
class ShouldExpectable[T] extends Expectable[T]

This kind of expectable can be followed by the verb should to apply a matcher:

1 should beEqualTo(1)

For convenience, several shouldMatcher methods have also been defined as shortcuts to equivalent:

a should matcher

class Expectable[T]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def should(m: => Matcher[T]): MatchResult[T]
def shouldEqual(other: => Any): MatchResult[Any]
def shouldNotEqual(other: => Any): MatchResult[Any]
def should_!=(other: => Any): MatchResult[Any]
def should_!==(other: => T)(implicit di: Diffable[T]): MatchResult[T]
def should_==(other: => Any): MatchResult[Any]
def should_===(other: => T)(implicit di: Diffable[T]): MatchResult[T]

Inherited methods

def applyMatcher[S >: T](m: => Matcher[S]): MatchResult[S]

apply a matcher on the value and return a MatchResult which can later on be transformed to a simple Result

apply a matcher on the value and return a MatchResult which can later on be transformed to a simple Result

Inherited from:
def check[S >: T](result: MatchResult[S]): MatchResult[S]

additional checks can be done on the result, such as throwing an exception

additional checks can be done on the result, such as throwing an exception

Inherited from:
def checkResult(result: Result): Result

additional checks can be done on a result, such as throwing an exception

additional checks can be done on a result, such as throwing an exception

Inherited from:
def describe(v: Any): String

a description of any value with the custom description

Inherited from:
def description: String

a description of the value provided by the user a combination of the value show by specs2 and an optional description

Inherited from:

evaluate the value and return the same expectable

evaluate the value and return the same expectable

Inherited from:

evaluate the value once and return an expectable with the same expression, ready to be evaluated again

evaluate the value once and return an expectable with the same expression, ready to be evaluated again

Inherited from:
def flatMap[S](f: T => Expectable[S]): Expectable[S]

apply a function to the value

apply a function to the value

Inherited from:
def map[S](other: S): Expectable[S]

change the expectable value

change the expectable value

Inherited from:
def map[S](f: T => S): Expectable[S]

apply a function to the expectable value

apply a function to the expectable value

Inherited from:
def mapDescription(d: String): Expectable[T]
Inherited from:
def mapDescription(d: String => String): Expectable[T]
Inherited from:
def mapDescription(d: Option[String => String]): Expectable[T]

apply a function to the description function

apply a function to the description function

Inherited from:
def optionalDescription: Option[String => String]

the optional description function

Inherited from:
def updateDescription(d: String => String): Expectable[T]

update the description with another description

update the description with another description

Inherited from:

Inherited fields

lazy val value: T

the value is only evaluated if necessary

the value is only evaluated if necessary

Inherited from:
lazy val valueDefinition: () => T

definition of the value, possibly evaluating to different results each time it is invoked

definition of the value, possibly evaluating to different results each time it is invoked

Inherited from: