Class MessageBuilder<T>

Type Parameters:
T - the message payload type

public final class MessageBuilder<T> extends Object
A builder for creating a GenericMessage (or ErrorMessage if the payload is of type Throwable).
Arjen Poutsma, Mark Fisher, Rossen Stoyanchev, Sam Brannen
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • setHeaders

      public MessageBuilder<T> setHeaders(MessageHeaderAccessor accessor)
      Set the message headers to use by providing a MessageHeaderAccessor.
      accessor - the headers to use
    • setHeader

      public MessageBuilder<T> setHeader(String headerName, @Nullable Object headerValue)
      Set the value for the given header name. If the provided value is null, the header will be removed.
    • setHeaderIfAbsent

      public MessageBuilder<T> setHeaderIfAbsent(String headerName, Object headerValue)
      Set the value for the given header name only if the header name is not already associated with a value.
    • removeHeaders

      public MessageBuilder<T> removeHeaders(String... headerPatterns)
      Removes all headers provided via array of 'headerPatterns'. As the name suggests the array may contain simple matching patterns for header names. Supported pattern styles are: "xxx*", "*xxx", "*xxx*" and "xxx*yyy".
    • removeHeader

      public MessageBuilder<T> removeHeader(String headerName)
      Remove the value for the given header name.
    • copyHeaders

      public MessageBuilder<T> copyHeaders(@Nullable Map<String,?> headersToCopy)
      Copy the name-value pairs from the provided Map. This operation will overwrite any existing values. Use copyHeadersIfAbsent(Map) to avoid overwriting values. Note that the 'id' and 'timestamp' header values will never be overwritten.
    • copyHeadersIfAbsent

      public MessageBuilder<T> copyHeadersIfAbsent(@Nullable Map<String,?> headersToCopy)
      Copy the name-value pairs from the provided Map. This operation will not overwrite any existing values.
    • setReplyChannel

      public MessageBuilder<T> setReplyChannel(MessageChannel replyChannel)
    • setReplyChannelName

      public MessageBuilder<T> setReplyChannelName(String replyChannelName)
    • setErrorChannel

      public MessageBuilder<T> setErrorChannel(MessageChannel errorChannel)
    • setErrorChannelName

      public MessageBuilder<T> setErrorChannelName(String errorChannelName)
    • build

      public Message<T> build()
    • fromMessage

      public static <T> MessageBuilder<T> fromMessage(Message<T> message)
      Create a builder for a new Message instance pre-populated with all the headers copied from the provided message. The payload of the provided Message will also be used as the payload for the new message.

      If the provided message is an ErrorMessage, the originalMessage it contains, will be passed on to new instance.

      message - the Message from which the payload and all headers will be copied
    • withPayload

      public static <T> MessageBuilder<T> withPayload(T payload)
      Create a new builder for a message with the given payload.
      payload - the payload
    • createMessage

      public static <T> Message<T> createMessage(@Nullable T payload, MessageHeaders messageHeaders)
      A shortcut factory method for creating a message with the given payload and MessageHeaders.

      Note: the given MessageHeaders instance is used directly in the new message, i.e. it is not copied.

      payload - the payload to use (never null)
      messageHeaders - the headers to use (never null)
      the created message