
trait Diffable[-T]

Typeclass for values which can be compared and return a comparison result

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def diff(actual: T, expected: T): ComparisonResult
Implicitly added by arrayDiffable
def diff(actual: T, expected: T): ComparisonResult
Implicitly added by eitherLeftDiffable
def diff(actual: T, expected: T): ComparisonResult
Implicitly added by eitherRightDiffable
def diff(actual: T, expected: T): ComparisonResult
Implicitly added by optionDiffable
def diff(actual: T, expected: T): ComparisonResult
Implicitly added by seqDiffable
def diff(actual: T, expected: T): ComparisonResult
Implicitly added by setDiffable
def diff(actual: T, expected: T): ComparisonResult
Implicitly added by tryDiffable
def diff(actual: T, expected: T): ComparisonResult