
  • package root
    Definition Classes
  • package skunk

    Skunk is a functional data access layer for Postgres.

    Skunk is a functional data access layer for Postgres.

    Design principles:

    • Skunk doesn't use JDBC. It speaks the Postgres wire protocol. It will not work with any other database back end.
    • Skunk is asynchronous all the way down, via cats-effect, fs2, and ultimately nio. The high-level network layers (Protocol and Session) are safe to use concurrently.
    • Serialization to and from schema types is not typeclass-based, so there are no implicit derivations. Codecs are explicit, like parser combinators.
    • I'm not sweating arity abstraction that much. Pass a ~ b ~ c for three args and Void if there are no args. This may change in the future but it's fine for now.
    • Skunk uses Resource for lifetime-managed objects, which means it takes some discipline to avoid leaks, especially when working concurrently. May or may not end up being problematic.
    • I'm trying to write good Scaladoc this time.

    A minimal example follows. We construct a Resource that yields a Session, then use it.

    package example
    import cats.effect._
    import skunk._
    import skunk.implicits._
    import skunk.codec.numeric._
    object Minimal extends IOApp {
      val session: Resource[IO, Session[IO]] =
          host     = "localhost",
          port     = 5432,
          user     = "postgres",
          database = "world",
      def run(args: List[String]): IO[ExitCode] =
        session.use { s =>
          for {
            n <- s.unique(sql"select 42".query(int4))
            _ <- IO(println(s"The answer is $n."))
          } yield ExitCode.Success

    Continue reading for an overview of the library. It's pretty small.

    Definition Classes
  • package codec
    Definition Classes
  • package data
    Definition Classes
  • package exception
    Definition Classes
  • package net

    Skunk network stack, starting with BitVectorSocket at the bottom and ending with Protocol at the top (Session delegates all its work to Protocol).

    Skunk network stack, starting with BitVectorSocket at the bottom and ending with Protocol at the top (Session delegates all its work to Protocol). Everything is non-blocking.

    Definition Classes
  • package syntax
    Definition Classes
  • package util
    Definition Classes
  • Channel
  • Codec
  • Command
  • Cursor
  • Decoder
  • Encoder
  • Fragment
  • PreparedCommand
  • PreparedQuery
  • Query
  • Session
  • SqlState
  • Statement
  • Transaction
  • Void
  • implicits
  • ~

object SqlState extends Enum[SqlState]

Enumerated type of Postgres error codes. These can be used as extractors for error handling, for example:

doSomething.recoverWith { case SqlState.ForeignKeyViolation(ex) => ... }
See also

PostgreSQL Error Codes

Linear Supertypes
Enum[SqlState], AnyRef, Any
  1. Grouped
  2. Alphabetic
  3. By Inheritance
  1. SqlState
  2. Enum
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Value Members

  1. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  2. final def ##(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  3. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  4. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0
    Definition Classes
  5. def clone(): AnyRef
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... ) @native()
  6. final def eq(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  7. def equals(arg0: Any): Boolean
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  8. def finalize(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( classOf[java.lang.Throwable] )
  9. macro def findValues: IndexedSeq[SqlState]
    Definition Classes
  10. final def getClass(): Class[_]
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  11. def hashCode(): Int
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  12. def indexOf(member: SqlState): Int
    Definition Classes
  13. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean
    Definition Classes
  14. final lazy val lowerCaseNamesToValuesMap: Map[String, SqlState]
    Definition Classes
  15. lazy val namesToValuesMap: Map[String, SqlState]
    Definition Classes
  16. final def ne(arg0: AnyRef): Boolean
    Definition Classes
  17. final def notify(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  18. final def notifyAll(): Unit
    Definition Classes
  19. final def synchronized[T0](arg0: ⇒ T0): T0
    Definition Classes
  20. def toString(): String
    Definition Classes
    AnyRef → Any
  21. final lazy val upperCaseNameValuesToMap: Map[String, SqlState]
    Definition Classes
  22. val values: IndexedSeq[SqlState]
    Definition Classes
    SqlState → Enum
  23. final lazy val valuesToIndex: Map[SqlState, Int]
    Definition Classes
  24. final def wait(): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  25. final def wait(arg0: Long, arg1: Int): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... )
  26. final def wait(arg0: Long): Unit
    Definition Classes
    @throws( ... ) @native()
  27. def withName(name: String): SqlState
    Definition Classes
  28. def withNameInsensitive(name: String): SqlState
    Definition Classes
  29. def withNameInsensitiveOption(name: String): Option[SqlState]
    Definition Classes
  30. def withNameLowercaseOnly(name: String): SqlState
    Definition Classes
  31. def withNameLowercaseOnlyOption(name: String): Option[SqlState]
    Definition Classes
  32. def withNameOption(name: String): Option[SqlState]
    Definition Classes
  33. def withNameUppercaseOnly(name: String): SqlState
    Definition Classes
  34. def withNameUppercaseOnlyOption(name: String): Option[SqlState]
    Definition Classes
  35. object ActiveSqlTransaction extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 25001

  36. object AdminShutdown extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 57P01

  37. object AmbiguousAlias extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 42P09

  38. object AmbiguousColumn extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 42702

  39. object AmbiguousFunction extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 42725

  40. object AmbiguousParameter extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 42P08

  41. object ArraySubscriptError extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 2202E

  42. object BadCopyFileFormat extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 22P04

  43. object BranchTransactionAlreadyActive extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 25002

  44. object CannotCoerce extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 42846

  45. object CannotConnectNow extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 57P03

  46. object CantChangeRuntimeParam extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 55P02

  47. object CardinalityViolation extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 21000

  48. object CaseNotFound extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 20000

  49. object CharacterNotInRepertoire extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 22021

  50. object CheckViolation extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 23514

  51. object ConfigFileError extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState F0000

  52. object ConnectionDoesNotExist extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 08003

  53. object ConnectionException extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 08000

  54. object ConnectionFailure extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 08006

  55. object ContainingSqlNotPermitted extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 38001

  56. object CrashShutdown extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 57P02

  57. object DataCorrupted extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState XX001

  58. object DataException extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 22000

  59. object DatabaseDropped extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 57P04

  60. object DatatypeMismatch extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 42804

  61. object DatetimeFieldOverflow extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 22008

  62. object DeadlockDetected extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 40P01

  63. object DependentObjectsStillExist extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 2BP01

  64. object DependentPrivilegeDescriptorsStillExist extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 2B000

  65. object DeprecatedFeature extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 01P01

  66. object DiskFull extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 53100

  67. object DivisionByZero extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 22012

  68. object DuplicateAlias extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 42712

  69. object DuplicateColumn extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 42701

  70. object DuplicateCursor extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 42P03

  71. object DuplicateDatabase extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 42P04

  72. object DuplicateFile extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 58P02

  73. object DuplicateFunction extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 42723

  74. object DuplicateObject extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 42710

  75. object DuplicatePreparedStatement extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 42P05

  76. object DuplicateSchema extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 42P06

  77. object DuplicateTable extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 42P07

  78. object DynamicResultSetsReturned extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 0100C

  79. object ErrorInAssignment extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 22005

  80. object EscapeCharacterConflict extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 2200B

  81. object ExclusionViolation extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 23P01

  82. object ExternalRoutineException extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 38000

  83. object ExternalRoutineInvocationException extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 39000

  84. object FeatureNotSupported extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 0A000

  85. object FloatingPointException extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 22P01

  86. object ForeignKeyViolation extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 23503

  87. object FunctionExecutedNoReturnStatement extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 2F005

  88. object GroupingError extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 42803

  89. object HeldCursorRequiresSameIsolationLevel extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 25008

  90. object ImplicitZeroBitPadding extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 01008

  91. object InFailedSqlTransaction extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 25P02

