Interface ContextCache

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface ContextCache
ContextCache defines the SPI for caching Spring ApplicationContexts within the Spring TestContext Framework.

A ContextCache maintains a cache of ApplicationContexts keyed by MergedContextConfiguration instances, potentially configured with a maximum size and a custom eviction policy.


Context caching can have significant performance benefits if context initialization is complex. Although the initialization of a Spring context itself is typically very quick, some beans in a context — for example, an embedded database or a LocalContainerEntityManagerFactoryBean for working with JPA — may take several seconds to initialize. Hence, it often makes sense to perform that initialization only once per test suite or JVM process.

Sam Brannen, Juergen Hoeller
See Also:
  • Field Details


      static final String CONTEXT_CACHE_LOGGING_CATEGORY
      The name of the logging category used for reporting ContextCache statistics.
      See Also:

      static final int DEFAULT_MAX_CONTEXT_CACHE_SIZE
      The default maximum size of the context cache: 32.
      See Also:

      System property used to configure the maximum size of the ContextCache as a positive integer. May alternatively be configured via the SpringProperties mechanism.

      Note that implementations of ContextCache are not required to actually support a maximum cache size. Consult the documentation of the corresponding implementation for details.

      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • contains

      boolean contains(MergedContextConfiguration key)
      Determine whether there is a cached context for the given key.
      key - the context key (never null)
      true if the cache contains a context with the given key
    • get

      @Nullable org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext get(MergedContextConfiguration key)
      Obtain a cached ApplicationContext for the given key.

      The hit and miss counts must be updated accordingly.

      key - the context key (never null)
      the corresponding ApplicationContext instance, or null if not found in the cache
      See Also:
    • put

      void put(MergedContextConfiguration key, org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext context)
      Explicitly add an ApplicationContext instance to the cache under the given key, potentially honoring a custom eviction policy.
      key - the context key (never null)
      context - the ApplicationContext instance (never null)
    • remove

      void remove(MergedContextConfiguration key, @Nullable DirtiesContext.HierarchyMode hierarchyMode)
      Remove the context with the given key from the cache and explicitly close it if it is an instance of ConfigurableApplicationContext.

      Generally speaking, this method should be called to properly evict a context from the cache (e.g., due to a custom eviction policy) or if the state of a singleton bean has been modified, potentially affecting future interaction with the context.

      In addition, the semantics of the supplied HierarchyMode must be honored. See the Javadoc for DirtiesContext.HierarchyMode for details.

      key - the context key; never null
      hierarchyMode - the hierarchy mode; may be null if the context is not part of a hierarchy
    • size

      int size()
      Determine the number of contexts currently stored in the cache.

      If the cache contains more than Integer.MAX_VALUE elements, this method must return Integer.MAX_VALUE.

    • getParentContextCount

      int getParentContextCount()
      Determine the number of parent contexts currently tracked within the cache.
    • getHitCount

      int getHitCount()
      Get the overall hit count for this cache.

      A hit is any access to the cache that returns a non-null context for the queried key.

    • getMissCount

      int getMissCount()
      Get the overall miss count for this cache.

      A miss is any access to the cache that returns a null context for the queried key.

    • reset

      void reset()
      Reset all state maintained by this cache including statistics.
      See Also:
    • clear

      void clear()
      Clear all contexts from the cache, clearing context hierarchy information as well.
    • clearStatistics

      void clearStatistics()
      Clear hit count and miss count statistics for the cache (i.e., reset counters to zero).
    • logStatistics

      void logStatistics()
      Log the statistics for this ContextCache at DEBUG level using the "org.springframework.test.context.cache" logging category.

      The following information should be logged.