
  • package root
    Definition Classes
  • package doobie

    Top-level import, providing aliases for the most commonly used types and modules from doobie-free and doobie-core.

    Top-level import, providing aliases for the most commonly used types and modules from doobie-free and doobie-core. A typical starting set of imports would be something like this.

    import cats.implicits._
    import doobie._, doobie.implicits._
    Definition Classes
    See also

    The doobie microsite for much more information.

  • package enum

    Enumerated types for JDBC constants.

    Enumerated types for JDBC constants. Enum values are provided by companion modules.

    Definition Classes
  • package free
    Definition Classes
  • package hi

    High-level database API.

    High-level database API. The constructors here are defined in terms of those in but differ in the following ways:

    • Enumerated values represented by Int values in JDBC are mapped to one of the proper types defined in doobie.enum.
    • Nullable values are represented in terms of Option.
    • Java collection types are translated to immutable Scala equivalents.
    • Actions that compute lifetime-managed resources do not return the resource directly, but rather take a continuation in the resource's monad.
    • Actions that compute values of impure types (CLOB, InputStream, etc.) do not appear in this API. They are available in the low-level API but must be used with considerable caution.
    • Lifting actions, low-level type mapping actions, and resource management actions do not appear in this API.
    Definition Classes
  • package syntax

    Collection of modules that add syntax to existing types.

    Collection of modules that add syntax to existing types.

    Definition Classes
  • package util

    Collection of modules for typeclasses and other helpful bits.

    Collection of modules for typeclasses and other helpful bits.

    Definition Classes
  • package compat
  • package meta
  • package testing

    Common utilities for query testing

  • Colors
  • EvenLower
  • EvenLowerPriorityWrite
  • ExecutionContexts
  • Get
  • GetInstances
  • LowerPriorityRead
  • LowerPriorityWrite
  • Put
  • PutInstances
  • Read
  • Write
  • analysis
  • catchsql
  • foldable
  • fragment
  • fragments
  • invariant
  • io
  • lens
  • log
  • pos
  • pretty
  • query
  • stream
  • transactor
  • update
  • yolo



package util

Collection of modules for typeclasses and other helpful bits.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. util
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait Colors extends AnyRef
  2. trait EvenLower extends AnyRef
  3. trait EvenLowerPriorityWrite extends AnyRef
  4. sealed abstract class Get[A] extends AnyRef
  5. trait GetInstances extends AnyRef
  6. trait LowerPriorityRead extends EvenLower
  7. trait LowerPriorityWrite extends EvenLowerPriorityWrite
  8. sealed abstract class Put[A] extends AnyRef
  9. trait PutInstances extends AnyRef
  10. final class Read[A] extends AnyRef
    @implicitNotFound( ... )
  11. final class Write[A] extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object Colors
  2. object ExecutionContexts
  3. object Get extends GetInstances
  4. object Put extends PutInstances
  5. object Read extends LowerPriorityRead
  6. object Write extends LowerPriorityWrite
  7. object analysis

    Module defining a type for analyzing the type alignment of prepared statements.

  8. object catchsql

    Module of additional combinators for ApplicativeError, specific to SQLException.

  9. object foldable

    Module of additional functions for Foldable.

  10. object fragment

    Module defining the Fragment data type.

  11. object fragments

    Module of Fragment constructors.

  12. object invariant

    Module defining the type of exceptions representing unmet expectations.

    Module defining the type of exceptions representing unmet expectations. These typically indicate a problem with the schema, with type mapping, with driver compliance, and so on. The intent is that they be as fine-grained as reasonable for diagnostic purposes, but it is not expected that the application should be able to handle them in any meaningful way.

  13. object io

    Module for a constructor of modules of IO operations for effectful monads.

  14. object lens
  15. object log

    A module of types and instances for logged statements.

  16. object pos

    Module for source positions.

  17. object pretty

    Some functions for pretty-printing.

  18. object query

    Module defining queries parameterized by input and output types.

  19. object stream

    Additional functions for manipulating Stream values.

  20. object transactor
  21. object update

    Module defining updates parameterized by input type.

  22. object yolo

    Module for implicit syntax useful in REPL session.

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