  92. object InappropriateAccessModeForBranchTransaction extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 25003

  93. object InappropriateIsolationLevelForBranchTransaction extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 25004

  94. object IndeterminateDatatype extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 42P18

  95. object IndexCorrupted extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState XX002

  96. object IndicatorOverflow extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 22022

  97. object InsufficientPrivilege extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 42501

  98. object InsufficientResources extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 53000

  99. object IntegrityConstraintViolation extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 23000

  100. object InternalError extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState XX000

  101. object IntervalFieldOverflow extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 22015

  102. object InvalidArgumentForLogarithm extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 2201E

  103. object InvalidArgumentForNthValueFunction extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 22016

  104. object InvalidArgumentForNtileFunction extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 22014

  105. object InvalidArgumentForPowerFunction extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 2201F

  106. object InvalidArgumentForWidthBucketFunction extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 2201G

  107. object InvalidAuthorizationSpecification extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 28000

  108. object InvalidBinaryRepresentation extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 22P03

  109. object InvalidCatalogName extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 3D000

  110. object InvalidCharacterValueForCast extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 22018

  111. object InvalidColumnDefinition extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 42611

  112. object InvalidColumnReference extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 42P10

  113. object InvalidCursorDefinition extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 42P11

  114. object InvalidCursorName extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 34000

  115. object InvalidCursorState extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 24000

  116. object InvalidDatabaseDefinition extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 42P12

  117. object InvalidDatetimeFormat extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 22007

  118. object InvalidEscapeCharacter extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 22019

  119. object InvalidEscapeOctet extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 2200D

  120. object InvalidEscapeSequence extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 22025

  121. object InvalidForeignKey extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 42830

  122. object InvalidFunctionDefinition extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 42P13

  123. object InvalidGrantOperation extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 0LP01

  124. object InvalidGrantor extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 0L000

  125. object InvalidIndicatorParameterValue extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 22010

  126. object InvalidLocatorSpecification extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 0F001

  127. object InvalidName extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 42602

  128. object InvalidObjectDefinition extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 42P17

  129. object InvalidParameterValue extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 22023

  130. object InvalidPassword extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 28P01

  131. object InvalidPreparedStatementDefinition extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 42P14

  132. object InvalidRecursion extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 42P19

  133. object InvalidRegularExpression extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 2201B

  134. object InvalidRoleSpecification extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 0P000

  135. object InvalidRowCountInLimitClause extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 2201W

  136. object InvalidRowCountInResultOffsetClause extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 2201X

  137. object InvalidSavepointSpecification extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 3B001

  138. object InvalidSchemaDefinition extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 42P15

  139. object InvalidSchemaName extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 3F000

  140. object InvalidSqlStatementName extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 26000

  141. object InvalidSqlstateReturned extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 39001

  142. object InvalidTableDefinition extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 42P16

  143. object InvalidTextRepresentation extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 22P02

  144. object InvalidTimeZoneDisplacementValue extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 22009

  145. object InvalidTransactionInitiation extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 0B000

  146. object InvalidTransactionState extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 25000

  147. object InvalidTransactionTermination extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 2D000

  148. object InvalidUseOfEscapeCharacter extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 2200C

  149. object InvalidXmlComment extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 2200S

  150. object InvalidXmlContent extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 2200N

  151. object InvalidXmlDocument extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 2200M

  152. object InvalidXmlProcessingInstruction extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 2200T

  153. object IoError extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 58030

  154. object LocatorException extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 0F000

  155. object LockFileExists extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState F0001

  156. object LockNotAvailable extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 55P03

  157. object ModifyingSqlDataNotPermitted2F extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 2F002

  158. object ModifyingSqlDataNotPermitted38 extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 38002

  159. object MostSpecificTypeMismatch extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 2200G

  160. object NameTooLong extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 42622

  161. object NoActiveSqlTransaction extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 25P01

