
trait JUnitDescriptions extends ExecutionOrigin

Create Description objects from the specification fragments and arrange them as a tree

trait ExecutionOrigin
trait Stacktraces
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
object JUnitDescriptions.type

Value members

Concrete methods

def createDescription(spec: SpecStructure)(ee: ExecutionEnv): Description
def createDescription(treeLoc: TreeLoc[Description]): Description
def createDescription(className: String, suiteName: String, testName: String, label: String, id: String, annotations: Array[Annotation]): Description
def createDescriptionTree(spec: SpecStructure)(ee: ExecutionEnv): TreeLoc[(Fragment, Description)]
def createTreeLoc(spec: SpecStructure)(ee: ExecutionEnv): TreeLoc[Description]
def fragmentDescriptions(spec: SpecStructure)(ee: ExecutionEnv): Map[Fragment, Description]

Map of each fragment to its description

Map of each fragment to its description

def keep: Mapper

filter out the fragments which don't need to be represented in the JUnit descriptions

filter out the fragments which don't need to be represented in the JUnit descriptions

def parentPath(parentNodes: Seq[Fragment]): Seq[String]

a seq containing the path of an example without the root name

def specDescription(spec: SpecStructure): Description

description for the beginning of the specification

description for the beginning of the specification

def testName(s: String, parentNodes: Seq[String]): String

a test name with no newlines

Inherited methods

def fromSpecs2orScalaz: String => Boolean
Inherited from:
def isExecutedFrom(name: String, st: Seq[StackTraceElement]): Boolean
Inherited from:
def isExecutedFrom(name: String): Boolean

This method is used to determine for example if the JUnit runner is executed from Maven or within Eclipse. In the first the test case names don't need to have the hashcode example.

This method is used to determine for example if the JUnit runner is executed from Maven or within Eclipse. In the first the test case names don't need to have the hashcode example.


true if this current piece of code contains name in its stacktrace.

Inherited from:
def isFromClass(classNamePredicate: String => Boolean, st: Seq[StackTraceElement]): Boolean

true if there is a stacktrace element satisfying the predicate

Inherited from:
def isFromClass(classNamePredicate: String => Boolean): Boolean

true if there is a stacktrace element satisfying the predicate

Inherited from:
def isSpecificationFromSpecs2orScalaz(st: Seq[StackTraceElement]): Boolean

try to approximate if a specification is a specs2 one or scalaz one by passing name = org.specs2 or name = scalaz

try to approximate if a specification is a specs2 one or scalaz one by passing name = org.specs2 or name = scalaz

Inherited from:

Inherited fields

lazy val excludeFromReporting: Boolean
Inherited from:
lazy val isExecutedFromAnIDE: Boolean

return true if the current test is executed from an IDE

return true if the current test is executed from an IDE

Inherited from:
lazy val isExecutedFromBazel: Boolean

return true if the current test is executed with Bazel

return true if the current test is executed with Bazel

Inherited from:
lazy val isExecutedFromEclipse: Boolean

return true if the current test is executed with eclipse

return true if the current test is executed with eclipse

Inherited from:
lazy val isExecutedFromGradle: Boolean

return true if the current test is executed with Gradle

return true if the current test is executed with Gradle

Inherited from:
lazy val isExecutedFromIntellij: Boolean

return true if the current test is executed with Intellij

return true if the current test is executed with Intellij

Inherited from:
lazy val isExecutedFromJUnitCore: Boolean

return true if the current test is executed with JUnitCore

return true if the current test is executed with JUnitCore

Inherited from:
lazy val isExecutedFromMaven: Boolean

return true if the current test is executed with Maven

return true if the current test is executed with Maven

Inherited from:
lazy val isExecutedFromSBT: Boolean

return true if the current test is executed with sbt

return true if the current test is executed with sbt

Inherited from:
lazy val isExecutedFromScalaJs: Boolean

return true if the current test is executed with Scala.js

return true if the current test is executed with Scala.js

Inherited from: