

package dsl

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. abstract class AbstractQuery[R] extends Query[R]

  2. trait ArrayJdbcMapper[P, A] extends JdbcMapper[P, A]

  3. trait BaseQueryDsl extends AnyRef

  4. sealed class CanCompare[-A1, -A2] extends AnyRef

    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  5. trait CompositeKey extends AnyRef

  6. case class CompositeKey2[A1, A2](a1: A1, a2: A2)(implicit ev1: (A1) ⇒ TypedExpression[A1, _], ev2: (A2) ⇒ TypedExpression[A2, _]) extends CompositeKey with Product with Serializable

  7. case class CompositeKey3[A1, A2, A3](a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3)(implicit ev1: (A1) ⇒ TypedExpression[A1, _], ev2: (A2) ⇒ TypedExpression[A2, _], ev3: (A3) ⇒ TypedExpression[A3, _]) extends CompositeKey with Product with Serializable

  8. case class CompositeKey4[A1, A2, A3, A4](a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3, a4: A4)(implicit ev1: (A1) ⇒ TypedExpression[A1, _], ev2: (A2) ⇒ TypedExpression[A2, _], ev3: (A3) ⇒ TypedExpression[A3, _], ev4: (A4) ⇒ TypedExpression[A4, _]) extends CompositeKey with Product with Serializable

  9. case class CompositeKey5[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5](a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3, a4: A4, a5: A5)(implicit ev1: (A1) ⇒ TypedExpression[A1, _], ev2: (A2) ⇒ TypedExpression[A2, _], ev3: (A3) ⇒ TypedExpression[A3, _], ev4: (A4) ⇒ TypedExpression[A4, _], ev5: (A5) ⇒ TypedExpression[A5, _]) extends CompositeKey with Product with Serializable

  10. case class CompositeKey6[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6](a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3, a4: A4, a5: A5, a6: A6)(implicit ev1: (A1) ⇒ TypedExpression[A1, _], ev2: (A2) ⇒ TypedExpression[A2, _], ev3: (A3) ⇒ TypedExpression[A3, _], ev4: (A4) ⇒ TypedExpression[A4, _], ev5: (A5) ⇒ TypedExpression[A5, _], ev6: (A6) ⇒ TypedExpression[A6, _]) extends CompositeKey with Product with Serializable

  11. case class CompositeKey7[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7](a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3, a4: A4, a5: A5, a6: A6, a7: A7)(implicit ev1: (A1) ⇒ TypedExpression[A1, _], ev2: (A2) ⇒ TypedExpression[A2, _], ev3: (A3) ⇒ TypedExpression[A3, _], ev4: (A4) ⇒ TypedExpression[A4, _], ev5: (A5) ⇒ TypedExpression[A5, _], ev6: (A6) ⇒ TypedExpression[A6, _], ev7: (A7) ⇒ TypedExpression[A7, _]) extends CompositeKey with Product with Serializable

  12. case class CompositeKey8[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8](a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3, a4: A4, a5: A5, a6: A6, a7: A7, a8: A8)(implicit ev1: (A1) ⇒ TypedExpression[A1, _], ev2: (A2) ⇒ TypedExpression[A2, _], ev3: (A3) ⇒ TypedExpression[A3, _], ev4: (A4) ⇒ TypedExpression[A4, _], ev5: (A5) ⇒ TypedExpression[A5, _], ev6: (A6) ⇒ TypedExpression[A6, _], ev7: (A7) ⇒ TypedExpression[A7, _], ev8: (A8) ⇒ TypedExpression[A8, _]) extends CompositeKey with Product with Serializable

  13. case class CompositeKey9[A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8, A9](a1: A1, a2: A2, a3: A3, a4: A4, a5: A5, a6: A6, a7: A7, a8: A8, a9: A9)(implicit ev1: (A1) ⇒ TypedExpression[A1, _], ev2: (A2) ⇒ TypedExpression[A2, _], ev3: (A3) ⇒ TypedExpression[A3, _], ev4: (A4) ⇒ TypedExpression[A4, _], ev5: (A5) ⇒ TypedExpression[A5, _], ev6: (A6) ⇒ TypedExpression[A6, _], ev7: (A7) ⇒ TypedExpression[A7, _], ev8: (A8) ⇒ TypedExpression[A8, _], ev9: (A9) ⇒ TypedExpression[A9, _]) extends CompositeKey with Product with Serializable

  14. class ConcatOp[A1, A2, T1, T2] extends BinaryOperatorNode

  15. trait DeOptionizer[P1, A1, T1, A2 >: Option[A1] <: Option[A1], T2] extends JdbcMapper[P1, A2]

  16. class DelegateQuery[M] extends Query[M]

  17. trait FloatTypedExpressionFactory[A1, T1] extends TypedExpressionFactory[A1, T1] with IdentityFloatifier[A1, T1]

  18. trait Floatifier[T1, A2, T2] extends AnyRef

  19. class Group[K] extends AnyRef

  20. class GroupWithMeasures[K, M] extends AnyRef

  21. trait IdentityFloatifier[A1, T1] extends Floatifier[T1, A1, T1]

  22. trait IntegralTypedExpressionFactory[A1, T1, A2, T2] extends TypedExpressionFactory[A1, T1] with Floatifier[T1, A2, T2]

  23. trait JdbcMapper[P, A] extends AnyRef

  24. trait ManyToMany[O, A] extends Query[O]

    This trait is what is referred by both the left and right side of a manyToMany relation.