  162. object NoActiveSqlTransactionForBranchTransaction extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 25005

  163. object NoAdditionalDynamicResultSetsReturned extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 02001

  164. object NoData extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 02000

  165. object NoDataFound extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState P0002

  166. object NonstandardUseOfEscapeCharacter extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 22P06

  167. object NotAnXmlDocument extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 2200L

  168. object NotNullViolation extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 23502

  169. object NullValueEliminatedInSetFunction extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 01003

  170. object NullValueNoIndicatorParameter extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 22002

  171. object NullValueNotAllowed extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 22004

  172. object NullValueNotAllowed39 extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 39004

  173. object NumericValueOutOfRange extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 22003

  174. object ObjectInUse extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 55006

  175. object ObjectNotInPrerequisiteState extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 55000

  176. object OperatorIntervention extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 57000

  177. object OutOfMemory extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 53200

  178. object PlpgsqlError extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState P0000

  179. object PrivilegeNotGranted extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 01007

  180. object PrivilegeNotRevoked extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 01006

  181. object ProgramLimitExceeded extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 54000

  182. object ProhibitedSqlStatementAttempted2F extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 2F003

  183. object ProhibitedSqlStatementAttempted38 extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 38003

  184. object ProtocolViolation extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 08P01

  185. object QueryCanceled extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 57014

  186. object RaiseException extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState P0001

  187. object ReadOnlySqlTransaction extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 25006

  188. object ReadingSqlDataNotPermitted2F extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 2F004

  189. object ReadingSqlDataNotPermitted38 extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 38004

  190. object ReservedName extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 42939

  191. object RestrictViolation extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 23001

  192. object SavepointException extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 3B000

  193. object SchemaAndDataStatementMixingNotSupported extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 25007

  194. object SerializationFailure extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 40001

  195. object SqlClientUnableToEstablishSqlConnection extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 08001

  196. object SqlRoutineException extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 2F000

  197. object SqlServerRejectedEstablishmentOfSqlConnection extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 08004

  198. object SqlStatementNotYetComplete extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 03000

  199. object SrfProtocolViolated extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 39P02

  200. object StatementCompletionUnknown extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 40003

  201. object StatementTooComplex extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 54001

  202. object StringDataLengthMismatch extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 22026

  203. object StringDataRightTruncation extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 22001

  204. object StringDataRightTruncation01 extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 01004

  205. object SubstringError extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 22011

  206. object SuccessfulCompletion extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 00000

  207. object SyntaxError extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 42601

  208. object SyntaxErrorOrAccessRuleViolation extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 42000

  209. object TooManyArguments extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 54023

  210. object TooManyColumns extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 54011

  211. object TooManyConnections extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 53300

  212. object TooManyRows extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState P0003

  213. object TransactionIntegrityConstraintViolation extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 40002

  214. object TransactionResolutionUnknown extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 08007

  215. object TransactionRollback extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 40000

  216. object TriggerProtocolViolated extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 39P01

  217. object TriggeredActionException extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 09000

  218. object TriggeredDataChangeViolation extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 27000

  219. object TrimError extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 22027

  220. object UndefinedColumn extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 42703

  221. object UndefinedFile extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 58P01

  222. object UndefinedFunction extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 42883

  223. object UndefinedObject extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 42704

  224. object UndefinedParameter extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 42P02

  225. object UndefinedTable extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 42P01

  226. object UniqueViolation extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 23505

  227. object UnterminatedCString extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 22024

  228. object UntranslatableCharacter extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 22P05

  229. object Warning extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 01000

  230. object WindowingError extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 42P20

  231. object WithCheckOptionViolation extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 44000

  232. object WrongObjectType extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 42809

  233. object ZeroLengthCharacterString extends SqlState with Product with Serializable

    SqlState 2200F

Inherited from Enum[SqlState]

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any

