Interface RSocketRequester.Builder

Enclosing interface:

public static interface RSocketRequester.Builder
Builder to create a requester by connecting to a server.
  • Method Details

    • dataMimeType

      RSocketRequester.Builder dataMimeType(@Nullable org.springframework.util.MimeType mimeType)
      Configure the payload data MimeType to specify on the SETUP frame that applies to the whole connection.

      If not set, this will be initialized to the MimeType of the first non-default Decoder, or otherwise the MimeType of the first decoder.

    • metadataMimeType

      RSocketRequester.Builder metadataMimeType(org.springframework.util.MimeType mimeType)
      Configure the payload metadata MimeType to specify on the SETUP frame that applies to the whole connection.

      By default this is set to "message/x.rsocket.composite-metadata.v0" in which case the route, if provided, is encoded as a "message/x.rsocket.routing.v0" composite metadata entry. If this is set to any other MimeType, it is assumed that's the MimeType for the route, if provided.

    • setupData

      Set the data for the setup payload. The data will be encoded according to the configured dataMimeType(MimeType). The data be a concrete value or any producer of a single value that can be adapted to a Publisher via ReactiveAdapterRegistry.

      By default this is not set.

    • setupRoute

      RSocketRequester.Builder setupRoute(String route, Object... routeVars)
      Set the route for the setup payload. The rules for formatting and encoding the route are the same as those for a request route as described in RSocketRequester.route(String, Object...).

      By default this is not set.

    • setupMetadata

      RSocketRequester.Builder setupMetadata(Object value, @Nullable org.springframework.util.MimeType mimeType)
      Add metadata entry to the setup payload. Composite metadata must be in use if this is called more than once or in addition to setupRoute(String, Object...). The metadata value be a concrete value or any producer of a single value that can be adapted to a Publisher via ReactiveAdapterRegistry.
    • rsocketStrategies

      RSocketRequester.Builder rsocketStrategies(@Nullable RSocketStrategies strategies)
      Provide the RSocketStrategies to use.

      This is useful for changing the default settings, yet still allowing further customizations via rsocketStrategies(Consumer). If not set, defaults are obtained from RSocketStrategies.builder().

      strategies - the strategies to use
    • rsocketStrategies

      Customize the RSocketStrategies.

      Allows further customization on RSocketStrategies, mutating them if they were set, or starting from RSocketStrategies.builder() defaults}.

    • rsocketConnector

      Callback to configure the RSocketConnector directly.
    • apply

      Configure this builder through a Consumer. This enables libraries such as Spring Security to provide shortcuts for applying a set of related customizations.
      configurer - the configurer to apply
    • tcp

      RSocketRequester tcp(String host, int port)
      Build an RSocketRequester with an RSocketClient that connects over TCP to the given host and port. The requester can be used to make requests concurrently. Requests are made over a shared connection that is also re-established as needed when further requests are made.
      host - the host to connect to
      port - the port to connect to
      the created RSocketRequester
    • websocket

      RSocketRequester websocket(URI uri)
      Build an RSocketRequester with an RSocketClient that connects over WebSocket to the given URL. The requester can be used to make requests concurrently. Requests are made over a shared connection that is also re-established as needed when further requests are made.
      uri - the URL to connect to
      the created RSocketRequester
    • transport

      RSocketRequester transport(ClientTransport transport)
      Variant of tcp(String, int) and websocket(URI) with an already initialized ClientTransport.
      transport - the transport to connect with
      the created RSocketRequester
    • transports

      RSocketRequester transports(Publisher<List<LoadbalanceTarget>> targetPublisher, LoadbalanceStrategy loadbalanceStrategy)
      Build an RSocketRequester with an LoadbalanceRSocketClient that will connect to one of the given targets selected through the given LoadbalanceRSocketClient.
      targetPublisher - a Publisher that supplies a list of target transports to loadbalance against; the given list may be periodically updated by the Publisher.
      loadbalanceStrategy - the strategy to use for selecting from the list of loadbalance targets.
      the created RSocketRequester
    • connectTcp

      @Deprecated reactor.core.publisher.Mono<RSocketRequester> connectTcp(String host, int port)
      as of 5.3 in favor of tcp(String, int)
      Connect to the server over TCP.
      host - the server host
      port - the server port
      an RSocketRequester for the connection
      See Also:
      • TcpClientTransport
    • connectWebSocket

      @Deprecated reactor.core.publisher.Mono<RSocketRequester> connectWebSocket(URI uri)
      as of 5.3 in favor of websocket(URI)
      Connect to the server over WebSocket.
      uri - the RSocket server endpoint URI
      an RSocketRequester for the connection
      See Also:
      • WebsocketClientTransport
    • connect

      @Deprecated reactor.core.publisher.Mono<RSocketRequester> connect(ClientTransport transport)
      as of 5.3 in favor of transport(ClientTransport)
      Connect to the server with the given ClientTransport.
      transport - the client transport to use
      an RSocketRequester for the connection