
Create the body of an html file reporting a specification execution

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
object HtmlBodyPrinter.type

Value members

Concrete methods

def errorElement(element: String, er: Result & ResultStackTrace, description: Any, m: String, arguments: Arguments): Elem
def failureElement(element: String, f: Result & ResultStackTrace, description: Any, m: String, showTrace: Boolean, details: Details, arguments: Arguments): Elem
def id(a: Any): String
def makeBody(spec: SpecStructure, stats: Stats, timer: SimpleTimer, options: HtmlOptions, arguments: Arguments, pandoc: Boolean)(ee: ExecutionEnv): Operation[String]

Make the body of the Html file based on all the specification fragments

Make the body of the Html file based on all the specification fragments

def makeDifferencesMessage(description: String, values: Seq[Any]): String

differences message

differences message

def printFragment(fragment: Fragment, result: Result, arguments: Arguments, level: Level, baseDir: DirectoryPath, pandoc: Boolean): NodeSeq

Print a Fragment as a piece of Html

Print a Fragment as a piece of Html

If pandoc is true we make sure that text is not parsed in order to be correctly rendered as Markdown

def printStatistics(title: String, stats: Stats, timer: SimpleTimer, options: HtmlOptions): Object
def show(f: Fragment): Elem
def showStacktrace(id: String, st: List[StackTraceElement], klass: String, arguments: Arguments): Elem
def toggleElement(a: Any): String