Uses of Interface

Packages that use ITestClass

Uses of ITestClass in org.testng

Classes in org.testng that implement ITestClass
 class TestClass
          This class represents a test class: - The test methods - The configuration methods (test and method) - The class file

Methods in org.testng that return ITestClass
 ITestClass ITestNGMethod.getTestClass()

Methods in org.testng that return types with arguments of type ITestClass
 Map<ITestClass,Set<Object>> ClassMethodMap.getInvokedAfterClassMethods()
 Map<ITestClass,Set<Object>> ClassMethodMap.getInvokedBeforeClassMethods()
 Collection<ITestClass> TestRunner.getTestClasses()

Methods in org.testng with parameters of type ITestClass
 void ITestNGMethod.setTestClass(ITestClass cls)
          Sets the test class having this method.

Uses of ITestClass in org.testng.internal

Classes in org.testng.internal that implement ITestClass
 class org.testng.internal.NoOpTestClass

Uses of ITestClass in org.testng.junit

Classes in org.testng.junit that implement ITestClass
static class JUnitUtils.JUnitTestClass
          An ITestClass implementation for test methods in JUnit.

Methods in org.testng.junit that return ITestClass
 ITestClass JUnitUtils.JUnitTestMethod.getTestClass()

Methods in org.testng.junit with parameters of type ITestClass
 void JUnitUtils.JUnitTestMethod.setTestClass(ITestClass cls)

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