Class JOptCommandLinePropertySource

public class JOptCommandLinePropertySource extends CommandLinePropertySource<joptsimple.OptionSet>
CommandLinePropertySource implementation backed by a JOpt OptionSet.

Typical usage

Configure and execute an OptionParser against the String[] of arguments supplied to the main method, and create a JOptCommandLinePropertySource using the resulting OptionSet object:
 public static void main(String[] args) {
     OptionParser parser = new OptionParser();
     OptionSet options = parser.parse(args);
     PropertySource<?> ps = new JOptCommandLinePropertySource(options);
     // ...

If an option has several representations, the most descriptive is expected to be set last, and is used as the property name of the associated EnumerablePropertySource.getPropertyNames().

See CommandLinePropertySource for complete general usage examples.

Requires JOpt Simple version 4.3 or higher. Tested against JOpt up until 5.0.

Chris Beams, Juergen Hoeller, Dave Syer
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • JOptCommandLinePropertySource

      public JOptCommandLinePropertySource(joptsimple.OptionSet options)
      Create a new JOptCommandLinePropertySource having the default name and backed by the given OptionSet.
      See Also:
    • JOptCommandLinePropertySource

      public JOptCommandLinePropertySource(String name, joptsimple.OptionSet options)
      Create a new JOptCommandLinePropertySource having the given name and backed by the given OptionSet.
  • Method Details

    • containsOption

      protected boolean containsOption(String name)
      Description copied from class: CommandLinePropertySource
      Return whether the set of option arguments parsed from the command line contains an option with the given name.
      Specified by:
      containsOption in class CommandLinePropertySource<joptsimple.OptionSet>
    • getPropertyNames

      public String[] getPropertyNames()
      Description copied from class: EnumerablePropertySource
      Return the names of all properties contained by the source object (never null).
      Specified by:
      getPropertyNames in class EnumerablePropertySource<joptsimple.OptionSet>
    • getOptionValues

      @Nullable public List<String> getOptionValues(String name)
      Description copied from class: CommandLinePropertySource
      Return the collection of values associated with the command line option having the given name.
      • if the option is present and has no argument (e.g.: "--foo"), return an empty collection ([])
      • if the option is present and has a single value (e.g. "--foo=bar"), return a collection having one element (["bar"])
      • if the option is present and the underlying command line parsing library supports multiple arguments (e.g. "--foo=bar --foo=baz"), return a collection having elements for each value (["bar", "baz"])
      • if the option is not present, return null
      Specified by:
      getOptionValues in class CommandLinePropertySource<joptsimple.OptionSet>
    • getNonOptionArgs

      protected List<String> getNonOptionArgs()
      Description copied from class: CommandLinePropertySource
      Return the collection of non-option arguments parsed from the command line. Never null.
      Specified by:
      getNonOptionArgs in class CommandLinePropertySource<joptsimple.OptionSet>