Uses of Interface

Packages that use ITestNGListener

Uses of ITestNGListener in org.testng

Subinterfaces of ITestNGListener in org.testng
 interface IAnnotationTransformer
 interface IAnnotationTransformer2
          Use this interface instead of IAnnotationTransformer if you want to modify any TestNG annotation besides @Test.
 interface IConfigurable
          If a test class implements this interface, its run() method will be invoked instead of each configuration method found.
 interface IConfigurationListener
          Listener interface for events related to configuration methods.
 interface IConfigurationListener2
 interface IExecutionListener
          A listener used to monitor when a TestNG run starts and ends.
 interface IHookable
          If a test class implements this interface, its run() method will be invoked instead of each @Test method found.
 interface IInvokedMethodListener
          A listener that gets invoked before and after a method is invoked by TestNG.
 interface IInvokedMethodListener2
          Implement this interface if you need a handle to ITestContext.
 interface IMethodInterceptor
          This class is used to alter the list of test methods that TestNG is about to run.
 interface IReporter
          This interface can be implemented by clients to generate a report.
 interface ISuiteListener
          Listener for test suites.
 interface ITestListener
          A listener for test running.

Classes in org.testng that implement ITestNGListener
 class SuiteRunner
          SuiteRunner is responsible for running all the tests included in one suite.
 class TestListenerAdapter
          A simple ITestListener adapter that stores all the tests that were run.
static class TestNG.ExitCodeListener

Methods in org.testng that return ITestNGListener
 ITestNGListener ITestNGListenerFactory.createListener(Class<? extends ITestNGListener> listenerClass)
          Create and return an instance of the listener class passed in parameter.

Methods in org.testng that return types with arguments of type ITestNGListener
 List<ITestNGListener> TestNG.getServiceLoaderListeners()

Methods in org.testng with parameters of type ITestNGListener
 void SuiteRunner.addListener(ITestNGListener listener)
 void ISuite.addListener(ITestNGListener listener)

Method parameters in org.testng with type arguments of type ITestNGListener
 ITestNGListener ITestNGListenerFactory.createListener(Class<? extends ITestNGListener> listenerClass)
          Create and return an instance of the listener class passed in parameter.

Uses of ITestNGListener in org.testng.remote.strprotocol

Classes in org.testng.remote.strprotocol that implement ITestNGListener
 class RemoteTestListener
          A special listener that remote the event with string protocol.

Uses of ITestNGListener in org.testng.reporters

Classes in org.testng.reporters that implement ITestNGListener
 class DotTestListener
 class EmailableReporter
          Reported designed to render self-contained HTML top down view of a testing suite.
 class EmailableReporter2
          Reporter that generates a single-page HTML report of the test results.
 class ExitCodeListener
          A very simple ITestListener used by the TestNG runner to find out the exit code.
 class FailedReporter
          This reporter is responsible for creating testng-failed.xml
 class JqReporter
 class JUnitReportReporter
 class JUnitXMLReporter
          A JUnit XML report generator (replacing the original JUnitXMLReporter that was based on XML APIs).
 class SuiteHTMLReporter
          This class implements an HTML reporter for suites.
 class TestHTMLReporter
          This class implements an HTML reporter for individual tests.
 class TextReporter
          A simple reporter that collects the results and prints them on standard out.
 class VerboseReporter
          Reporter printing out detailed messages about what TestNG is going to run and what is the status of what has been just run.
 class XMLReporter
          The main entry for the XML generation operation

Uses of ITestNGListener in org.testng.reporters.jq

Classes in org.testng.reporters.jq that implement ITestNGListener
 class Main

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