Class PatternsRequestCondition

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class PatternsRequestCondition extends AbstractRequestCondition<PatternsRequestCondition>
A logical disjunction (' || ') request condition that matches a request against a set of URL path patterns.

In contrast to PathPatternsRequestCondition which uses parsed PathPatterns, this condition does String pattern matching via AntPathMatcher.

Rossen Stoyanchev
  • Constructor Details

    • PatternsRequestCondition

      public PatternsRequestCondition(String... patterns)
      Constructor with URL patterns which are prepended with "/" if necessary.
      patterns - 0 or more URL patterns; no patterns results in an empty path "" mapping which matches all requests.
    • PatternsRequestCondition

      public PatternsRequestCondition(String[] patterns, boolean useTrailingSlashMatch, @Nullable org.springframework.util.PathMatcher pathMatcher)
      Variant of PatternsRequestCondition(String...) with a PathMatcher and flag for matching trailing slashes.
    • PatternsRequestCondition

      @Deprecated public PatternsRequestCondition(String[] patterns, @Nullable org.springframework.web.util.UrlPathHelper urlPathHelper, @Nullable org.springframework.util.PathMatcher pathMatcher, boolean useTrailingSlashMatch)
      Variant of PatternsRequestCondition(String...) with a UrlPathHelper and a PathMatcher, and whether to match trailing slashes.

      As of 5.3 the path is obtained through the static method UrlPathHelper.getResolvedLookupPath(jakarta.servlet.ServletRequest) and a UrlPathHelper does not need to be passed in.

    • PatternsRequestCondition

      @Deprecated public PatternsRequestCondition(String[] patterns, @Nullable org.springframework.web.util.UrlPathHelper urlPathHelper, @Nullable org.springframework.util.PathMatcher pathMatcher, boolean useSuffixPatternMatch, boolean useTrailingSlashMatch)
      as of 5.2.4. See class-level note in RequestMappingHandlerMapping on the deprecation of path extension config options.
      Variant of PatternsRequestCondition(String...) with a UrlPathHelper and a PathMatcher, and flags for matching with suffixes and trailing slashes.

      As of 5.3 the path is obtained through the static method UrlPathHelper.getResolvedLookupPath(jakarta.servlet.ServletRequest) and a UrlPathHelper does not need to be passed in.

    • PatternsRequestCondition

      @Deprecated public PatternsRequestCondition(String[] patterns, @Nullable org.springframework.web.util.UrlPathHelper urlPathHelper, @Nullable org.springframework.util.PathMatcher pathMatcher, boolean useSuffixPatternMatch, boolean useTrailingSlashMatch, @Nullable List<String> fileExtensions)
      as of 5.2.4. See class-level note in RequestMappingHandlerMapping on the deprecation of path extension config options.
      Variant of PatternsRequestCondition(String...) with a UrlPathHelper and a PathMatcher, and flags for matching with suffixes and trailing slashes, along with specific extensions.

      As of 5.3 the path is obtained through the static method UrlPathHelper.getResolvedLookupPath(jakarta.servlet.ServletRequest) and a UrlPathHelper does not need to be passed in.

  • Method Details

    • getPatterns

      public Set<String> getPatterns()
    • getContent

      protected Collection<String> getContent()
      Description copied from class: AbstractRequestCondition
      Return the discrete items a request condition is composed of.

      For example URL patterns, HTTP request methods, param expressions, etc.

      Specified by:
      getContent in class AbstractRequestCondition<PatternsRequestCondition>
      a collection of objects (never null)
    • getToStringInfix

      protected String getToStringInfix()
      Description copied from class: AbstractRequestCondition
      The notation to use when printing discrete items of content.

      For example " || " for URL patterns or " && " for param expressions.

      Specified by:
      getToStringInfix in class AbstractRequestCondition<PatternsRequestCondition>
    • isEmptyPathMapping

      public boolean isEmptyPathMapping()
      Whether the condition is the "" (empty path) mapping.
    • getDirectPaths

      public Set<String> getDirectPaths()
      Return the mapping paths that are not patterns.
    • combine

      Combine the patterns of the current and of the other instances as follows:
      • If only one instance has patterns, use those.
      • If both have patterns, combine patterns from "this" instance with patterns from the other instance via PathMatcher.combine(String, String).
      • If neither has patterns, use "" and "/" as root path patterns.
      other - the condition to combine with.
      a request condition instance that is the result of combining the two condition instances.
    • getMatchingCondition

      @Nullable public PatternsRequestCondition getMatchingCondition(HttpServletRequest request)
      Checks if any of the patterns match the given request and returns an instance that is guaranteed to contain matching patterns, sorted via PathMatcher.getPatternComparator(String).

      A matching pattern is obtained by making checks in the following order:

      • Direct match
      • Pattern match with ".*" appended if the pattern doesn't already contain a "."
      • Pattern match
      • Pattern match with "/" appended if the pattern doesn't already end in "/"
      request - the current request
      the same instance if the condition contains no patterns; or a new condition with sorted matching patterns; or null if no patterns match.
    • getMatchingPatterns

      public List<String> getMatchingPatterns(String lookupPath)
      Find the patterns matching the given lookup path. Invoking this method should yield results equivalent to those of calling getMatchingCondition(jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest). This method is provided as an alternative to be used if no request is available (e.g. introspection, tooling, etc).
      lookupPath - the lookup path to match to existing patterns
      a collection of matching patterns sorted with the closest match at the top
    • compareTo

      public int compareTo(PatternsRequestCondition other, HttpServletRequest request)
      Compare the two conditions based on the URL patterns they contain. Patterns are compared one at a time, from top to bottom via PathMatcher.getPatternComparator(String). If all compared patterns match equally, but one instance has more patterns, it is considered a closer match.

      It is assumed that both instances have been obtained via getMatchingCondition(HttpServletRequest) to ensure they contain only patterns that match the request and are sorted with the best matches on top.