
The FileMatchers trait provides matchers which are applicable to files

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def beADirectory: Matcher[HasPath]

matches if file.isDirectory

matches if file.isDirectory

def beAFile: Matcher[HasPath]

matches if file.isFile

matches if file.isFile

def beAbsolute: Matcher[HasPath]

matches if file.isAbsolute

matches if file.isAbsolute

def beHidden: Matcher[HasPath]

matches if file.isHidden

matches if file.isHidden

def beReadable: Matcher[HasPath]

matches if file.canRead

matches if file.canRead

def beWritable: Matcher[HasPath]

matches if file.canWrite

matches if file.canWrite

def exist: Matcher[HasPath]

matches if file.exists

matches if file.exists

def haveAbsolutePath(path: String): Matcher[HasPath]

matches if file.getAbsolutePath == path

matches if file.getAbsolutePath == path

def haveCanonicalPath(path: String): Matcher[HasPath]

matches if file.getCanonicalPath == path

matches if file.getCanonicalPath == path

def haveList(list: String): Matcher[HasPath]

matches if file.list == list

matches if file.list == list

def haveName(name: String): Matcher[HasPath]

matches if file.getName == name

matches if file.getName == name

def haveParent(path: String): Matcher[HasPath]

matches if file.getParent == path

matches if file.getParent == path

Inherited methods

def beADirectoryPath: PathMatcher

matches if new File(path).isDirectory

matches if new File(path).isDirectory

Inherited from:
def beAFilePath: PathMatcher

matches if new File(path).isFile

matches if new File(path).isFile

Inherited from:
def beAHiddenPath: PathMatcher

matches if new File(path).isHidden

matches if new File(path).isHidden

Inherited from:
def beAReadablePath: PathMatcher

matches if new File(path).canRead

matches if new File(path).canRead

Inherited from:
def beAWritablePath: PathMatcher

matches if new File(path).canWrite

matches if new File(path).canWrite

Inherited from:
def beAnAbsolutePath: PathMatcher

matches if new File(path).isAbsolute

matches if new File(path).isAbsolute

Inherited from:
def beAnExistingPath: PathMatcher

matches if new File(path).exists

matches if new File(path).exists

Inherited from:
def beEqualToIgnoringSep(other: String): PathMatcher

matches if 2 paths are the same regardless of their separators

matches if 2 paths are the same regardless of their separators

Inherited from:
def haveAsAbsolutePath(path: String): PathMatcher

matches if new File(path).getAbsolutePath == absolutePath

matches if new File(path).getAbsolutePath == absolutePath

Inherited from:
def haveAsCanonicalPath(path: String): PathMatcher

matches if new File(path).getCanonicalPath == canonicalPath

matches if new File(path).getCanonicalPath == canonicalPath

Inherited from:
def haveParentPath(parent: String): PathMatcher

matches if new File(path).getParent == parent

matches if new File(path).getParent == parent

Inherited from:
def havePathName(name: String): PathMatcher

matches if new File(path).getName == name

matches if new File(path).getName == name

Inherited from:
def listPaths(list: String*): PathMatcher

matches if new File(path).list == list(files)

matches if new File(path).list == list(files)

Inherited from: