Package org.testng.remote.strprotocol

Interface Summary
IMessage Marker interface for messages exchanged between RemoteTestNG and a client.
IRemoteSuiteListener Interface replicating the ISuiteListener used for remote listeners.
IRemoteTestListener Interface replicating ITestListener for remote listeners.
IStringMessage String based protocol main interface to be used with remote listeners.

Class Summary
AbstractRemoteTestRunnerClient The client side of the RemoteTestRunner.
GenericMessage A generic message to be used with remote listeners.
MessageHelper Marshal/unmarshal tool for IStringMessages.
MessageHub Central class to connect to the host and send message.
RemoteTestListener A special listener that remote the event with string protocol.
SuiteMessage A IStringMessage implementation for suite running events.
TestMessage An IStringMessage implementation for test events.
TestResultMessage An IStringMessage implementation for test results events.

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