Uses of Interface

Packages that use IAnnotation

Uses of IAnnotation in org.testng.annotations

Subinterfaces of IAnnotation in org.testng.annotations
 interface IConfigurationAnnotation
          Encapsulate the @Configuration / @testng.configuration annotation Created on Dec 20, 2005
 interface IDataProviderAnnotation
          Encapsulate the @DataProvider / annotation Created on Dec 20, 2005
 interface IExpectedExceptionsAnnotation
          Encapsulate the @ExpectedExceptions / @testng.expected-exceptions annotation Created on Dec 20, 2005
 interface IFactoryAnnotation
          Encapsulate the @Factory / @testng.factory annotation Created on Dec 20, 2005
 interface IObjectFactoryAnnotation
 interface IParameterizable
          Parent interface for annotations that can receive parameters.
 interface IParametersAnnotation
          Encapsulate the @Parameters / @testng.parameters annotation Created on Dec 20, 2005
 interface ITestAnnotation
          Encapsulate the @Test / @testng.test annotation.
 interface ITestOrConfiguration
          This interface captures methods common to @Test and @Configuration Created on Dec 20, 2005

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