

package ast

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait BaseColumnAttributeAssignment extends AnyRef

  2. class BetweenExpression extends TernaryOperatorNode with LogicalBoolean

  3. class BinaryOperatorNode extends ExpressionNode

  4. class BinaryOperatorNodeLogicalBoolean extends BinaryOperatorNode with LogicalBoolean

  5. class CastExpressionNode extends ExpressionNode

  6. class ColumnAttributeAssignment extends BaseColumnAttributeAssignment

  7. class ColumnGroupAttributeAssignment extends BaseColumnAttributeAssignment

  8. class CompositeKeyAttributeAssignment extends ColumnGroupAttributeAssignment

  9. class ConstantExpressionNodeList[T] extends ExpressionNode

  10. class ConstantTypedExpression[A1, T1] extends TypedExpression[A1, T1]

  11. class DefaultValueAssignment extends BaseColumnAttributeAssignment

  12. class DummyExpressionHolder extends ExpressionNode

    Update, delete and insert statement are not built with AST nodes, (for example Table[].update), although some portions of these statements (where clauses are sometimes built with it.

    Update, delete and insert statement are not built with AST nodes, (for example Table[].update), although some portions of these statements (where clauses are sometimes built with it. The StatisticsListener needs to view every expression call as an AST, which is the reason for this class. AST are meant to be "non rendered", i.e. agnostic to specific DatabaseAdapter, this DummyExpressionHolder is an exception. TODO: unify expression building to be completely AST based.

  13. class EqualityExpression extends BinaryOperatorNodeLogicalBoolean

  14. class ExclusionOperator extends BinaryOperatorNodeLogicalBoolean

  15. class ExistsExpression extends PrefixOperatorNode with LogicalBoolean

  16. class ExportedSelectElement extends SelectElement

    SelectElement that refer to a SelectElement of an inner or outer query

  17. trait ExpressionNode extends AnyRef

  18. class FieldSelectElement extends SelectElement with UniqueIdInAliaseRequired

  19. class FullOuterJoinNode extends BinaryOperatorNode

  20. class FunctionNode extends ExpressionNode

  21. class InclusionOperator extends BinaryOperatorNodeLogicalBoolean

  22. class LeftOuterJoinNode extends BinaryOperatorNode

  23. class ListExpressionNode extends ExpressionNode

  24. trait LogicalBoolean extends ExpressionNode

  25. class OrderByArg extends AnyRef

  26. class OrderByExpression extends ExpressionNode

  27. class OuterJoinExpression extends AnyRef

  28. class PostfixOperatorNode extends ExpressionNode

  29. class PrefixOperatorNode extends ExpressionNode

  30. trait QueryExpressionElements extends ExpressionNode

  31. class QueryExpressionNode[R] extends QueryExpressionElements with QueryableExpressionNode

  32. class QueryValueExpressionNode[A1, T1] extends TypedExpression[A1, T1]

  33. trait QueryableExpressionNode extends ExpressionNode with UniqueIdInAliaseRequired

  34. class RightHandSideOfIn[A] extends ExpressionNode

  35. class RowValueConstructorNode extends ExpressionNode

  36. trait SelectElement extends ExpressionNode

    SelectElement are elements of a select list, for example they are a,b, and c in :

    SelectElement are elements of a select list, for example they are a,b, and c in :

    select a,b,c from T

    they are either ValueSelectElement for composite expressions, i.e. select (x / 2) * y as Z from .... TupleSelectElement for group by or compute elements (TODO: document group by/compute) FieldSelectElement for table columns (that map to fields)

    ExportSelectElement for a select element that refers to a SelectElement of an inner or outer query.

    SelectElementReference are nodes in any clause other than select (where, having, composite expression, order by, etc) that refer to a SelectElement

  37. class SelectElementReference[A, T] extends TypedExpression[A, T]

    All nodes that refer to a SelectElement are SelectElementReference, with the exception of SelectElement that refer to an inner or outer query's SelectElement, these are ExportedSelectElement

  38. class TernaryOperatorNode extends FunctionNode with LogicalBoolean

  39. class TokenExpressionNode extends ExpressionNode

  40. class TupleSelectElement extends SelectElement

  41. class TypeConversion extends ExpressionNode

  42. class UnionExpressionNode extends ExpressionNode

  43. trait UniqueIdInAliaseRequired extends AnyRef

  44. class UpdateAssignment extends AnyRef

  45. class UpdateStatement extends ExpressionNode

  46. class ValueSelectElement extends SelectElement with UniqueIdInAliaseRequired

  47. class ViewExpressionNode[U] extends QueryableExpressionNode
