", ", f1, f2) concatenatedFields2.toString == label: hello, world

case class FieldCell(f: Field[_], result: Option[Result]) extends Cell

Cell embedding a Field

Cell embedding a Field

class Form(val title: Option[String], val rows: Seq[Row], val result: Option[Result]) extends Executable with Text

A Form is a container for Rows (@see Row) where each row contain some Cell (@see Cell). It has an optional title and possibly no rows.

A Form is a container for Rows (@see Row) where each row contain some Cell (@see Cell). It has an optional title and possibly no rows.

A Form can be executed by executing each row and collecting the results.

case object Form

Companion object of a Form to create:

Companion object of a Form to create:

  • an empty Form
  • a Form with no rows but a title
  • a Form with no title but one row
class FormCell(_form: => Form, result: Option[Result]) extends Cell

Cell embedding a Form

Cell embedding a Form

object FormCell
object FormDiffs
case class FunctionConstraint[T, S](actual: T, executor: (T, T) => Result) extends Constraint[T]

This general constraint uses a function taking an actual value and an expected value to do the match.

This general constraint uses a function taking an actual value and an expected value to do the match.

trait HasForm[T]
trait HasLabel

generic trait for anything having a label, to unify Props and Forms

generic trait for anything having a label, to unify Props and Forms

class InlinedForm(title: Option[String], rows: Seq[Row], result: Option[Result]) extends Form

This Form overrides the toXml and text methods so that it appears seamlessly included in another Form.

This Form overrides the toXml and text methods so that it appears seamlessly included in another Form.

class LazyCell(_cell: => Cell) extends Cell

Proxy to a cell that's not evaluated right away when added to a row

Proxy to a cell that's not evaluated right away when added to a row

object LazyCell
case class Prop[T, S](label: String, actual: Property[T], expected: Property[S], constraint: (T, S) => Result, decorator: Decorator) extends Executable with DecoratedProperty[Prop[T, S]]

The Prop class is a named property which holds:

The Prop class is a named property which holds:

  • an actual value
  • an expected value
  • a constraint to check if the actual value conforms to the expected one

This property can be executed and can be inserted in a Form.

A Prop is meant to be declared as "bound" to an actual value:

val customerName = Prop("Customer name",

[the actual value is not evaluated until the Prop is executed]

Then it can be associated an expected value with the apply method (usually in a Form declaration):


The actual and the expected values can have different types and the constraint which is applied to them can be anything returning a result.

However the Prop companion object provides a method to create a Property with a constraint using a beEqualTo matcher:

Prop("Name", "Eric")("Eric") must ===(Success("'Eric' is equal to 'Eric'"))

object Prop

Companion object with factory methods

Companion object with factory methods

case class PropCell(p: Prop[_, _], result: Option[Result]) extends Cell

Cell embedding a Prop

Cell embedding a Prop

case class Row(cellList: List[Cell]) extends Executable

A Row is a non-empty list of Cells

A Row is a non-empty list of Cells

A Row can be executed by executing each Cell and collecting the results.

case object Row

Companion object of a Row to create a Row with at least one cell

Companion object of a Row to create a Row with at least one cell

case class Tab(title: String, form: Form, result: Option[Result]) extends Cell

Class representing an individual tab

Class representing an individual tab

case class Tabs(tabs: Seq[Tab], result: Option[Result]) extends Cell

This class allows the creation of tabs to embed several forms at once on a limited html space

This class allows the creation of tabs to embed several forms at once on a limited html space

See also:


trait Text

Base type for anything returning some text

Base type for anything returning some text

case class TextCell(s: String, result: Option[Result], decorator: Decorator) extends Cell with DecoratedProperty[TextCell]

Simple Cell embedding an arbitrary String

Simple Cell embedding an arbitrary String

object TextCell
trait ToCell[T]
trait Xml

Base type for anything returning some xml

Base type for anything returning some xml

object Xml

utility functions for creating xml for Cells

utility functions for creating xml for Cells

class XmlCell(_theXml: => NodeSeq) extends Cell

This cell can contain any xml

This cell can contain any xml

object XmlCell



given given_HasForm_T[T <: { def form: Form; }]: given_HasForm_T[T]