



package discipline

Linear Supertypes
Content Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. discipline
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. trait AlignTests[F[_]] extends Laws
  2. trait AlternativeTests[F[_]] extends NonEmptyAlternativeTests[F] with MonoidKTests[F]
  3. trait ApplicativeErrorTests[F[_], E] extends ApplicativeTests[F]
  4. trait ApplicativeTests[F[_]] extends ApplyTests[F]
  5. trait ApplyTests[F[_]] extends FunctorTests[F] with SemigroupalTests[F]
  6. trait ArrowChoiceTests[F[_, _]] extends ArrowTests[F] with ChoiceTests[F]
  7. trait ArrowTests[F[_, _]] extends CategoryTests[F] with StrongTests[F]
  8. trait BifoldableTests[F[_, _]] extends Laws
  9. trait BifunctorTests[F[_, _]] extends Laws
  10. trait BimonadTests[F[_]] extends MonadTests[F] with ComonadTests[F]
  11. trait BitraverseTests[F[_, _]] extends BifoldableTests[F] with BifunctorTests[F]
  12. trait CategoryTests[F[_, _]] extends ComposeTests[F]
  13. trait ChoiceTests[F[_, _]] extends CategoryTests[F]
  14. trait CoflatMapTests[F[_]] extends Laws with FunctorTests[F]
  15. trait CommutativeApplicativeTests[F[_]] extends CommutativeApplyTests[F] with ApplicativeTests[F]
  16. trait CommutativeApplyTests[F[_]] extends ApplyTests[F]
  17. trait CommutativeArrowTests[F[_, _]] extends ArrowTests[F]
  18. trait CommutativeFlatMapTests[F[_]] extends FlatMapTests[F] with CommutativeApplyTests[F]
  19. trait CommutativeMonadTests[F[_]] extends MonadTests[F] with CommutativeFlatMapTests[F] with CommutativeApplicativeTests[F]
  20. trait ComonadTests[F[_]] extends CoflatMapTests[F]
  21. trait ComposeTests[F[_, _]] extends Laws
  22. trait ContravariantMonoidalTests[F[_]] extends ContravariantSemigroupalTests[F]
  23. trait ContravariantSemigroupalTests[F[_]] extends ContravariantTests[F] with SemigroupalTests[F]
  24. trait ContravariantTests[F[_]] extends InvariantTests[F]
  25. trait DeferTests[F[_]] extends Laws
  26. trait DistributiveTests[F[_]] extends FunctorTests[F]
  27. trait ExhaustiveCheck[A] extends Serializable

    An ExhuastiveCheck[A] instance can be used similarly to a ScalaCheck Gen[A] instance, but differs in that it generates a List of the entire domain of values as opposed to generating a random sampling of values.

  28. trait FlatMapTests[F[_]] extends ApplyTests[F]
  29. trait FoldableTests[F[_]] extends UnorderedFoldableTests[F]
  30. trait FunctorFilterTests[F[_]] extends Laws
  31. trait FunctorTests[F[_]] extends InvariantTests[F]
  32. trait InjectKTests[F[_], G[_]] extends Laws
  33. trait InjectTests[A, B] extends Laws
  34. trait InvariantMonoidalTests[F[_]] extends InvariantSemigroupalTests[F]
  35. trait InvariantSemigroupalTests[F[_]] extends InvariantTests[F] with SemigroupalTests[F]
  36. trait InvariantTests[F[_]] extends Laws
  37. final class MiniInt extends AnyVal with Serializable

    Similar to Int, but with a much smaller domain.

    Similar to Int, but with a much smaller domain. The exact range of MiniInt may be tuned from time to time, so consumers of this type should avoid depending on its exact range.

    MiniInt has integer overflow characteristics similar to Int (but with a smaller radix), meaning that its addition and multiplication are commutative and associative.

