
class JUnitRunner(klass: Class[_]) extends Runner with Filterable

Runner for specs2 specifications

trait Filterable
class Runner
trait Describable
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def createJUnitPrinter(specStructure: SpecStructure, n: RunNotifier, ee: ExecutionEnv): JUnitPrinter

create a printer for a specific specification structure The printer needs to know about all the example descriptions beforehand

create a printer for a specific specification structure The printer needs to know about all the example descriptions beforehand

def filter(filter: Filter): Unit

This is used to filter out the entire specification based on categories annotations

This is used to filter out the entire specification based on categories annotations

if the more fine-grained filtering is needed tags must be used

def getDescription(env: Env): Description
def run(n: RunNotifier): Unit

run the specification with a Notifier

run the specification with a Notifier

def runWithEnv(n: RunNotifier, env: Env): Action[Stats]

run the specification with a Notifier and an environment

run the specification with a Notifier and an environment

Inherited methods

def testCount(): Int
Inherited from:

Concrete fields

lazy val arguments: Arguments

command line arguments, extracted from the system properties

command line arguments, extracted from the system properties

lazy val env: Env

specification environment

specification environment

lazy val getDescription: Description
lazy val specStructure: SpecStructure

specification structure for the environment

specification structure for the environment

lazy val specification: SpecificationStructure

specification to execute

specification to execute