
  • package root
    Definition Classes
  • package cats

    The cats root package contains all the trait signatures of most Scala type classes.

    The cats root package contains all the trait signatures of most Scala type classes.

    Cats type classes are implemented using the approach from the Type classes as objects and implicits article.

    For each type class, cats provides three pieces: - Its signature: a trait that is polymorphic on a type parameter. Type class traits inherit from other type classes to indicate that any implementation of the lower type class (e.g. Applicative) can also serve as an instance for the higuer type class (e.g. Functor). - Type class 'instances, which are classes and objects that implement one or more type class signatures for some specific types. Type class instances for several data types from the Java or Scala standard libraries are declared in the subpackage cats.instances. - Syntax extensions, each of which provides the methods of the type class defines as extension methods (which in Scala 2 are encoded as implicit classes) for values of any type F; given that an instance of the type class for the receiver type (this) is in the implicit scope. Symtax extensions are declared in the cats.syntax package. - A set of laws, that are also generic on the type of the class, and are only defined on the operations of the type class. The purpose of these laws is to declare some algebraic relations (equations) between Scala expressions involving the operations of the type class, and test (but not verify) that implemented instances satisfy those equations. Laws are defined in the cats-laws package.

    Although most of cats type classes are declared in this package, some are declared in other packages: - type classes that operate on base types (kind *), and their implementations for standard library types, are contained in cats.kernel, which is a different SBT project. However, they are re-exported from this package. - type classes of kind F[_, _], such as cats.arrow.Profunctor" or cats.arrow.Arrow, which are relevant for Functional Reactive Programming or optics, are declared in the cats.arrow package. - Also, those type classes that abstract over (pure or impure) functional runtime effects are declared in the cats-effect library. - Some type classes for which no laws can be provided are left out of the main road, in a small and dirty alley. These are the alleycats.

    Definition Classes
  • package kernel
    Definition Classes
  • package laws
    Definition Classes
  • package discipline
    Definition Classes
  • BandTests
  • BoundedEnumerableTests
  • BoundedSemilatticeTests
  • CommutativeGroupTests
  • CommutativeMonoidTests
  • CommutativeSemigroupTests
  • EqTests
  • GroupTests
  • HashTests
  • LowerBoundedTests
  • MonoidTests
  • OrderTests
  • PartialNextTests
  • PartialOrderTests
  • PartialPreviousTests
  • SemigroupTests
  • SemilatticeTests
  • SerializableTests
  • UpperBoundedTests



package discipline

Linear Supertypes
Content Hierarchy
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. discipline
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. trait BandTests[A] extends SemigroupTests[A]
  2. trait BoundedEnumerableTests[A] extends OrderTests[A] with PartialNextTests[A] with PartialPreviousTests[A]
  3. trait BoundedSemilatticeTests[A] extends CommutativeMonoidTests[A] with SemilatticeTests[A]
  4. trait CommutativeGroupTests[A] extends CommutativeMonoidTests[A] with GroupTests[A]
  5. trait CommutativeMonoidTests[A] extends CommutativeSemigroupTests[A] with MonoidTests[A]
  6. trait CommutativeSemigroupTests[A] extends SemigroupTests[A]
  7. trait EqTests[A] extends Laws
  8. trait GroupTests[A] extends MonoidTests[A]
  9. trait HashTests[A] extends EqTests[A]
  10. trait LowerBoundedTests[A] extends PartialOrderTests[A]
  11. trait MonoidTests[A] extends SemigroupTests[A]
  12. trait OrderTests[A] extends PartialOrderTests[A]
  13. trait PartialNextTests[A] extends PartialOrderTests[A]
  14. trait PartialOrderTests[A] extends EqTests[A]
  15. trait PartialPreviousTests[A] extends PartialOrderTests[A]
  16. trait SemigroupTests[A] extends Laws
  17. trait SemilatticeTests[A] extends CommutativeSemigroupTests[A] with BandTests[A]
  18. trait UpperBoundedTests[A] extends PartialOrderTests[A]

Value Members

  1. implicit def catsLawsIsEqToProp[A](isEq: IsEq[A])(implicit ev: Eq[A], pp: (A) => Pretty): Prop
  2. object BandTests
  3. object BoundedEnumerableTests
  4. object BoundedSemilatticeTests
  5. object CommutativeGroupTests
  6. object CommutativeMonoidTests
  7. object CommutativeSemigroupTests
  8. object EqTests
  9. object GroupTests
  10. object HashTests
  11. object LowerBoundedTests
  12. object MonoidTests
  13. object OrderTests
  14. object PartialOrderTests
  15. object SemigroupTests
  16. object SemilatticeTests
  17. object SerializableTests extends Laws
  18. object UpperBoundedTests

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