  38. trait MonadErrorTests[F[_], E] extends ApplicativeErrorTests[F, E] with MonadTests[F]
  39. trait MonadTests[F[_]] extends ApplicativeTests[F] with FlatMapTests[F]
  40. trait MonoidKTests[F[_]] extends SemigroupKTests[F]
  41. trait NonEmptyAlternativeTests[F[_]] extends ApplicativeTests[F] with SemigroupKTests[F]
  42. trait NonEmptyParallelTests[M[_]] extends Laws
  43. trait NonEmptyTraverseTests[F[_]] extends TraverseTests[F] with ReducibleTests[F]
  44. trait ParallelTests[M[_]] extends NonEmptyParallelTests[M]
  45. trait ProfunctorTests[F[_, _]] extends Laws
  46. trait ReducibleTests[F[_]] extends FoldableTests[F]
  47. trait RepresentableTests[F[_], R] extends Laws
  48. trait SemigroupKTests[F[_]] extends Laws
  49. trait SemigroupalTests[F[_]] extends Laws
  50. trait ShortCircuitingTests[F[_]] extends Laws
  51. trait StrongTests[F[_, _]] extends ProfunctorTests[F]
  52. trait TraverseFilterTests[F[_]] extends FunctorFilterTests[F]
  53. trait TraverseTests[F[_]] extends FunctorTests[F] with FoldableTests[F] with UnorderedTraverseTests[F]
  54. trait UnorderedFoldableTests[F[_]] extends Laws
  55. trait UnorderedTraverseTests[F[_]] extends UnorderedFoldableTests[F]

Value Members

  1. val SerializableTests: kernel.laws.discipline.SerializableTests.type
  2. implicit def catsLawsIsEqToProp[A](isEq: IsEq[A])(implicit arg0: Eq[A], pp: (A) => Pretty): Prop
  3. object AlignTests
  4. object AlternativeTests
  5. object ApplicativeErrorTests
  6. object ApplicativeTests
  7. object ApplyTests
  8. object ArrowChoiceTests
  9. object ArrowTests
  10. object BifoldableTests
  11. object BifunctorTests
  12. object BimonadTests
  13. object BitraverseTests
  14. object CategoryTests
  15. object ChoiceTests
  16. object CoflatMapTests
  17. object CommutativeApplicativeTests
  18. object CommutativeApplyTests
  19. object CommutativeArrowTests
  20. object CommutativeFlatMapTests
  21. object CommutativeMonadTests
  22. object ComonadTests
  23. object ComposeTests
  24. object ContravariantMonoidalTests
  25. object ContravariantSemigroupalTests
  26. object ContravariantTests
  27. object DeferTests
  28. object DistributiveTests
  29. object ExhaustiveCheck extends Serializable
  30. object FlatMapTests
  31. object FoldableTests
  32. object FunctorFilterTests
  33. object FunctorTests
  34. object InjectKTests
  35. object InjectTests
  36. object InvariantMonoidalTests
  37. object InvariantSemigroupalTests
  38. object InvariantTests
  39. object MiniInt extends Serializable
  40. object MonadErrorTests
  41. object MonadTests
  42. object MonoidKTests
  43. object NonEmptyAlternativeTests
  44. object NonEmptyParallelTests
  45. object NonEmptyTraverseTests
  46. object ParallelTests
  47. object ProfunctorTests
  48. object ReducibleTests
  49. object RepresentableTests
  50. object SemigroupKTests
  51. object SemigroupalTests
  52. object ShortCircuitingTests
  53. object StrongTests
  54. object TraverseFilterTests
  55. object TraverseTests
  56. object UnorderedFoldableTests
  57. object UnorderedTraverseTests
  58. object arbitrary extends ArbitraryInstances0 with ArbitraryInstances

    Arbitrary instances for

    Arbitrary instances for

  59. object eq

Deprecated Value Members

  1. object DeprecatedEqInstances

    (Since version 2.0) These instances are questionable and can lead to false positives. For the sake of compatibility, they haven't been removed, but they should be considered to be deprecated, and we put them in a lower implicit scope priority.

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
