Interface IConfigurationAnnotation

All Superinterfaces:
IAnnotation, IParameterizable, ITestOrConfiguration

public interface IConfigurationAnnotation
extends ITestOrConfiguration

Encapsulate the @Configuration / @testng.configuration annotation Created on Dec 20, 2005

Cedric Beust

Method Summary
 String[] getAfterGroups()
          The list of groups that this configuration method will run after.
 boolean getAfterSuite()
          If true, the annotated method will be run after all tests in this suite have run.
 boolean getAfterTest()
          If true, the annotated method will be run after all every test.
 boolean getAfterTestClass()
          If true, the annotated method will be run after all the tests in the test class have been run.
 boolean getAfterTestMethod()
          If true, the annotated method will be run after any test method is invoked.
 boolean getAlwaysRun()
          Used only for after type of configuration methods.
 String[] getBeforeGroups()
          The list of groups that this configuration method will run before.
 boolean getBeforeSuite()
          If true, the annotated method will be run before this suite starts.
 boolean getBeforeTest()
          If true, the annotated method will be run before every test
 boolean getBeforeTestClass()
          If true, the annotated method will be run after the test class is instantiated and before the test method is invoked.
 boolean getBeforeTestMethod()
          If true, the annotated method will be run before any test method is invoked.
 boolean getInheritGroups()
          If true, this @Configuration method will belong to groups specified in the \@Test annotation on the class (if any).
 boolean isFakeConfiguration()
          Internal use only.
Methods inherited from interface org.testng.annotations.ITestOrConfiguration
getDependsOnGroups, getDependsOnMethods, getDescription, getGroups, getTimeOut, setDependsOnGroups, setDependsOnMethods, setDescription, setGroups, setTimeOut
Methods inherited from interface org.testng.annotations.IParameterizable
getEnabled, getParameters, setEnabled

Method Detail


boolean getBeforeTestClass()
If true, the annotated method will be run after the test class is instantiated and before the test method is invoked.


boolean getAfterTestClass()
If true, the annotated method will be run after all the tests in the test class have been run.


boolean getBeforeTestMethod()
If true, the annotated method will be run before any test method is invoked.


boolean getAfterTestMethod()
If true, the annotated method will be run after any test method is invoked.


boolean getBeforeSuite()
If true, the annotated method will be run before this suite starts.


boolean getAfterSuite()
If true, the annotated method will be run after all tests in this suite have run.


boolean getBeforeTest()
If true, the annotated method will be run before every test


boolean getAfterTest()
If true, the annotated method will be run after all every test.


boolean getAlwaysRun()
Used only for after type of configuration methods. If set to true than the configuration method will be run whatever the status of before configuration methods was.


boolean getInheritGroups()
If true, this @Configuration method will belong to groups specified in the \@Test annotation on the class (if any).


String[] getBeforeGroups()
The list of groups that this configuration method will run before.


String[] getAfterGroups()
The list of groups that this configuration method will run after.


boolean isFakeConfiguration()
Internal use only.

true if this configuration annotation is not a "true" configuration annotation but a @BeforeSuite or similar that is represented as a configuration annotation.

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