    This trait is what is referred by both the left and right side of a manyToMany relation. Type parameters are : O: the type at the "other" side of the relation A: the association type i.e. the entity in the "middle" of the relation

    Object mapping to the "middle" entity are called "association objects"

    this trait extends Query[O] and can be queried against like a normal query.

    Note that this trait is used on both "left" and "right" sides of the relation, but in a given relation

  25. trait ManyToManyRelation[L, R, A] extends Relation[L, R]

  26. trait ManyToOne[O] extends Query[O]

  27. class Measures[M] extends AnyRef

  28. abstract class NonPrimitiveJdbcMapper[P, A, T] extends JdbcMapper[P, A] with TypedExpressionFactory[A, T]

  29. class NvlNode[A, T] extends BinaryOperatorNode with TypedExpression[A, T]

  30. trait OneToMany[M] extends Query[M]

  31. trait OneToManyRelation[O, M] extends Relation[O, M]

  32. class OptionalQueryable[A] extends Queryable[Option[A]]

  33. trait PrimitiveJdbcMapper[A] extends JdbcMapper[A, A]

  34. trait QueryDsl extends WhereState[Unconditioned] with ComputeMeasuresSignaturesFromStartOrWhereState with StartState with QueryElements[Unconditioned] with JoinSignatures with FromSignatures with BaseQueryDsl

  35. trait QueryYield[R] extends AnyRef

  36. trait Relation[L, R] extends AnyRef

  37. class StatefulManyToMany[O, A] extends Iterable[O]

  38. class StatefulManyToOne[O] extends AnyRef

  39. class StatefulOneToMany[M] extends Iterable[M]

  40. sealed trait TBigDecimal extends TOptionBigDecimal with TNonOption

  41. sealed trait TBoolean extends TOptionBoolean with TNonOption

  42. sealed trait TByte extends TOptionByte with TInt with TNonOption

  43. sealed trait TByteArray extends TOptionByteArray with TNonOption

  44. sealed trait TDate extends TOptionDate with TNonOption

  45. sealed trait TDouble extends TOptionDouble with TBigDecimal with TNonOption

  46. sealed trait TDoubleArray extends TOptionDoubleArray with TNonOption

  47. sealed trait TEnumValue[A] extends AnyRef

  48. sealed trait TFloat extends TOptionFloat with TDouble with TNonOption

  49. sealed trait TInt extends TOptionInt with TLong with TNonOption with TFloat

  50. sealed trait TIntArray extends TOptionIntArray with TNonOption

  51. sealed trait TLong extends TOptionLong with TDouble with TNonOption

  52. sealed trait TLongArray extends TOptionLongArray with TNonOption

  53. sealed trait TNonOption extends AnyRef

  54. sealed trait TNumeric extends AnyRef

  55. sealed trait TNumericLowerTypeBound extends TByte with TInt with TFloat with TLong with TDouble with TBigDecimal

  56. sealed trait TOption extends TOptionByte with TOptionInt with TOptionFloat with TOptionLong with TOptionDouble with TOptionBigDecimal with TOptionDate with TOptionString with TOptionTimestamp

  57. sealed trait TOptionBigDecimal extends TNumeric

  58. sealed trait TOptionBoolean extends AnyRef

  59. sealed trait TOptionByte extends TOptionInt

  60. sealed trait TOptionByteArray extends AnyRef

  61. sealed trait TOptionDate extends AnyRef

  62. sealed trait TOptionDouble extends TOptionBigDecimal

  63. sealed trait TOptionDoubleArray extends AnyRef

  64. sealed trait TOptionEnumValue[A] extends TEnumValue[A]

  65. sealed trait TOptionFloat extends TOptionDouble

  66. sealed trait TOptionInt extends TOptionLong with TOptionFloat

  67. sealed trait TOptionIntArray extends AnyRef

  68. sealed trait TOptionLong extends TOptionDouble

  69. sealed trait TOptionLongArray extends AnyRef

  70. sealed trait TOptionLowerBound extends TOptionByte with TOptionInt with TOptionFloat with TOptionLong with TOptionDouble with TOptionBigDecimal with TOptionDate with TOptionString with TOptionTimestamp

  71. sealed trait TOptionString extends AnyRef

  72. sealed trait TOptionStringArray extends AnyRef

  73. sealed trait TOptionTimestamp extends AnyRef

  74. sealed trait TOptionUUID extends AnyRef

  75. sealed trait TString extends TOptionString with TNonOption

  76. sealed trait TStringArray extends TOptionStringArray with TNonOption

  77. sealed trait TTimestamp extends TOptionTimestamp with TNonOption

  78. sealed trait TUUID extends TOptionUUID with TNonOption

  79. trait TypedExpression[A1, T1] extends ExpressionNode

  80. class TypedExpressionConversion[A1, T1] extends TypedExpression[A1, T1]

  81. trait TypedExpressionFactory[A, T] extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object GroupWithMeasures

  2. package ast

  3. package boilerplate

  4. package fsm

  5. package internal
