
implicit conversions used to create ValueChecks

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Inherited methods

def valueIsTypedValueCheck[T](expected: T)(using di: Diffable[T]): BeEqualTypedValueCheck[T]

an expected value can be used to check another value

an expected value can be used to check another value

Inherited from



a check of type T can be downcasted implicitly to a check of type S >: T

a check of type T can be downcasted implicitly to a check of type S >: T

given partialfunctionIsValueCheck[T, R]: Conversion[PartialFunction[T, R], ValueCheck[T]]

a partial function returning an object having an AsResult instance can check a value

a partial function returning an object having an AsResult instance can check a value

Inherited givens

given functionIsValueCheck[T, R]: Conversion[T => R, ValueCheck[T]]

a function returning an object having an AsResult instance can check a value

a function returning an object having an AsResult instance can check a value

Inherited from
given matcherIsValueCheck[T]: Conversion[Matcher[T], ValueCheck[T]]

a Matcher[T] can check a value

a Matcher[T] can check a value

Inherited from