



package scalatest

Type Members

  1. trait AnalysisMatchers[F[_]] extends CheckerBase[F]

    Provides matcher syntax for query checking:

    Provides matcher syntax for query checking:

    sql"select 1".query[Int] must typecheck
  2. trait Checker[M[_]] extends CheckerBase[M]

    Mix-in trait for specifications that enables checking of doobie Query and Update values.

    Mix-in trait for specifications that enables checking of doobie Query and Update values. Users must provide an effect type M as well as a Transactor[M] and instances. As a convenience doobie provides specializations for common effect types (see other types in this package).

    // An example specification, taken from the examples project.
    class ExampleSpec extends AnyFunSuite with IOChecker {
      // The transactor to use for the tests.
      val transactor = Transactor.fromDriverManager[IO](
        "postgres", ""
      // Now just mention the queries. Arguments are not used.
      test("findByNameAndAge") { check(MyDaoModule.findByNameAndAge(null, 0)) }
      test("allWoozles") { check(MyDaoModule.allWoozles) }
  3. trait IOAnalysisMatchers extends AnalysisMatchers[IO]
  4. trait IOChecker extends Checker[IO]

    Implementation of Checker[IO]
