
A ScalaCheckFunction adds the possibility to select various typeclass instances for a given property:

  • Arbitrary to generate values
  • Shrink to shrink counter-examples
  • Show to display arguments in case of a counter-example
  • Collector to collect values and provide a summary as string (to show frequencies for example)

A Context can be added to setup/teardown state before/after/around each property execution

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
class ScalaCheckFunction2[T1, T2, R]
class ScalaCheckFunction3[T1, T2, T3, R]
class ScalaCheckFunction4[T1, T2, T3, T4, R]
class ScalaCheckFunction5[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, R]
class ScalaCheckFunction6[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, R]
class ScalaCheckFunction7[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, R]
class ScalaCheckFunction8[T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7, T8, R]

Type members

Inherited types

Value members

Abstract methods

def context: Option[Context]
def setContext(context: Context): SelfType

Concrete methods

def after(action: => Any): SelfType
def around(action: Result => Result): SelfType
def before(action: => Any): SelfType
def beforeAfter(beforeAction: => Any, afterAction: => Any): SelfType
protected def executeInContext[R : AsResult](result: => R): Prop

Inherited methods

def display(minTestsOk: Int, minSize: Int, maxDiscardRatio: Float, maxSize: Int, workers: Int, callback: TestCallback, loader: Option[ClassLoader]): SelfType
Inherited from:
def prettyFreqMap(f: FreqMap[Set[Any]] => String): SelfType
Inherited from:
def prettyFreqMap: FreqMap[Set[Any]] => Pretty
Inherited from:
def prop: Prop
Inherited from:
def set(minTestsOk: Int, minSize: Int, maxDiscardRatio: Float, maxSize: Int, workers: Int, callback: TestCallback, loader: Option[ClassLoader]): SelfType
Inherited from:
def setPrettyFreqMap(f: FreqMap[Set[Any]] => Pretty): SelfType
Inherited from:
def setSeed(seed: String): SelfType
Inherited from:
def setSeed(seed: Seed): SelfType
Inherited from:
def setVerbosity(v: Int): SelfType
Inherited from: