Interface Customizer<TOCUSTOMIZE>

public interface Customizer<TOCUSTOMIZE>
Customizes the parameterized class.
Ryan Baxter, Toshiaki Maki
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    customize(TOCUSTOMIZE tocustomize)
    static <T, K> Customizer<T>
    once(Customizer<T> customizer, Function<? super T,? extends K> keyMapper)
    Create a wrapped customizer that guarantees that the customize(Object) method of the delegated customizer is called at most once per target.
  • Method Details

    • customize

      void customize(TOCUSTOMIZE tocustomize)
    • once

      static <T, K> Customizer<T> once(Customizer<T> customizer, Function<? super T,? extends K> keyMapper)
      Create a wrapped customizer that guarantees that the customize(Object) method of the delegated customizer is called at most once per target.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the target to customize
      K - the type of the identifier of the target
      customizer - a customizer to be delegated
      keyMapper - a mapping function to produce the identifier of the target
      a wrapped customizer