Uses of Interface

Packages that use IMethodInterceptor

Uses of IMethodInterceptor in org.testng

Classes in org.testng that implement IMethodInterceptor
 class InstanceOrderingMethodInterceptor
          A method interceptor that sorts its methods per instances (i.e.
 class PreserveOrderMethodInterceptor
          A method interceptor that preserves the order in which test classes were found in the <test> tag.

Methods in org.testng with parameters of type IMethodInterceptor
 void TestRunner.setMethodInterceptor(IMethodInterceptor methodInterceptor)
 void TestNG.setMethodInterceptor(IMethodInterceptor methodInterceptor)

Constructors in org.testng with parameters of type IMethodInterceptor
SuiteRunner(org.testng.internal.IConfiguration configuration, XmlSuite suite, String outputDir, ITestRunnerFactory runnerFactory, boolean useDefaultListeners, IMethodInterceptor methodInterceptor, List<IInvokedMethodListener> invokedMethodListeners, List<ITestListener> testListeners)

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